Jesses possible role with the KGC

Re: Jesse's possible role with the KGC

Timberwolf, what I ment by hackers having fun here on the open forum is that with people like Jay posting real names and if you have an e-mail addy on your profile it doesn't take long to start putting the pieces together. They can get the i.p. but I don't think you want the hacker e-mailing you with how that's done. There's nothing like having your every key stroke read.

Re: Jesse's possible role with the KGC


I understand. Hackers are not my real worry.
Like the government...there is no keeping them off your computer, if they want on! :wink:

My reason for not using my real name, is that with today's technology, most anyone can find your home address without much trouble. This being a Treasure Hunting site, someone may think that I have found some treasure and decide to relieve me of it!
I don't have any treasure at my home, but that wouldn't stop someone from coming and taking a look see.
This is where it would get ugly.... I am a strong believer in my Second Amendment rights. :wink: :thumbsup:


Re: Jesse's possible role with the KGC

LOL :headbang: :laughing7:

Re: Jesse's possible role with the KGC

I will readily admit that when it comes to computers I ride the short bus but I can guarantee you from experience that once you have a name getting the rest of someone's info isn't that hard.

2nd Amendment, Yes!! :thumbsup:

Make my day, :laughing9:

Re: Jesse's possible role with the KGC

Texas Jay said:
Anyone who has sense enough to look at my profile for this site will clearly see my name there as it is on my email address: Jay Longley. Now, okie, is your real name ? "Alec", , I meant exactly what I said and do not think any clarification is needed.
Boggy, let me suggest you google "Smokescreen Gang". :thumbsup:
~Texas Jay

"Texas Jay", I took your advice and did a google search like you said. It doesn't turn out well for you. It seems you have a history on several forums. Here's what I found. I didn't write these, they are copied and pasted from the search you requested we make.

I assume that by your reference to the smokescreen gang you mean the Bloody Bill Anderson Mystery bunch. If I may offer a clarification -- the members (particularly Jay and his "Mini-Me" Colin) of the BBAM group are fond of referring to the historians who refute their bogus claims as the "Smokescreen Gang." This is a misnomer, as it is the BBAM bunch that attempts to obscure the facts by denying the legitimacy of documentation (census records, tax records, marriage records, etc.) that refutes their claims, and going so far as to post downright lies to support their claims. The sources quoted by Jay to support the imposter, Wm. C. Anderson's, fairy tale have included novels and a Disney movie.
Sorry, was in too much of a hurry, reached the point where I only skimmed thru their posts, since they merit very little thought. And you are correct about the BBAM is really the Smokescreen Gang, while the truth seekers should be called The Turbine Fans, because of their efforts at clearing away the smoke and mirrors being thrust upon everyone.
I didn't join their yahoo group, (I belong to too many serious groups in Yahoo to consider one of very low to No value), but did note the large number of members the site indicates. I rather suspect many, if not Most, are people that only joined to see the so-called thousands of documents they claim they have, since they won't reveal them to the public. Once the piles of clouds were viewed, most of the new members never went back.
Also think the BBAM made to many trips in the Yellow Submarine and got soggy brained!
Perhaps, this link to another CW Board (where Longley was banned, also) may explain some of his shenanagins..

His shenanagins also include asking his BBAM members to "come join in the fray" as he starts them on various boards, to post insulting messages "then leave".
It goes further, and gets very ugly, when he lifts and posts names and email addresses of those who dissagree with him, on sites other than Civil War interests, and asks members there to "flood their mailboxes" in his behalf.
All of which can be verified by copies of the messages that have been saved by those involved.

Re: Jesse's possible role with the KGC

Go figure! At least he's consistant. I thought they taught better manners than that down in Texas. :dontknow:

Re: Jesse's possible role with the KGC

okietreasurehunter said:
Go figure! At least he's consistant. I thought they taught better manners than that down in Texas. :dontknow:
They do have better manners in Texas. He is probably a outcast in his home town. Thats why he cant get permission to go down in these old industrial tunnels.

Re: Jesse's possible role with the KGC

okietreasurehunter said:
Go figure! At least he's consistant. I thought they taught better manners than that down in Texas. :dontknow:

Perhaps the good manners are just taught to those actually born in Texas. Lot's of folks stick a name a little word like "Tex" in front of the name but it does not mean they were born there.

Re: Jesse's possible role with the KGC

I know this has nothing to do with the subject of this thread, but I have a question for you experts. Can someone tell me the name of the relative that Jessie and Frank would visit in Athens Missouri? My dad told me about an old lady that lived there and claimed Frank and Jessie would come and visit her family. Her family lived in the house that my grandparents owned. My dad cant remember the ladies last name. The lady told him that they would hide in her families barn when visiting them. She also told my dad there was a tunnel under the Des Moines river that they would use to hide in and go into Iowa if they needed a quick get away.

