Just a question

Old Fart in TN

Sr. Member
Nov 27, 2005
Athens Tennessee
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Would that be $200 or 200 bars? As far as the gold goes, it's worth would be dependant on weather you were selling it by weight or by it's numismatic value.


sorry about the confusion, was going out the door to play cards last night. Gary says its 200 each in coin. I am just wanting a rough guess of the value at todays price. Thanks again for the help

found a chart that anwsered my question. Now I need to get back with the guy and put a fire under him so we can go try to find this horde.

waltripcrew said:
found a chart that anwsered my question. Now I need to get back with the guy and put a fire under him so we can go try to find this horde.

Congrats on such a great lead. A personal story/lead is always best, as you can put more trust in it.
Is there any way you could post the chart that you found? Thanks.

used this to figure silver price http://www.meltvalue.silvermonthly.com
and used this for the gold ( clueless on type coin so just used 1 dollar coin to figure totals) I have looked for the chart and can't locate it online. I will keep looking and if I find it I will post it.
Sorry, I did find this chart for current melt prices of newer

found it http://www.coinflation.com/gold_coin_values.html

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