Jones Gold, Fort Huachuca, Arizona...

What really makes one wonder is why do most all large treasure stories occur INSIDE Government Run Lands? Tumacacori=Coronado National Forest, Victorio Peak=San Andres Wildlife Preserve, Lost Dutchman=Tonto National Forest, Lost Hermit John Mine=Sheephole Wilderness Area, Cave with unknown origin artifacts=Grand Canyon, Gordon Smith's Ice Cave Mummies=Grand Canyon National Park, etc etc etc.

Coincidence? Do they know something we don't? Are they just hedging their bets?


Exactly Mike! I have always wondered why all the lost treasures, stashed outlaw loot, lost gold mines, etc, always happen to be on graberment land!

I knew last year when I was at Ft Huachuca when I hiked up in those mountains, I had this presence gold or something was up there. I did not have any of my rope or extra hiking or prospecting gear, but I got back there mid April until the end of May. I know there is a pump house about 1.5 miles into the canyon, I wonder if that was the old pump house?

I am going to be exploring more on the weekends when I get time to do so!

Gollum, When I get settled in Phoenix maybe we can hook up for an outing there on Ft Huachuca. I'll have access as I'll be retired and I might be able to sweet talk some details into the equation. However, I have to expect denial of permission or details when we do get there. The military is going to want dibs if we do find something like that, but more than likely the area that it might be will probably be a high impact range that we won't be able to get into. Endangered species are also going to be a problem if that becomes a factor. But it sounds like an adventure, and I'm all for adventure. ;)

Hey if you are still interested, I wouldn't mind someone to go exploring with. I will be in Ft Huachuca pretty soon and would like to check some things out.

Well, I have no doubt that it is gone. The big question in my mine is Did some officers retire early and kind of live the good life or did some one in a high position in the government suddenly accumulate wealth. This money from these caches is going somewhere. Maybe there is an agency that is hunting these caches. I have been in many 'secret' gov. locations and heard many things. We had 2 La Cross GPR sats in orbit that found tunnels under the Mexican border that were 20' deep, And that was years ago. The military use to map just about every inch of ground with a 3 plane team. I was told the info was used for property tax purposes. That was film, so you know how long they have been at it. I think the sats do it now. The sats recently found a lost city in Egypt. I forget how deep that was. I suspect that there is a Treasure Hunting Dept in the gov. that is a black agency which benefits a few well to do. Ever notice that the list of billionairs is growing rapidly in a bad economy? Just some thoughts,

FrankView attachment 1097165
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I can vouch for the government using Satellites for various uses. One of which is to look for valuable minerals around the world, voids below ground, etc. I can tell you these satellites can penetrate radar 100ft plus below the earths surface to find areas that are laden in gold, silver, and other valuable metals. I can tell you the government can get an image of everything in your house, (if they want it), what you have on your table, by your chair, where you are sitting, every wall in your house layout. All is needed is to have any sort of light from a window, or even just you opening the door for a split second, to allow light inside and the images are scanned through you roof! That is all I am going to say on that matter. There are specific times satellites goes over areas and when they scan, they scan the distance from New York to California in 1 sweep!

Remember when the Ebola scare came about? It was all a diversion because during that time. The local minors for the Big Diamond Mine in West Africa was striking because they were being paid pennies while big corporation was making billions, (so military was sent in to clam things down), AND the BIGGEST oil reserve in the world was found in West Africa right about the same time!

Don't hear anything on the big ebola scare anymore do ya? That went out quick! Anytime there is a big scare of something the graberment tells everyone, it is only a diversion for something else that is big!

I think the government like all governments every where has bigger issues and worries than using their scant high tech resources on likes of looking for lost treasures. For them it is the technology seek out insurrections to protect the interests of those who bankrole thier political careers.

Enough said No point bemoaning what may or may not of happened. There is actually thousands upon thousands of small to quite large treasures out there if one is seriously interesting in searching for them.

Playing the game hard and playing the game smart is the name of the game.


HarleyMan you are right. I met a guy that works for homeland security and he says the new Lidar radar satellites can penetrate water and sand to see items below the surface as small as coins.

Yep Salvor6! What most people don't realize is google earth only has about a 10-10.5 clarity, which is not bad for getting good images on GE. Scanned out you can clearly see the oceans surface as well as the terrain on the sea bed and even scanning to the ground you can see good detail. The satellites have 10 times more clarity than google earth with very great detail!

I know even with IR I personally saw videos and images, (that were scanned using IR), in various suspicious targets in the Middle Eastern World, (and I won't say any further), of homes and buildings and seeing everything inside when the imagery penetrated through the roof! I knew we had the technology but I never thought it would be that good we were able to see through rooftops and buildings until last year when I saw it with my own eyes of photo imagery and live video! It made a believer out of me!

I am thinking that is how the graberment has raided and charged some of the people who stock piled food and ammo and had bunkers. I am not talking about people who were on Preppers Shows, or advertised what they were doing. Some of these people were very quiet and even their close family and friends didn't know about it!

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TheHarleyMan2, I'm here in Phoenix. Have some waiting to do as far as the VA is concerned, so will have plenty of time to look. Will have to schedule a trip to Huachuca soon. PM me and we'll get together, but be warned, my wife goes where I go ;)

In a nutshell this gold came from ?

Hard for me to trust giving you the answer here on this Forum , for the fact , when I do post
a Fact , my post is deleted , and another Member of this Forum takes my Information and
claims he discovered the Information .

such is the way it's been on this forum for over a decade .

Fact is , I released the info that Project six was Ft. Huachuca , I stated that in the Victorio Peak Threads .

