Franklin, Sorry I missed this when it was current. Please clear up a couple of things you said here. First, how do you know a Beech tree is 435 years old. Did you core drill the tree? Secondly how do you know there are exactly 58 depositories?
Third thing is why go to all the trouble to get to the depository maps? Do you not know most if not all the maps to the depositories in the USA are already in the hands of some people. Maybe if you would ask nicely for a map to a specific depository someone might post it right here on this site. I do know of a book that has copies of a couple of those waybill/maps and that several caches of treasure have been located and a few recovered. I viewed a History Channel program about a cemetery in Danville, VA showing carvings on some trees and a grave with a waybill on it. I heard awhile back that a big treasure was found using the stuff shown in the video.

Nothing on that video was worth crap. No big treasure has been found or recovered from the video. A man and his partner come to Danville and in two and one half days they say they solved where the treasures were and they said they were not in Danville but eighteen miles away. All CRAP. The holly tree with the arrow and eight on it. He said he did not even see the date on the tree. Well it has a date. It has compass readings and distance to several other signs but he did not see them either. The reason he did not see any of this is because I did not tell a partner that double crossed me and went and told him everything. I have a copy of the message he sent to him on his blogsite. At least all that he knew but he did not know everything. You can not tell everything until the time is right and I have not gotten to that point in time as of today let along eight years ago.

The maps you are referring to are maps to the treasures west of the Mississippi River not East of the Mississippi River.

Hello Rennes, and welcome to Tnet! :hello:

One other thought I had refers back to the OP, which states:
"We believe these gold depositories contain enough gold to pay off the National Deficit and that is exactly what the "gofundme" drive is for. Please pass the word and let us make this happen. Our country right now is on life support. If we do not act now it may be too late later."
Ok, let's say that you get the money for the lawyers, AND you take the gov't to court, AND you win, AND you so generously pay off the national debt..... Wow! That would be quite an accomplishment! But what then?? This IS the federal government, after all. ...You know, the folks who like to spend YOUR hard-earned money, even decades before you've earned it! So let's assume for a moment that all of this came to pass. .....What then?? Would we learn our lesson and change our spending habits? Or....would it be like handing over a handfull of clean, fresh credit cards to the gov't? I argue the latter. Even with "fiscal conservative" Trump in office, there's just no possible way you're gonna stop the U.S. Federal Government from over-spending overnight!! It just ain't gonna happen.

Throw into that mix all of the unforeseen things - natural disasters, wars, lining pockets, etc, etc, etc. It adds up pretty darn fast! Besides, even for Trump to fix much of what's wrong is going to cost BIG $$$$. Why? Because you can't fix a huge hole in a dyke/dam by plugging it with a toothpick. It's gonna take a huge effort to make "real and lasting change" in D.C.!!

I had a similar thought once, and wished I could somehow come up with a way to pay off the national debt. Yes, it's a very generous and ambitious goal, but also very improbable. Even if it could be done, doesn't mean it would help matters any. Yes, you can dangle a carrot in front of them with conditions attached, but this IS the Federal Government we're talking about here!!

If you had gold in hand already, I could see you getting a lawyer (or maybe a TEAM of lawyers) to go into federal court. Problem is, nobody is gonna work on promises - ESPECIALLY with the gov't involved!

PS - My thoughts to "help" the gov't occurred back when I used to watch Glenn Beck on FOX News. Everything was such a DO-IT-NOW-OR-ELSE!! catastrophe with him, and I really got caught up in it for a while. So much so that I completely and 100% told DISH Network to get the heck out of my house!! I didn't need to be paying that much per month for some yahoo to tell me the sky is falling. When it falls, I'll know. In the meantime, I look around and educate myself as to "how things work". Sorry, but I just can't see your amazingly benevolent deed really "helping" in the way you think it will. ...Call me a pessimist. :toothy4:

First let me say that you sir are correct. I know it is not going to happen. The path our country is headed down since this last election we will be lucky if any of us are alive to see the next election. But not getting off onto politics. The reason I offered to pay off the National Deficit is because one man paid for this country to exist to start with and the government placed him into Debtor's Prison. In today's dollars he spent 754 Billion Dollars of his own assets and raised more from individuals that he did business with both local and foreign. There will never be a greater man next behind Jesus than was Robert Morris. I only wanted to do what he did over 230 years ago. I have always known that catastrophic things have to happen before I will get to recover these treasures and they have not happened yet but they have left the starting line. One day we will see.

