Kevins own thread - a journal (but feel free to post random thoughts)

Kevin's own thread - a journal (but feel free to post random thoughts)

Got out again today. We had snow yesterday and then it all melted off in a few hours at midday. My little creek must have really been going for a while as my hole had a lot of sand in it today. This reduced my production quite a bit. Still a ton of fun of course. Went to see Selma at the movies with my wife tonight so no panning of cons occurred.

Did some repair on the boot between trips but the boot still leaks. Grr.

Nice! I was out yesterday in my spot and will be back out there today. The bazooka makes SUCH a difference, lol

Hi Kevin, I like reading your posts and seeing all the gold you find. I was wondering if you could give me some information? Me and my soon to be wife are going to manitou springs for our honeymoon. She has told me I can do a little bit of panning and sluicing when we are there, so do you know if there are any good places in that area to go?


Hi Joey, there's no gold in that area. You'd have to drive an hour or so to get to dirt worth digging. Either up my way in south Denver area or west to the Arkansas River.

Lol the story of my life. Ok we are going to stay in Denver for one day maybe I can get two out of her and do some prospecting in the Denver area.

Naw not for a sluice

She has told me I can do a little bit of panning and sluicing when we are there....Joey

First, congratulations on the engagement...:icon_thumright:

But...this concerns me..."She has told me I can do....."

I'm all for having respect of ones wife (mine is my but the best
way to avoid this issue in the future is you tell her you're going to do
some prospecting, and then politely ask if she has any issues with it.

Marriage is a partnership; not a sale. I do understand that this is your honeymoon,
and there's always time for prospecting later, BUT, when you get married you do
not give up the right to do the things you enjoy, and the same goes for her life.

A great deal of angst and animosity can build up over time when a husband
feels he needs to ask "permission" to go do something he enjoys. Understandably,
there are at times compromises that must made, and that's when you can earn more
of her respect for you, as we need to be equally as accommodating and respectful of
activities she wants to do.

Avoid this situation when at all possible:

Seriously though, marriage is an awesome adventure, and the best
part of it is having your wife and best friend right there with you as
you experience it all together.

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Kevin's own thread - a journal (but feel free to post random thoughts)

ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1424140521.212877.webp 0.09 grams from last Thursday. Sorry the tiny stuff is blurry - cell phone camera in the hands of an amateur! +30 gold at the bottom, 30-50 up top, -50 in between.

Hi Kevin, I like reading your posts and seeing all the gold you find. I was wondering if you could give me some information? Me and my soon to be wife are going to manitou springs for our honeymoon. She has told me I can do a little bit of panning and sluicing when we are there, so do you know if there are any good places in that area to go?


No gold, but you could go up the cog wheel railway there in Manitou Springs. You can see the Cripple Creek-Victor Mine from the top (to the W by SW). You can also go to Cripple Creek; they have a fairly nice mining museum there. But no place here to really do any panning or sluicing. Like Kevin said, Denver creeks/South Platte River or the Arkansas River to the west.

When are you getting married? Maybe I can help you find a place to go; drop me a PM. If you are coming before late spring, the Denver area is best since the weather and snow may not be gone in the high country.

DizzyDigger, thanks but let me say it was a bad choice of wording on my part. I have found a great woman that doesn't play games or likes drama. I know marriage is a wonderful thing IF with the right person. I think I have found that person. It's one of the main reasons we are going to Colorado, she knows how much I enjoy prospecting. This will be our first time going to Colorado to see its Beauty in maybe even get a little color in the pan. I just hope the weather is good in the time frame we will be there. March 8-16


DizzyDigger, thanks but let me say it was a bad choice of wording on my part. I have found a great woman that doesn't play games or likes drama. I know marriage is a wonderful thing IF with the right person. I think I have found that person. It's one of the main reasons we are going to Colorado, she knows how much I enjoy prospecting. This will be our first time going to Colorado to see its Beauty in maybe even get a little color in the pan. I just hope the weather is good in the time frame we will be there. March 8-16


I hereby predict lots of sunshine and mild weather interrupted by a snowstorm lol!

Maybe I'll run into you on the creek. Even if we hit a snow storm I'm sure we can find something to do ;-) I have always want to go to Colorado.

Post your times/dates/locations on here and maybe one of us CO guys will meet you even if I can't...hope I can!

Post your times/dates/locations on here and maybe one of us CO guys will meet you even if I can't...hope I can!

I sure hope I can get out that way sometime Kevin and meet up with yuu and the gang out that way for some digging. I'd love to attend a Colorado Miners Bash, you guys should consider having one! ;-) So did you get the new truck and camper? Sure would be nice for you and the wife to make it to the Motherlode Miners Bash 2015, happening in April!

Hey Sherry, we are just doing our truck research. Purchase will be about a year from now after I presumably retire :)

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