Re: Jesse's possible role with the KGC

Texas Jay said:
And one who calls herself "SallyfromHouston" doesn't mean that she is really a Sally or that she is really from Houston. She is most likely "CarolH.fromtheMetroplex." :icon_thumright: Oh yes, and she is a proud and avowed member of the infamous Smokescreen Gang.
~Texas Jay (sallyfromhouston's dead Yahoo group) - another of the Smokescreen Gang's failed groups.
I didn't know you could out and out lie about people here. That does not lend a lot of credit to what one might find here so I can only hope for this site no one else so easliy lies about other members. I do hope so since I do enjoy following some of the threads. And, my screen name does mean I am a Sally and I am from Houston. The rest is a figment of your imagination and frustration.

Re: Jesse's possible role with the KGC

Geez, give it a rest Texas Jay!

Re: Jesse's possible role with the KGC

alec said:
Geez, give it a rest Texas Jay!


I'm going to have to agree with Alec on this one.
Sallyfromhouston didn't say anything to warrant such a response. :(


Re: Jesse's possible role with the KGC

Timberwolf said:
alec said:
Geez, give it a rest Texas Jay!


I'm going to have to agree with Alec on this one.
Sallyfromhouston didn't say anything to warrant such a response. :(



Maybe not on this site...yet. But "Sally" and I have quite a history going back a few years on other sites. I know who she is and I know that she doesn't even own a metal detector herself (her husband does or did but she wanted me to teach him to use it supposedly but never took me up on my offer to help) and that her only reason for posting on this treasure hunting site is to badger me and other KGC believers.
~Texas Jay

Re: Jesse's possible role with the KGC

KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN CIRCLE posted a new episode Yesterday


Jesse James-murder-old west tales

Was Jesse James killed in Saint Joseph Missouri? Or did he live on to a ripe old age of 101. Did Jesse bury gold/treasure? What is the truth about the most publicized Outlaw in the history of the OLD WEST

Episodes (4)
Knights of the Golden Circle-Outlaw Jesse James Grandson interview series-INT... 1:10:13
Knights of the Golden Circle Inteview #3 with Grandson of Outlaw Jesse James 55:25
Knights of the Golden Circle-Interview with great grandson of Old West Outlaw...

Re: Jesse's possible role with the KGC

Scooby Doo doesn't tolerate insubordination fellas.

Re: Jesse's possible role with the KGC

Jesse James: Knight of the Golden Circle
Pop Culture Conspiracy Theory
April 14, 2010

No, not that Jesse James. Along with Jesse James other members included Jefferson Davis, Bedford Forrest, and William Quantrill (leader of the Confederate guerilla outfit Quantrill’s Raiders, with whom James rode). Some believe the society was created by the notorious Albert Pike, the subject of many a Masonic conspiracy theory. The South did in fact have an extensive intelligence infrastructure and Albert Pike was a key figure in that intelligence network. The only real news here is the claim that Jesse James was a key figure within that intelligence community as well and of course, the business about The Knights of the Golden Circle.

The James Gang’s train and bank robberies, it is claimed, were fundraising operations to finance the activities of the Knights of the Golden Circle, as well as to wreak general havoc with the plans of the Northern reconstructionists. James is also said to have been involved in supplying weapons and training to the Plains Indians, as a means of waging proxy war against the Union Army.

The Knights of the Golden Circle was “the most powerful subversive organization ever to operate within the United States.” (Getler & Brewer, op. cit.) First, they schemed to have Abraham Lincoln elected president, so as to inflame the South and cause secession. Later, their subordinate, John Wilkes Booth, assassinated Abraham Lincoln and with KGC assistance, Booth escaped. (what was behind that?) The KGC did not officially disband until 1908.

According to Norma Cox, in her book, The New Spoilers, she has the 12 charter members of the Golden Circle as including Jefferson Davis, Bedford Forrest, Jesse James, and William Quantrill. Some say Albert Pike was the creator of the Knights of the Golden Circle, but Cox doubts it. “Important to remember about such secret organizations is the fact that only the men at the top know the truth…”
Unfortunately for our tale, The Knights of the Golden Circle are linked to the infamous Ku Klux Klan, an organization responsible for many hateful acts over the years

Re: Jesse's possible role with the KGC

Jesse James and the Knights of the Golden Circle: Jesse Outside of Missouri (Part 1)

PHOTO;Confederate "partisan rangers" Fletch Taylor, Frank James, and Jesse, circa 1865.

A Fundamental Premise

One of the fundamental premises central to Jesse James’s role as a key player in the Knights of the Golden Circle (KGC) is the fact that Jesse spent time outside of the state of Missouri. Obviously, Jesse and Frank James’ Confederate partisan ranger and bank /train robbery activities (and those of many James Gang members) in Missouri are well documented, creating a distinct timeline for those activities.

What is not as well known however, are Jesse’s movements and activities outside his home state of Missouri, particularly those that occurred after the end of the U.S. Civil War in the Spring of 1865. Since many KGC treasure caches and repositories are said to be buried in other states, any documentation that establishes a presence of Jesse, Frank, or the James Gang as a whole in those other states presents an important clue to researching and potentially tracking down the location of these troves.