Franklin, Sorry I missed this when it was current. Please clear up a couple of things you said here. First, how do you know a Beech tree is 435 years old. Did you core drill the tree? Secondly how do you know there are exactly 58 depositories?
Third thing is why go to all the trouble to get to the depository maps? Do you not know most if not all the maps to the depositories in the USA are already in the hands of some people. Maybe if you would ask nicely for a map to a specific depository someone might post it right here on this site. I do know of a book that has copies of a couple of those waybill/maps and that several caches of treasure have been located and a few recovered. I viewed a History Channel program about a cemetery in Danville, VA showing carvings on some trees and a grave with a waybill on it. I heard awhile back that a big treasure was found using the stuff shown in the video.

The maps by Orvus Hauk will led to no treasure as has already been proven. And no treasure has been found by reading anything on a tree that was on the History Channel in a cemetery in Danville, Va. There are other trees in those cemeteries that you HBB and John London knew nothing about as I did not tell my partner and his wife that double crossed me and gave that information to you. I do not need your maps as they are counterfeit, bogus and useless, my maps however are real and you, HBB and John London have never seen them. They speak of enormous treasure that you know nothing about.

So I see this thread is a couple of yrs. old. Did you get Josh Gates? How is the gofundme going? Do you have a court date? Good luck.

So I see this thread is a couple of yrs. old. Did you get Josh Gates? How is the gofundme going? Do you have a court date? Good luck.

Called the office of Josh Gates--------no reply. Gofundme did not Fundme either. No court date and nothing has been done. While our government has since my last offer went another 10 Trillion Dollars in debt.

POSTED Sept 22,2016 #1 on this thread


Over five and one half years ago my partner Big Ed and I found KGC Symbols and Signs on a 435 year old beech tree in the National Cemetery of Danville, Virginia. Some of you may have seen the stories in the Danville Register and Bee Newspaper or on WRAL Channel 5 in Durham---Raleigh, North Carolina.
We have tried every avenue and option legally available to us. The US Government gave us one last option and I hope that the posters here on this forum will pass the word to other forums and other media available to them.

This morning I started a "gofundme" drive to take the United States Government to court. You can find the link, I am unable to copy and paste.
I know and absolutely believe that we can win in a Federal District in Danville, Virginia to get permission to dig up the maps to 58 Gold Depositories of the CSA and KGC.
We believe these gold depositories contain enough gold to pay off the National Deficit and that is exactly what the "gofundme" drive is for. Please pass the word and let us make this happen.
Our country right now is on life support. If we do not act now it may be too late later. Pass the word please.
What branch of the US Government gave you one last option?
According this post, you state that 11 years ago alleged KGC signs and symbols carved on a 435 year old beech tree in the National Cemetery of Danville is evidence of a grave containing maps leading to 58 KGC Depositories.
Is this what you presented to Kathleen S Kilpatrick, Dir of Virginia DHR, and other people, organizations, and government agencies as proof of these alleged KGC treasure depositories?
You have also mentioned a small cache of period coins found beneath a stump in that Danville cemetery, but neither of these are conclusive evidence that a grave in this cemetery contains alleged KGC depository maps, and most likely explains the hesitation of all that you contacted to get involved in an exhumation project based on such slim alleged facts.

... Please clear up a couple of things you said here.
First, how do you know a Beech tree is 435 years old. Did you core drill the tree?
Secondly how do you know there are exactly 58 depositories..
These are valid questions that need to addressed, especially concerning the American Beech tree, as the oldest documented Beech tree was 246 years old.

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What branch of the US Government gave you one last option?
According this post, you state that 11 years ago alleged KGC signs and symbols carved on a 435 year old beech tree in the National Cemetery of Danville is evidence of a grave containing maps leading to 58 KGC Depositories.
Is this what you presented to Kathleen S Kilpatrick, Dir of Virginia DHR, and other people, organizations, and government agencies as proof of these alleged KGC treasure depositories?
You have also mentioned a small cache of period coins found beneath a stump in that Danville cemetery, but neither of these are conclusive evidence that a grave in this cemetery contains alleged KGC depository maps, and most likely explains the hesitation of all that you contacted to get involved in an exhumation project based on such slim alleged facts.

