Pay special attention to the Honda GX series engines...
Sure...politics have an effect on some Americans but I really don't even have an income large enough to qualify as poor....HA! What seems like a little 'ol hundred and some odd dollars ain't squat to some ...but...
Buy American seem's to be a slippery terrain when you just scrool thru like e-bay listings for the same (not knockoffs) identical item....china 4bucks free postage====American listers 34 bucks and 18 bucks postage. I sure didn't have much to do with international trade and don't have anything aganist the chinese. If you go back a bit in history China was doing just fine until's right on the tip of my tongue....Japan cut them to pieces and english speaking people flooded the country with opium. And we won't even go into the gun powder rip off thing ...HA! All's well in the kingdom.