Do you have something against reading? Hahaha I highly recommend reading everything on the subject you can get your hands on. I mean everything. Books for and against the existence of the LDM. Books that place it in the Superstitions or the Bradshaws. Take it all in, and then go out in the mountains (as your conditioning and health permit). Once you have some experience with both the legends and the terrain, form your own theories. Then, go back in the mountains and run down those theories.
i would give everybody the same advice Jim Hatt once gave me "Do all the research you need to form your opinion. Once you believe one way or another, act on that belief. Don't get bogged down arguing details with people who have never been there."
One thing that always makes me laugh, is when people come here trying to convince us they have found the LDM. If they REALLY found it, why are they trying to convince a bunch of people they have never met, based on fuzzy pictures of things they claim are clues?, then get mad when we don't believe them? If I had actually found the LDM, nobody here would know a thing about it (until Jack San Felice wrote about in a book years later

). The only way it would be on TNet, would be if it were in a place I absolutely couldn't get away with keeping it a secret. Hahaha
There are several people here who have a great deal of experience in the Superstitions, mining, prospecting, treasure hunting, researching, and a host of other disciplines. Showing up here, making all kinds of wild claims, then trying to denigrate a lot of people with a lot more knowledge and experience than you, does nothing more than make you look like either a troll or a fool. You trash talk people like Tom Kollenborn, Bob Corbin, and Clay Worst. You would do well to meet them, and talk to them. Even if you think they are wrong, you would still get the benefit of knowing where NOT to look.