Well I am back from colorado!
Well, I am back home again. My computer didn’t play well with the Days Inn Wi-Fi adapter in Golden so I couldn’t do an update.
Monday we hit Arapahoe Bar for 4 hours and I got about 3 lbs. of concentrate. We were the only ones there at the time. During a break, I scoped up a little material from the edge of the gravel bar and panned it out and found 3 nice but small gold flakes. NO pictures at the time, wasn’t thinking.
It was interesting to see how the Clear Creek is affected by the rain in the mountains. When we got there the creek was up at least 6 inches or more from the night before.
I did find some mustard yellow flaky material about 6 inches down in the sand and cobble dirt that we were running. It was bendable and split in two after some bending. Kind of looked like some large paint chips possibly either from hwy stripping or maybe even an old sign. It sort of cleaved like mica but I know it wasn't mica, but I don't know what it was.
I had to put some big rocks around the sniper so it wouldn’t take off down the river and it was totally under the water and everything worked great. Within 3 hours the water was down considerably and had to make a wing dam to increase the flow.
Monday evening I drove up to Steele Street open space and checked that area out about 6pm and somehow missed the storm that seemed to be very threatening. I decided to go back to Arapahoe bar as it was only 5 minutes from the hotel vs the 30 mins for Steele Street.
Tuesday I went by myself for 2 hours in the morning and got about 1 ½ lbs. of material and again the river was up but not as much as the day before.
I also met a grandfather and his son coming in as I was leaving. He also was very friendly and also told me about the possibility of flash floods and the need to come light on the days that the weather service is predicting flash floods and be ready to leave quickly.
I agree totally with Griz and drywallman, the prospectors I met here on T-Net and the ones these last few days are really nice and very helpful.
Overall, very impressed with the area and plan to go back some day in the future.
My daughter and grandson will be here this weekend so I plan on working up the concentrates (7lbs total) while they are here. My grandson is interested in what I have been up to in Colorado.
Thanks again Kevin for the info