Maybe a Ouija board might help to find the LDM? I would not start spending the anticipated loot based on that idea however.
It is 100% possible that the mine has been covered over by a landslide. It might explain why no one has been able to find "the" LDM despite over 200 different people saying they did. It is also possible that the famous earthquake of the late 19th century covered it, as postulated in the Hollywood flick "Lust for Gold" and it is also possible that simple erosion of the soil has uncovered the entrance, or an earthquake or landslide uncovered it and on the possibilities run.
Have heard the claim of the Bulldog was the LDM. Also that the Black Queen was it. And the Mammoth. And the Vulture. And the 'Pit" mine. If memory serves there was a claim some years ago that the Wasp was the LDM and that the Mormon Stope was the actual LDM. The ore from the Mormon Stope was very rich and similar to the pieces from the candle box. One can safely conclude that any one of these known gold mines WAS the LDM and put the whole thing to rest, and never have to entertain another thought about it. One can even post nonsense black photos and say the mine is underwater and has to be seen with diving equipment. However until someone has gold to show that at least is very similar to the known specimens, the question really is not settled. Definitely not settled in a scientific way.
One other point - if a treasure hunter is out there actively searching, but keeping an open mind, he or she might find a rich gold vein, or a silver vein (actually silver should not be overlooked as a possibility especially on the south and eastern sides of the Superstitions) that is NOT the LDM but has enough precious metal to make you comfortably well heeled. In the early daze of Dutch hunting, quite a few treasure hunters announced to the newspapers that they had found the LDM and brought out gold ore that was very rich to prove it. In those days no one would believe such claims without showing the gold. None of them had ore that matched what Jacob Waltz had but none of those lucky finders cared because they had struck it rich. If you are considering going out to hunt for the LDM, ask yourself this, if you found a rich gold mine, does it really matter what name it is called?
It would not matter if the LDM never even existed, and there was no Jacob Waltz. If you were to go out searching for the gold mine of king Solomon in the mountains, the fact that you are actively searching gives you a real chance to find something worth while. Sitting at home staring at a computer screen, proposing theories and arguing with strangers will not give you any chance whatsoever.
gracias por la cafe'