She has told me I can do a little bit of panning and sluicing when we are there....Joey
First, congratulations on the engagement...
But...this concerns me..."She has told me I can do....."
I'm all for having respect of ones wife (mine is my but the best
way to avoid this issue in the future is
you tell her you're going to do
some prospecting, and then politely ask if she has any issues with it.
Marriage is a partnership; not a sale. I do understand that this is your honeymoon,
and there's always time for prospecting later, BUT, when you get married you do
not give up the right to do the things you enjoy, and the same goes for her life.
A great deal of angst and animosity can build up over time when a husband
feels he needs to ask "permission" to go do something he enjoys. Understandably,
there are at times compromises that must made, and that's when you can earn more
of her respect for you, as we need to be equally as accommodating and respectful of
activities she wants to do.
Avoid this situation when at all possible:
Seriously though, marriage is an awesome adventure, and the best
part of it is having your wife and best friend right there with you as
you experience it all together.