Rebel - KGC
Platinum Member
Eh...?“Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him, and he will bring justice.
Eh...?“Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him, and he will bring justice.
I hear you L.C.,
Even while the subtle wiles of the evil one's fake
messengers, weave their web of half truths & lies...
"I will fear no evil, for you are with me"
That is actually supposed to be an E with the crescent moon or waxing moon as you call it. I believe it was symbolizing a new beginning, is that correct? The man who it belong's to, was well connected with Jesse W. James and Qauntrill's gang. Jesse and his whole gang would show up on a regular basis at the mans house. from time to time, perhaps to drop something off and pick something up. They were "Brothers of Lasting Faith," and worked together nicely.
In my honest opinion, "If a person was to look up Hard Core Rebel in the dictionary, there should be a picture of him beside the definition.
I would like to find a copy of this book.....
The Enyart family, 1625-1975 by Lorence M Enyart (1976)
Hi LC...
I've read most of your threads/posts and haven't seen where you've found this book you were looking for...
It's by Lawrence Enyart
The family descended from Carel Enjart...The Enjart sur name spelling was changed to Enyart during immigration.
Keep in mind that an acre of land was worth less than $5.00. One of the K.G.C.'s first plans was to obtain vast amounts of land. They started when it was worth about $1.00 an acre. By the time Jesse James was done stoking the till and he was ready to retire in 1881, He didn't really need any money. Jesse was like a made man, his future was secured by his "Brothers of Lasting Faith". Ever wonder why Jesse Woodson James had a really good picture of himself taken in 1881? If the K.G.C. was capable of getting John Wilkes Booth to freedom in Texas, it stands to reason that they certainly had a good plan for their number one fund raiser Jesse Woodson James.
These two suspected getaways have a whole lot more in common than the general public has been informed of. Once all of the facts are known, the provability factor of their individual escapes begin to sail.
L.C. Baker
The last ride of Jesse James: Infamous outlaw?s last crime was robbing the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers > Headquarters U.S. Army Corps of Engineers > Story Article View
Jesse James was above all else a Freemason, and that made him well accepted amongst true friends. They don't just hand out the masonic badge to anyone, you have to be accepted unanimously by them. If he was of questionable character, he would never have made it past that part of the entrance to Freemasonry. Men of that kind of character do not run amuck robbing for no good reason, or their own malevolence.
Hi Again..I've studied Jesse W. James, Quantrell, Anderson and other Missouri outlaws and Civil War participants since I was a kid and more recently I'm trying to find information about KGC...I could never and can't find Jesse Woodson James listed anywhere as a Freemason from back in his day...of course that's said on forums, but without details of where or when he was initiated.
What lodge did he belong to or where could I find that information? You must of found what I can't since you said they don't hand out Masonic badges to just anyone!
Thanks LC,
Jesse was made a Mason-At-Sight by Albert Pike, CSA; a 33rd Degree. "M-A-S" could be done back then by Grand-Masters, etc. NO need for Lodge affiliations, etc. "JJ" became a 32nd, so he could be "in charge" of KGC $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. "Google" Making a Mason At Sight.
I have done R & I on it; seen it on MANY diverse sites; are YOU in the "PROVENANCE" game of ECS/bigscoop, now...? "Google" Jesse James, made a MASON a-sight by Albert Pike; MAY find something, dunno.Ok Thanks...Where do I find that Albert Pike made Jesse W James...Outlaw, a Mason At Sight?
I have done R & I on it; seen it on MANY diverse sites; are YOU in the "PROVENANCE" game of ECS/bigscoop, now...? "Google" Jesse James, mad a MASON a-sight by Albert Pike; MAY find something, dunno.
Hi LC...I was wondering, which picture of Jesse Woodson James you were referring to that was taken in 1881? Could you post it here or where could it be seen?