Different Cemeteries.

These are valid questions that need to addressed, especially concerning the American Beech tree, as the oldest documented Beech tree was 246 years old.

They are wrong. I have found another beech tree that is 535 years old with carvings of William Byrd III when he surveyed the State Lines between Virginia and North Carolina. 365 Year Old Beech Tree.webp This one is about 120 years older than the one you said was the oldest. I had ancestors that used the stumps for pig pens the trees were so large.

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That's awesome! Just curious how you achieved the age of the trees? Circumference (inches) divided by pi x 5 equals approximate age ?

They are wrong. I have found another beech tree that is 535 years old with carvings of William Byrd III when he surveyed the State Lines between Virginia and North Carolina...
Franklin, you always claim everyone is wrong but you.
Where and when did you discover this William Byrd III (1728-1777) carved Beech tree and how did you determine it was 535 years old?
Also the D Boone carved Beech tree was "estimated" by the Forest Service to be 365 years old.
Once again, the only Beech tree that was actually scientifically examined and documented for age was 246 Years old.

What branch of the US Government gave you one last option?
According this post, you state that 11 years ago alleged KGC signs and symbols carved on a 435 year old beech tree in the National Cemetery of Danville is evidence of a grave containing maps leading to 58 KGC Depositories.
Is this what you presented to Kathleen S Kilpatrick, Dir of Virginia DHR, and other people, organizations, and government agencies as proof of these alleged KGC treasure depositories?
You have also mentioned a small cache of period coins found beneath a stump in that Danville cemetery, but neither of these are conclusive evidence that a grave in this cemetery contains alleged KGC depository maps, and most likely explains the hesitation of all that you contacted to get involved in an exhumation project based on such slim alleged facts.

Listen ECS. I have the Name on the Headstone. I have the Number on the grave which the headstone stands. I have the Section of the Cemetery the grave with the Headstone is located. That should be plain enough to find what I have been looking for for over 60 years.

Franklin, you always claim everyone is wrong but you.
Where and when did you discover this William Byrd III (1728-1777) carved Beech tree and how did you determine it was 535 years old?
Also the D Boone carved Beech tree was "estimated" by the Forest Service to be 365 years old.
Once again, the only Beech tree that was actually scientifically examined and documented for age was 246 Years old.

You never give up. If the forestry department had did the math correctly the tree would have been 654 years old when it fell. There is a beech tree in northern Virginia that was marked in the 1670's by French trappers. I have not located this tree yet. There is a sycamore tree on the Buchannon River that French Trappers camped under in the late 1600's. It still stands. I have been under that tree. Some local yocals built a fire under the tree. They most likely have destroyed the tree. You could park two or three cars under the tree.

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Listen ECS. I have the Name on the Headstone. I have the Number on the grave which the headstone stands. I have the Section of the Cemetery the grave with the Headstone is located. That should be plain enough to find what I have been looking for for over 60 years.
Having headstone name, grave number, section, is really not proof that KGC maps to 58 depositories are in that grave.

William, I am not good with that type of math.

I'm curious how the beech tree was measured to get that age? I've measured the tree to be 305 years. I don't believe it could be any older.16ftdiameter =192inches÷3.14×5

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I'm curious how the beech tree was measured to get that age? I've measured the tree to be 305 years. I don't believe it could be any older.16ftdiameter =192inches÷3.14×5

You should have multiply by 6. You would have came up with 366. Only you have the circumference wrong. It is 226.Screenshot_2020-07-13 how to measure the age of a beech tree - Google Search.webp

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Having headstone name, grave number, section, is really not proof that KGC maps to 58 depositories are in that grave.

One of those Holly Trees that they had on the History Channel in the Brad Meltzer's show, "Lost Confederate Gold" had it on there saying that was where the maps were located and how deep, compass reading from the tree and distance and location of the grave. Another tree gives the name on the headstone, the number on the grave and the section of the cemetery. Another tree has to be followed with directions to find the last tree with the headstone and information on it.The trees and their locations were given to the two on that show, Hillbilly Bob Brewer and John London by a double crossing partner I once had. Too bad I did not tell him everything. There were a total of 7 trees marked only 6 remain.

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