No member of this forum nor the Authors of the VP trilogy knew that fact .

and now , some claim they knew it all along .

Understand ?

So yes , I can reveal who placed the Vault there .

Gollum said no one knew who put it there ,,, right ?
yepper , he sure did .

if I state who built the Vault . we can assume Gollum had no clue until I revealed that fact ,,,, right ?

By his own statement , Gollum doesn't know who built the Vault ,k he also didn't know it had
been recovered until I revealed who , what , when and where it was recovered ..

So , Gollum is using my material and the Material of others in a Blatant display of Self Promotion .

Given that and other problems with This poster Gollum ,
I am going to let the information remain secret for a while longer .

I will give one hint .

The Chest inside the Vault held Documents with Chronology of the Artifacts . The Throne is the next clue .

Excuse my way of doing my postings , for I have put up with more then enough out of certain
people on this Forum .

That Harassment will no longer go unanswered . I will indeed respond in exact measure , that the results
of will convince my attackers , that they should have been civil .

so , wait for your answer on who built the Vault .
I will reveal it in time .

as you refer to Satellite Tech involved in subsurface research , be it known that the Progenitor of the
Technology was a German Professor / Scientist who in the 1970's approached my Father at the behest of
his Country Men , whom held documents from relatives who had immigrated to the U.S. and had secreted
wealth from their mining operations here in New Mexico and Arizona .

The Descendants had heard of my Father through Media , they believed The Professor and my Father could help
in recovery of the Secreted sub-surface Trove .

you're welcome for that minor and unknown to others , information .

I will not Identify the Professor .
Nor the Family Name of the Inheritors .

Lastly on Tech , be it known that every bite of Cyber data is Vulnerable and exploitable through Developer Tools .

Hero's use those tools to expose deceit .

some wear white hats
some black Hats
some Grey Hats

and sometimes , they wear all three .

Be it Known and Noted .

OK my brother was stationed there when Jones was looking. Part of the reason they let him was "The Duke" was there and was interested in it. Yeah John Wayne. He heard the story and was near by doing a movie and went to see it. The Base Commander bent over backwards for "The Duke". They could not find it. I agree that it most likely was recovered by the "military" that then "retired" in Brazil or other comfortable countries when you have lots of money. Just like VP. All of those guys retired to Brazil.

trying I am

focus on the Throne , all I can say about it , it's gone now and the date of dig was in 1961 and '62

it was then back filled , Kenworthy was about 5 years to a decade late .

I can't recall when Kenworthy came calling , but it was way gone .

The Classified Docs state it went West to San Francisco ,to the Mint there .
Held until oversight committee completes survey and Pedigree .
That's the D.I.A. Documents
and Treasury Department Docs cover it from that Point to final Decree and dispensation .

Again , Think Throne , Governor of Territory is not high enough , Think Land Granted ,Comparable
to Bishop in Civil Authority ( civil may be wrong term ), so forth .

You may find a clue in the Spanish History in the Americas .

One Man held several high Ranking Positions ( Not Church Related ) It was his Throne .

ok ?

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Although my description says novice, I am not. I read much more than I write.
Here are a few papers from an old file of Chuck Crawford's that are relevant to this thread. I have many more and some pictures of the dig if you are interested.
This shows that Gen Moorman was there for 2 years. 1958-1960 Haven't found what happened to him after that. Hmmmm Brazil?

Re: Jones' Gold, Fort Huachuca, Arizona...

A friend of mine furnished me with details of this story and photos of Jones at the site. He was a prospector, a historian and a western author who knew Jones personally. Jones passed away quite a few years ago, but after hearing the details from Jones himself my friend and I became convinced that Jones really did fall into a cavern that contained numerous gold and silver bars. Obviously getting permission to search on the fort will be difficult, but if anyone is interested in the details that came directly from Jones - contact me.
Hello! I'm Sumerlyn, and my fiancé works at Fort Huachuca. He recently told me about this intriguing tale of hidden gold, which got me really curious. During my research, I stumbled upon your post. I acknowledge that this thread is considerably aged, but I am genuinely intrigued if you would be so kind as to share with me any and all information you possess regarding the whereabouts of the concealed treasure? Your insights and knowledge would mean the world to me. I appreciate your help! Feel free to reach me via email at [email protected] or call/text me at 573-512-5032. Thank you in advance!


Re: Jones' Gold, Fort Huachuca, Arizona...

I have been up there looking a few times. I found the dig site and where they had put the conduit in the ground after it supposedly flooded.
I find this interesting, the CORPS of Engineers often fill holes with sand after they have been used or excavated. The GPR that was used to locate the site, found an area (cavern) that seemed to have been filed with sand. Huummm

I have not been up there in about 5 years or so now.
I'm currently residing near Ft. Huachuca, and I must say, I find myself quite bored. I've already visited the canyon, but I feel lost when it comes to exploring further. Truth be told, I'm truly interested in visiting the dig site. If you would be so kind, could you provide me with its loc

Thank you,

jim sed that he was in fire post 1 which is around the lower part of the canyon and the guy smitty he was there with always had trouble sleeping he told jim the next morning that he seen 3 mp cars coming out of the canyon at hi speed followed by 3 duece and a halfs followed by 3 more mp cars this was the night after they first started digging
Do you think they found it? Would you be willing to tell me where the boulder is at?

I acknowledge that this thread is considerably aged,
I would say so. The newest post you quoted was made in 2013 -- ten years ago at this point -- by a person who was last seen here in 2017 -- six years ago. The oldest post quoted was from 2010 by a person last online in 2014. I doubt any of them will see your questions. And honestly, even if they did, if they knew where any gold was buried, they're not going to tell you.

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