Kevins own thread - a journal (but feel free to post random thoughts)

When I used to work in the woods down in Southern Oregon/Nor Cal (left there in late 80s), I usually drove the crew rigs. Always 4wd, full crew cab ("6 pack"), long bed (8'). It's amazing the places you can put those things & the places you can turn them around when you get used to them!

When I used to work in the woods down in Southern Oregon/Nor Cal (left there in late 80s), I usually drove the crew rigs. Always 4wd, full crew cab ("6 pack"), long bed (8'). It's amazing the places you can put those things & the places you can turn them around when you get used to them!

Thanks for the vote of confidence and encouragement. We are excited!

Kevin's own thread - a journal (but feel free to post random thoughts)

Got out today. Back at my honey hole:
ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1420763775.803939.webp that's the Bazooka Prospector. With all the snow melt today there was more than enough water to run it, in a spot where I've used the Sniper before due to lower flows.
Still have to pan out the cons of course but my peek at the creek looked really good :)

Nice, it was a glorious day, I'm sure your take will echo that.
Side note, may have busted a couple of toes "saving" my bgt falling off the top of the sluice hauler. D'oh!
Sacrifice the body people! LoL

Looks good Kevin! One day, hopefully, we can dig alongside each other :)

Looks good Kevin! One day, hopefully, we can dig alongside each other :)

I'd like that and in a year or two I WILL get out to CA in our camper for a month or two of prospecting, beaches and National Parks :) Just gotta get done with this pesky "work" stuff!

Work, Work - indeed.
my days off have changed much, often as of late.

However, this Monday or Tues I should be getting out to the river; either that or to the BLM office in town..

be well Kevin; keep digging deep!

I'd like that and in a year or two I WILL get out to CA in our camper for a month or two of prospecting, beaches and National Parks :) Just gotta get done with this pesky "work" stuff!

Don't forget to visit me first and get the TRUE Northern CA experience. That way, it will only get better the further south you go.:thumbsup:

Don't forget to visit me first and get the TRUE Northern CA experience. That way, it will only get better the further south you go.:thumbsup:

Will do...I LOVE big trees so my first stops will be in your neck of the woods (literally) for sure!

Back around 1984 I had the largest slide in pickup camper that Winnebago made. I had it for 3 years and both loved it and hated it .It had a shower/bathroom on the back of the camper and sat off the back of the truck by at least 2 feet. The bed over the cab was a king size. This camper was very heavy and I had a 4x4 ¾ ton Chevy with extra springs and a 4:10 rear end. A dully would have been better, but I needed the truck for non- camping use also. My kids were young and we took a lot of trips the longest was 23 days.

The big pickup campers can be a real problem in both storage and getting them on and off the truck. In storage they have to be on a very level area and had to be sitting on cinder blocks. Raising them up to load can be a challenge. They have to be a few inches higher than the bed at a minimum and when they are sitting up like that it gets hairy if you have a wind going at all. With the extended height of the 4x4 it is going to be really high!

The bigger campers have to be tied down to the truck body (mine was chained) so they were more stable in the wind and when you were passed by the big semi’s and when you took turns other wise you had alot of sway. The biggest problem I had were tires. Get the best tires with the highest load rating that you can. It took a few blown tires to figure that out. Then again I was younger then and much wiser!! I knew more than my dad did.

The biggest hassle we had was the fact that you had to pack everything up if you planned on going anywhere for the day. It was nice however when you are traveling and just pull over and eat anywhere you want. We had some awesome views at times when we ate.

I did sell the pickup camper and bought a 29 foot travel trailer that I had for 4 years and then sold that and bought a cabin in the woods.

As for a truck, you will need one that is rated for the size of the pickup camper that you are buying. That can be a chore in the used market sometimes. You have to know what the gross vehicle weight of the truck and camper and not go over it. Your vehicle insurance may not pay for an accident if you are involved in one when you are overweight. They know what those campers weigh and are happy to take your money until you need it.

As for trucks, I have always been a Chevy buyer. I have owned 5 Chevy 4x4’s and in August of 14 I bought a Ram 1500 extended cab 4x4 because of the 8 speed transmission and the lifetime warranty. I get between 22 to 24 miles per gallon on the road with a 3:55 rear end. I don’t think I will ever go back to Chevy again.

As for the extended length of the truck, It can be a problem however If you are able to plan ahead and figure out where you are going you can get it turned around, but you have to be watching where you are going so you don’t run your attached ladder into a tree.

I myself am thinking of buying a travel trailer next year and plan on going out west to see the sights. Due to my experiences I would not go with a pickup camper again.


Thanks for sharing your experience and insight. My wife is adamantly against a trailer so that's not really an option for us. Still your comments will help as I sort out a truck to match the camper.

Hi Dave, it was killin' me that I didn't get out but my daughter wanted my help so my choice was clear...been wrapped around her little finger for years lol! I'm hoping we get decent weather some time next week...fingers crossed!

Hey, I completely understand; family comes first. And I do the same thing, my daughters and granddaughters know Daddy (or granddaddy can't resist whatever they want). For the grandkids, either my wife or I give right in. But for daughters, it was me 'cause mom might say "No!" but not dad. :)

ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1420787888.242919.webpa quick shake, tap and swirl shows the -50 I'm excited!
ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1420787950.845439.webp flakes visible in the classifier ...this is 20-50 material. There were also 10 flakes in the +20 material.
And the money shot:ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1420788035.265474.webp that little pile!

Love that Bazooka and love metro Denver prospecting!!

Is that just from the one outing?

Yup, less than 2 hours of digging!

Damn... I know where I'm going next time the sun is out and my time is free <3
Nice take!

Very nice Kevin and the hole keeps giving. If it keeps up you may have a good down payment. On your truck camper. I wish I lived in your neck of the woods. Guess I need to start playing the lottery. The amount of gold I find. Won"t get me very far.

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