John Swift silver mine legend discovery website

hay i am not a hunter of treasur but i was wreding all this and i may have a place u guys that ant full of crap can look just one faver dont forget who told u all. win i was a kid my dad and me coon hunt all the time and east of BIG HILL KY we stumbold up on a clapst cave looking spot but what i rember from this was it had a shiney looking pip com ing out of the ground. then i can rember some pans like u woud see in westerns and some weard small eqwipment too . im sorey for the spelling not to good at it but if any one needs to no more ill help if i can.

kyswifthunter dont reply to this i dont trust u and if i cant trust u then i cant help your full of crap if u found the mine then u whoud have a pic of silver

Hello KSH
This is Swifty-aka-The Swizard, on T-net, I have been waiting to read and view your CD. (Is it done yet can you give me the details on how I can purchase them)!!!!!!!! I hope you have the land secured, etc., etc., etc., So I can view and read the book, to be honest I am very curious and have been waiting patiently and anxiously.
I Would like to see some of those coins and bars of gold and silver Swift smelted and counterfeited, not to mention I suspect some authenic mining artifacts from his mine workings as I am sure some were left in the mines amongst other things! Also some authentic artifacts from the great cave would be cool to view as well. I hope you can show us some of these things. The chestnut burr rock above the mine entrance and also the buffalo rock, etc. and peculiar rock. If you have everything secured and protected you should be able to show us these authentic artifacts and monuments rocks and things without exposing to much of the landscape or surrounding area of you discovery of the mines, cave and monuments rocks, etc. (Take some close-ups so as not to give away your area or surroundings surely you can do this without giving up your location)
To be honest I am very skeptical about your find, it will take some hard authentic irrefuteable proof to convince me you have found the Great Cavern of the Shawnee and the Swift mines. And if you truely have! congratulations my hats off to ya! Job well done! Please don't keep me waiting as I am totally enthralled about it!

Swifty-aka-"The Swizard"

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I Would like more info--what is the pip coming out of the ground that u mentioned? Would that be a vien?

PM me if you have more info.


Hello EC,
I'm still here, just being hush, I had some things going on with my mothers health awhile back, she has improved but still needs much care by me. (I am still not sure of the location of the GCS but have a "good hunch" where it is at, it is very near the mines).
Some time soon I am anticipating a trip to locate the mine entrances in their surveyed locations. I believe there are five mines, (4 working mines and the west mine, "Swift says, he abandoned", but it is still present in the "Square Compass and Trowel" survey done by Swift, "so it was used for something"? it may have been used as a vault or cache as well. All the carvings of the area of my research and Swifts map are present within the topography of the mine area. I am hoping the information in some of the carvings will give me a cue and reveal to me "without any more doubt", the location of the cave!
I have my doubts about the claims and statements made by KYSwifthunter and crew about their book and DVD they are putting out. Just my opinion "don't anybody blow a gasket". "The game is worth the candle", Well have a great day, yell at me anytime

The Swizzzzzz....

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Great to hear from you Swiz. I hope your mother is doing better and will keep her in my prayers. It sounds like you are on a hot trail and I wish you much luck. I would love to see someone on here hit it big.I have not been able to get out much due to work. I've metal detected some but haunt found much. I agree, I put no stock in this new book and video. Seems we have heard this before... I have a feeling it's going to be one of them deals where you send your money and get nothing in return but who knows. Well glad to hear people are still searching and maybe this fall everyone will come back with loads of new information!

Hello EC Mason,
Yeah I may have some really good developments soon I hope... ,"that is", as soon as I can go have a look again, yell at me any time!!

The Swiz

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Hey swiz! Great to hear thing are improving with your mother. If I may, from my opinion I would not leave my cache in one of the "abandoned" mines, unless I knew for sure it would not be found by anyone but me. So why mention it in such a way as to hint of it's location if it were to only serve to steer others away from it's true location. I have hit a wall on my end, so I'm starting all over again.. Learning alot as I go...

