Jon Collins-Black's Treasure!!


🥇 Charter Member
Apr 12, 2020
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Wahpeton, ND
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All Treasure Hunting
There is a fairly recently hid treasure (Past 5 years or so) that is similar to the Forrest Fenn treasure (read a book, find the treasure) that officially starts NOV 12th!! The treasure is supposed to be hid now but the book is available for pre-order. is the website for the treasure.
There is 5 chests total to find for this treasure hunt and I guess the clues and hints are available in his book "Theres Treasure Inside". Jon Collins-Black did a podcast interview on youtube:
Go check it out and let me know what you think!! I am excited and have pre-ordered the book as well as (spoiler) his childrens book "Our Unbreakable Thread" that he said has a clue or hint in it.

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I plan on reading the book multiple times and going out and searching for the 5 chests. I will post here what I think his clues are and hopefully a picture or two of the chest if I can find one or more. I hope you all will join me in the search and will share your results.

I Plan on doing the same thing when the books comes out. I only heard about this a few days ago. It popped up on by social media I wonder how manhy people know about this atm.

I got a email this morning from the treasure inside. I screenshotted it and posted it in case you didnt get it. MO.


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I got a email this morning from the treasure inside. I screenshotted it and posted it in case you didnt get it. MO.
Awesome! Thank you. Mysterious Writings newsletter yesterday said that some have already received the books. I haven’t yet 🤬

Awesome! Thank you. Mysterious Writings newsletter yesterday said that some have already received the books. I haven’t yet 🤬
Got mine yesterday. Already started trying to cypher the poems, word find and cryptogram out.

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There is a fairly recently hid treasure (Past 5 years or so) that is similar to the Forrest Fenn treasure (read a book, find the treasure) that officially starts NOV 12th!! The treasure is supposed to be hid now but the book is available for pre-order. is the website for the treasure.
There is 5 chests total to find for this treasure hunt and I guess the clues and hints are available in his book "Theres Treasure Inside". Jon Collins-Black did a podcast interview on youtube:
Go check it out and let me know what you think!! I am excited and have pre-ordered the book as well as (spoiler) his childrens book "Our Unbreakable Thread" that he said has a clue or hint in it.

The three books you need to solve this treasure hunt!!


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Got mine yesterday. Already started trying to cypher the poems, word find and cryptogram out.

There is a fairly recently hid treasure (Past 5 years or so) that is similar to the Forrest Fenn treasure (read a book, find the treasure) that officially starts NOV 12th!! The treasure is supposed to be hid now but the book is available for pre-order. is the website for the treasure.
There is 5 chests total to find for this treasure hunt and I guess the clues and hints are available in his book "Theres Treasure Inside". Jon Collins-Black did a podcast interview on youtube:
Go check it out and let me know what you think!! I am excited and have pre-ordered the book as well as (spoiler) his childrens book "Our Unbreakable Thread" that he said has a clue or hint in it.

Well. Call me excited but I think I may have a search area for one of the boxes!! I'm not going to say which one or where at but on or around November 26th I'll know if I calculated right. Yes you will know here first. I may even post a pic or two of the chest if I find it. Or just of the area if I don't. Yeah i had a couple lines match up close to perfect and some of the hints clicked so off I go. Bye for now. MO

Well. Call me excited but I think I may have a search area for one of the boxes!! I'm not going to say which one or where at but on or around November 26th I'll know if I calculated right. Yes you will know here first. I may even post a pic or two of the chest if I find it. Or just of the area if I don't. Yeah i had a couple lines match up close to perfect and some of the hints clicked so off I go. Bye for now. MO
Good luck! And please let us know how it goes, I'm very excited for you.

Paying $50 for a book of clues is bogus to me. Sounds like he'll get most of the treasure back in book sales.

Just my opinion.

Any news?
Nope. Just got some great traveling in. I feel like i was in the right area but the flora and fauna is dense. Didn't help that my thermal imager wouldn't work properly. (I had it running and updated the night before). Oh!! And my location is near a hunting area and after about three hours of searching in the rain I started to hear gunshots about a half mile away, so i boogied on out of there. But I plan on going back next spring (not saying where) and looking some more. Unless the Appalachian box gets found by then. I did find some nice scenery and had some decent food on my trip so that was nice.

Paying $50 for a book of clues is bogus to me. Sounds like he'll get most of the treasure back in book sales.

Just my opinion.
Good business strategy as long as the boxes contain everything he says they do.

I’m waiting on my copy, back ordered over a month
yeah the order thing seems to be a bit much!! Theres some that I see have to wait till almost christmas. I'm glad mine came before the novemeber 12 date.

I have been looking for answers to the puzzles. I did brake the code to one part. I have a hard time finding words on word search. I be leave this is only for the past and future box. Read the book 2X. I could guess a coupe states. Only guessing. Not much ells leads to anything. HAPPY READING!!!

I have enough money I will PASS !!!

I read the book 3X. Though there were four boxes. He talks about five. I see clues to four. So there are five boxes. Clues to only four. It now is getting an uphill challenge. You have no clues to that box. The biggest one. You get clues from the four other boxes. So I guess without a box you will have no clues to the big one. The book is about a lot of history and stories. Thinking the money is in selling books.

Paying $50 for a book of clues is bogus to me. Sounds like he'll get most of the treasure back in book sales.

Just my opinion.

That's the idea. To give away a treasure, or five, but to make more than you give away. Yes, that is the goal. ANd nothing says it is less of a find by doing it this way. Still out there, still a treasure. Just a lot of people contributing to the cost basis of that treasure.

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