Kevins own thread - a journal (but feel free to post random thoughts)

Kevin, you might have to poke around some thrift shops to
find one, but see if you can find a 2-wheeled pull style golf
bag cart. Same design, and there's a strap already at the
bottom to secure the bucket with. You could also pack shovels,
etc. and strap them to the cart. I had one packing my golf
clubs around for years, so they'll take a lot of abuse.

They also fold up and fit into a much smaller space... 8-)

Correct DizzyDigger..they work great..I had to modify the straps on mine and I just leave the bucket on it and sit another bucket inside...If you can, get one with soft tires..It hauls all my equipment...

Most important two letter word sentence.. "If it is to be, it is up to me"

OMG Look at that 48 inch miner for 285 on CL Kevin... 30 bucks off and no shipping! HMMMMMM.....
I know my wife would say no no no, so I'm letting you all know know know lol. :) <3

Hi kevin,
I really hate it when I stop at Mcdonalds for a cup of coffee and all the A****** in the place (customers) line up 15 feet behind the actual counter.
They sit there in a mob ten feet away from the counter and the kids working the register just stare out into space looking at them.

Well, I have a job, and when I suddenly walk up to the counter and order a cup off coffee, abruptly the whole entire restaurant roars to life and everybody is suddenly "in line and ready to order" and telling me to get in line.

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You know Sherry,

Have you ever looked at the people in front and behind you in the drive-through lane ?

It's like the airport bar scene in the first Star Wars.

Sherry, I love everyone, but I have to draw the line somewhere
Even though I'm usually just getting a cup of coffee there, it's bad enough that I'm at McDonald's in the first place.
I'll be darned if I'm not going to at least get out of the car walk through the parking lot up to the counter, request a cup of coffee and turn around walk back,

What I mean is, the day I start using the drive-through for fast food will be a major low point in my life, so I would rather just avoid it altogether....

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I hear ya EP! I'm usually going through the drive-thru to get myself a small Caramel Frappe' on the way to Starbucks to get my husband a grande regular coffee. LOL!!! It's because I'm too cheap to pay 3x as much at Starbucks for the Frappachino!

Frap! I'm Frapped out now! I might as well go Gold Frappin tomorrow! LOL!!! ;)

I hear ya EP! I'm usually going through the drive-thru to get myself a small Caramel Frappe' on the way to Starbucks to get my husband a grande regular coffee. LOL!!! It's because I'm too cheap to pay 3x as much at Starbucks for the Frappachino!

Frap! I'm Frapped out now! I might as well go Gold Frappin tomorrow! LOL!!! ;)

it's a slippery slope........
The drive-through is a gateway drug to eventually eternally living your life in an endless cycle of Roseann reruns

just say no to the drive-through....

it's a slippery slope........ The drive-through is a gateway drug to eventually eternally living your life in an endless cycle of Roseann reruns just say no to the drive-through....
I agree, say no to the drive thru. I feel it's often faster to walk in like el padron suggests anyway :)

Ya Know What bugs me is the $1 for any size drink. Why is the Tea size bigger. I want a soda THAT size.... Wait?!...What happened to your thread Kevin?:dontknow:

Ya Know What bugs me is the $1 for any size drink. Why is the Tea size bigger. I want a soda THAT size.... Wait?!...What happened to your thread Kevin?:dontknow:
thread, what thread?

Hmmm, I better get out prospecting so I have some new stuff to post :D

Ok Kevin,

I couldn't find the post relating to your recent excursion to Steel St. Park at Steel/ 78th Ave. so I'm replying here:

I couldn't make it on the week you guys went but I went there last Friday and tried it out. I hit the gravel bar just down stream of the train tressel. Lots of big rocks and evidence of others (perhaps you?) digging around there.

I set up my Bazooka and worked a larger hole someone had started that was full of water. Only shoveled for about and hour and 45 minutes but got some color. Had about 3 liquid OZ. of black sand left after panning off the cons from the Bazooka. It seems to really clear off from the chamber if I let it sit for about ten minutes after my last scoop. Not too shaby!

My question is this: I always hear, "the bigger gold is down deep", and "Get the over burden off and go to work!" etc. So, as a result of this advice I continued to dig the hole deeper instead of widening it out any. Should I have done this for best results, or should I have stayed a bit shallower?

Thanks for the help and recommendations. Much appreciated.


Kevin can allude to the history of colorados mining history but most of the leftover gold is flood gold on top but bigger stiff was missed and almost always sits on clay bedrock or hardpan.

That site is complex due to the way the water moves large amounts of material in big storms. Briefly, there are multiple layers of gold bearing material so it's hard to predict. In some areas there I've seen the best gold in the first foot, in other spots the good pay dirt starts a foot or so down. Highly unlikely you'll ever see clay or bedrock's deeeeeep!

PS glad you got out there!

deep indeed. The real gold is at the bottom of that monster up along the bank. I hiked out to the middle of the gravel bar and walked up to the edge that weekend, its straight down for 10 feet I bet, and moving fast.

I am through the cons from that weekend btw, two nice flakes and a lot of fly pewp. need to clear out the vial though still.

Edit: with all the motorcycle riding on the other side you would think motorized would be cool at this site. Ah well.

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Ya Know What bugs me is the $1 for any size drink. Why is the Tea size bigger. I want a soda THAT size.... Wait?!...What happened to your thread Kevin?:dontknow:

OK, so I get my coffee and make a visit to the restroom to wash my hands before I leave.
So, about three feet in front of the 2nd urinal I discover two zinc pennies (one heads up) and a happy meal seal…..

Is Everybody happy now?

LoL, happy, you bet! A guy as lucky as me is pretty much always happy. Having you folks around sure does help tho!!

This makes me happy.

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