PS... this is something that if by morning there is no clue to what it is... I will dive into helping this one along.
This IS a piece that deserves a serious dedication to research.
DO NOT... REPEAT... DO NOT ... clean it... try and open it... scratch it again... nothing.
Handle with care ... and if you have some gloves use em.
Also... DONT let anyone you don't trust even know about it.
OR clumsy fingers hold it.
IF it turns out to be a kids toy or something "else"... it would / will STILL be worth something.
Not the "mega"... but a "minor".
Take heed.
I think you have found a antique toy treasure box. Likely buried by kids playing many years ago----just my opinion
It's completely solid. It isn't a box. It looks to be molded for a purpose no one can figure out. All I know is it's not a toy. It's very heavy for the size.
PS... this is something that if by morning there is no clue to what it is... I will dive into helping this one along.
This IS a piece that deserves a serious dedication to research.
DO NOT... REPEAT... DO NOT ... clean it... try and open it... scratch it again... nothing.
Handle with care ... and if you have some gloves use em.
Also... DONT let anyone you don't trust even know about it.
OR clumsy fingers hold it.
IF it turns out to be a kids toy or something "else"... it would / will STILL be worth something.
Not the "mega"... but a "minor".
Take heed.
I agree this may be an amazing discovery, does look like 2 lead halves melted together, there may be something incredible inside. But what worries me is you just joined to post it and haven't responded much or told how or when it was found and NEED more pics
I apologize... I am very curious... but in the middle of a movie... and am just too shot out tonight...
Besides I did do a few quickie searches for things like lead toys... etc.
Nothing came up... no surprise.
There are many great minds on Tnet... And I am sure some wheels are turning as we speak.
There is hope ... be patient.
Relax... and just know this... with a smile on your face...
You found something REALLY frigging cool.
And just maybe...
Real History... TIED to someone famous... errr edit TO 2 "someone's". heh
Far out huh![]()
It looks like all of the copper work was suspended by copper pins while being cast into molten lead then snipped off and polished even. Lots of work to be a toy. With the exact weight, the measurements you posted (3 inches long and 1.70 inches wide. .80 inches thick) someone with better math abilities than I could determine if a hollow center exists (holding the key to...).
It looks like all of the copper work was suspended by copper pins while being cast into molten lead then snipped off and polished even. Lots of work to be a toy. With the exact weight, the measurements you posted (3 inches long and 1.70 inches wide. .80 inches thick) someone with better math abilities than I could determine if a hollow center exists (holding the key to...).
It may be my eyes but Jesse seems to be spelled Jessie ? Looks to have an "i" in it.
Yes, the Jesse is spelled incorrectly as Jessie. (well spelled incorrectly if they meant to spell the outlaw Jesse James name)
I believe it is lead. Although I'm not positive. Also, the updated dimensions are below.
4in x 2 3/8inch
1 inch wide around varying slightly 1 inch wide
100mm x 60mm
width slants from 22mm to 27mm
I wouldn’t pay much attention to the backwards ‘N’ or the misspelling of Jesse.
It may be my eyes but Jesse seems to be spelled Jessie ? Looks to have an "i" in it. Having poured a lot of lead I do know the item could be laid on its side and the letters brazed onto it. May be why some of the letterings under magnification seems to be weak, Would be stronger if it was all cast at the same time. ( Notice how crisp the lines are on a solid cast 3 ringer of the same era are).
But they did a lot of brazing back then so it was old technology. Interesting item your Dad found.