Many Thanks for the Prays, well wishes and kind words.
I have to say It was a miracle to make it thru this one. And the big saver was the floating sifter and the lord. I stepped into a deep hole about 500 foot off shore, never touched bottom but my drysuit had air in it so I came back up, but full body...head to toes.. floating. Since all got me by surprise my lungs took in a lot of water. Disoriented, I tried to paddy in but was unable, after about ten minutes I started yelling for help. Luckily, I was heard and help came. The bad was I had a doning tube coming out of my neck seal, {used to let the air out of the drysuit} it was slowly allowing cold water to come in. If I had not had the sifter to keep my shoulders and head on I would have slowly went under. I did not have a life preserver on but figured the suit would save me, in away it did but with the air in the suit being equal from head to toe all I could do was float, unable to get my feet back on the bottom.
I have made a few resolutions on this, Always wear a Manual inflate life jacket when doing reconn of unchartered or deep areas in the water, and staying out of the water once it goes below 50F. If I were wearing a wetsuit this time or my drysuit with out the Muck boots which hold air, I would had been fine. But with the extreme coldwater drysuit i see now it is totally unsafe.
Right now I feel good and the only issue seems to be getting back my endurance. Something I hope will come back in time. I still love the hobby but will be taking a vacation from detecting, not sure how long for I can hear the beach calling me now.
Please be safe in your adventures ..Thanks to everyone again,....Joe