So, this particular thread (and the member that posted it) seems to have just stopped. The website ( is no longer active. What's the skinny on this dude? Another pipe dream and a smoky story? lol Was this "book" ever published?

sorry my friends i have been involved in eastern ky for 45 yrs mining oil gas searching for swift silver mines ect i found 3 mines at one of forks of the big sandy river if these are his mines due west would at considerable distancecould put you in red river gourge area however the ore you are showing is not what swift or the french were mining i do notknow it all however i have educated myself in geoglogy and metalurgy in doing so i have been fortunate enough to keep an open mind if you have truly found his west minesi wish you the best of luck i believe when it is all said done a new chapter will have to be written on the geology of ky as i stated before the indian saying about the white man could shoe his horses in silver cheaper than iron if he knew what the indians new i believe i have discovered many amazing things and figured out a lot more by trial and error some day i will tell all as i am 73 yrs old and would like to see all of you profit i am not greedy to me money is just a necessary tool rgb [rooster]


Is one of the three in the tight turn under the giant rock house? If so there are more than 3. (see some of our older posts)and a vein goes right thru the Grayson Reservoir dam! There is definitely some silver in the area!

hello curtis really appreciate your response if you are from cincinnati area would like to meet with you one on one i have a lot of info i yhink you could use as to the mines i found two were closed with losust poles and were very rich both assaed at over 300 ounces pr ton silver the 3rd mine was standing wide open and was very poor compared to the other two these mines were all about 1/8 mile apart havent found 4th havent been back on property in thirty years they mined coal and pushed thousands of tons of this ore off side of mtn. however i have gained enough education both in geology and minerology metalurgy to be a lot more knoledgeable in all my quest for precious metals if you decide to tie up a piece of property buy or lease you must go clear back to the origanal land grant to clear title if there is any thing outstanding as to ownership of mineral rights it must be completly cleared of all rights before you start any type of developement otherwise you will lose rgb

looks more like felspar with out seeing close up i could be wrong good luck

three mines at one of forks of sandy river


Is one of the three in the tight turn under the giant rock house? If so there are more than 3. (see some of our older posts)and a vein goes right thru the Grayson Reservoir dam! There is definitely some silver in the area!

have not found mine under rock house i tried to lease or buy this land to no avail these people were more interested in mineing coal which they did milions of tons of silver ore were pushed over hill it has since been reclamed however i did manage to find one of old mines its now only extends about 40 ft. into side of mtn. if i can figure it out i will post a picture for you my partner of 30 some yrs is shown draining water out of it there is still many thousands of tons of ore left to be mined hopefully i will eventuly be able to acheve a lease or purchase . it takes a while to type out a message to you i peck with one finger mabey i will get back to typing the right way some day really would rather talk face to face . yell at me anytime will give more info to you but not on net i think you understand pm me mabey we can get together thanks rgb

Turkey tracks 3, so far I have seen pictures of 1, 2, and 4 turkey tracks in a row.

Has anyone seen or have pictures of just 3 in Kentucky?

If so, what county did you find them, and please post.


Another story centered around the Red River. If the guy was serious about protecting the land, and they had found a burial site, they wouldn't publish a book or video even for charity. A burial ground is a burial ground, and there used to be piles of stones or burial cairns all over the Red River area, usually overlooking water. I wonder how to look up the protected areas within the DBNF? ....hmmm

Did anyone else notice the carving pictured with /\/\/\ in it, remind you of anywhere in the RR Gorge where Boomer found the same carving?

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It may have been a ruse or didn't work out.

I think it was a scare tactic to spook someone they thought was on here and nosing around their 'site'.

Does anyone have any evidence that the rock cairns scattered throughout Kentucky are gravesites? I've got a little experience with a few of em, some of which were certainly not field clearings. I've never seen any evidence that points towards a definitive answer of what they are.

I have family in Johnson County that bought some property that has Indian graves. The state archeological department and a forensic anthropologist have been there to verify. I haven’t seen them yet, but hopefully this spring I’ll get get to. They’re supposed to be lined with rock, and covered in rock. This was supposed to help stop animals from getting to the remains, as the 6foot custom we practice today wasn’t known to the early Americans.

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