Other Forces and Other Actions

In past posts I’ve already mentioned the likelihood of Jesse travelling to other states. What I want to present here though is hard, well-documented evidence that Jesse, Frank, and/or the James Gang “visited” other states and left behind a record or timeline of their presence in those states.

Ostensibly, the greater part of the James Boys’ and James Gang activities in those other states concerned robbery and, to a certain extent, mayhem and murder. But underneath the superficial aspects of these activities other forces and other actions may have been at work as well, including those relating to the Knights and KGC treasure.

Evidence of Jesse’s Presence in Other States

Alabama: In March 1881 (a year before Jesse was murdered by that “dirty little coward” Bob Ford) Jesse and Frank are recognized while robbing a bank in Muscle Shoals, Alabama. The Boys make a clean getaway and are not seen in the area again.

Arkansas: Jesse and four members of the James Gang hold up a stagecoach outside Hot Springs, Arkansas in January 1874. Along with cash Jesse and the others make off with watches and personal jewelry items totaling over $3,000. (Note: When relatives went through Jesse’s personal belongings after his murder, they found a pocket watch that was taken in this robbery. J.R.)

Iowa: Along with the Younger Brothers, Jesse and Frank rob a train near Adair, Iowa in July 1873. The gang is able to achieve this difficult task by derailing the Rock Island and Pacific RR engine, causing a crash that kills the train’s engineer. The Boys make off with $2,500-$3,500 in loot.

I have much more to come on Jesse’s activities outside of Missouri in a subsequent post. Be safe until then and, as always, good hunting.
© J.R. 2010
Questions? E-mail me at

Re: Jesse's possible role with the KGC

Jesse James and the Knights of the Golden Circle: Jesse Outside of Missouri (Conclusion)

Jesse James and the Knights of the Golden Circle:
Jesse Outside of Missouri (Conclusion)

PHOTO: The First National Bank of Northfield, Minnesota, the "overripe plum ready for easy picking" by the James and Younger Gangs.

I stated in the previous post on this topic that I’d provide you with more dates and locations that show Jesse James’ (and in some instances, Frank James’ and the James Gang’s) activities outside of the state of Missouri. So here you are:
Evidence of Jesse’s Presence in Other States (continued)

Minnesota: Perhaps the single most famous (or infamous) heist that the James and Younger Gangs attempted to pull off was what is often called “The Great Northfield Minnesota Raid.” The Boys rode all the way up to Northfield, Minnesota in September 1876 thinking that the First National Bank of Northfield was an overripe plum ready for easy picking. Instead, Jesse, Frank, and the Youngers rode into a veritable hornet’s nest.

Things went wrong in Northfield almost immediately. A bank cashier named Heyman (rather bravely or stupidly, as the case may be) refused to open the cash drawer. Jesse, impatient and angry, promptly shot Heyman in the head dispatching the unwise cashier forthwith. Townsfolk, hearing the shot in the bank and the resultant bank alarm, began arming themselves with shotguns, pistols, and hunting rifles.

As the James and Younger Gangs saddled up to flee the ire (and the guns) of the good citizens of Northfield they had to run a gauntlet of bullets fired from every vantage point. Gang members Charley Pitts and Bill Chadwell were killed instantly while Bob and Jim Younger were seriously wounded but still managed to make it out of town. Jesse and Frank skeedaddled on back to Missouri unharmed, but probably much wiser after their run in with the Minnesotans.

Tennessee: A man calling himself Mr. B.J. Woodson rents a small house on Fatherland Street in Nashville, Tennessee in February 1881. Mr. Woodson turns out to be none other than Frank James, while one of his long-term visitors (a certain John D. Howard) is actually his brother Jesse.

Texas: In April 1874 Jesse decides to tie the knot with his first cousin Zerelda Mimms. The newlyweds then take a short honeymoon along the shores of the Gulf of Mexico at Galveston, Texas.

Texas: Surprisingly enough, a stagecoach is robbed of $3,000 just outside Austin, Texas in April of 1874 as well. Evidently Jesse decided to pay for his honeymoon the “easy way.”

West Virginia: To celebrate his 28th birthday, Jesse (along with the James and Younger Gangs) robs the Huntington Bank in Huntington, West Virginia on September 5, 1875. Although one of their party is slightly wounded in the ensuing shoot out the Boys still make a pretty nice score, riding off into the sunset with nearly $20,000 in cash, silver, and gold.

That’s all on this particular topic. I hope you learned something new about Jesse, his whereabouts, and his likely link to the Knights of the Golden Circle (KGC).

Remember, the theory is that Jesse’s presence (and some of the robberies he committed) in those other states were the source of no small number of KGC caches and troves. Either way, I’ve presented some of the evidence of Jesse’s presence outside of the state of Missouri.

Good hunting.

© J.R. 2010
Questions? E-mail me at
Posted by J.R. at 1:52 PM

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