There seems to be a lot of possibilities in your photos. The codes and symbols used by the KGC were modeled after the Spanish codes as well as their own designs for signs and other "secret" symbols. You will have to research, not only the Spanish code system, but also the Masonic signs and symbols AND, lastly, the codes of rock masons. WHEW!!!!!!! That's a lot and is a good reason that many folks concentrate on the KGC, alone, as their treasure hunting interests.
There are many very good and knowledgeable folks in the KGC section who would help you if they can. I haven't been in that section for quite a while, but Texasjay and RebelKGC were 2 of the good folks who fit that description well. There are more, but 2 stick in my memory.
In your first photo, above, that large "W" looking figure is not actually a "W" , but is two Roman numeral "V"s for a combined value of 10 and since they are together like that, double the sum to equal 20. Now that could the value for distance OR depth. Anytime you see a "W" or "M" figure that has a gap in the center peak area, then figure it as a double "V". If you find an "M" shape where the center valley goes down to the same level as the bottoms of the 2 side legs, that would be an upside down "W" OR two upside down "V"s OR is the sign of an owl's ears. If the center valley only goes down a little.......say half way, it is an "M" that stands for Minerva (owl), which is what the Spanish used for sign. The "M" also has the value of "15" in the Spanish code alphabet. WHEW!!!! Now you can see how much study can be involved. NOTHING, will be completely cut and dried in following those trials. And, lastly.........there will NEVER be a "dig here" sign, so don't expect any "X marks the spot" signs.
Good luck, and enjoy the hunt.