Jobless man uncovers gold hoard with metal detector?????

After he finally receives the money be it 5 million pounds what will the tax on his new income be? will it be more than 50%? Just wondering.

UK Stan said:
ivan salis said:
hooray for him and the farm owner !!! it warms my heart to hear that a poor working class type stiff finally catches a break --a 10 million pound british hoard is about 16 million USD --about 8 million each ( minus a huge amounts of "offical" taxes of course ) but it should still leave a couple million each for them to get by on .

Sorry this is only my prediction. The papers said £1m +, I think this is way off. It will be a year before we know for sure.

Agreed. This will reach record levels. £17.5 million + and counting. This dig has never been seen before in the UK, this is absolutely massive. Anglo-Saxon finds from probably AC675 to 725. Multiply by 1500 pieces, covered in heavy gold and silver.

No doubt it will eventually go to auction, an Arab sheik with the right bid will have a 'field day'.

Apparently Caroline Barton, assistant treasure registrar at the British Museum said that this collection of finds will not be leaving Britain.

I heard he splits half of 1.8 mil with landowner. Ahhh to recover something like that in the neighbors yards :thumbsup:

I for one am glad he chose to be honest. we get to see it and now we may be able to read the whole story too. if he had not we might never know.

p.s. I seroiusly thought this was crusader and his dad.

TnMountains said:
I heard he splits half of 1.8 mil with landowner. Ahhh to recover something like that in the neighbors yards :thumbsup:

1.8 is a very poor guess (not by you, I know, but those speculating). The valuation committee has made no decision yet & can't until they have a full report etc. this maybe 1 year away (maybe less if lucky). The real value maybe 20 times that, no-one knows.

in the algerian low .all of underground is the propriety of state .mean if this treasur was found in algeria .this man been jobless and pover to the end of his life.
luky detectorist & to be britich.

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