Next time you post something here for deciphering... please try to adhere to the basic guidelines as to help us help you...

When posting in "What Is It?", please give members the information they need to help identify your find:
1. Post MULTIPLE sharp closeup photos of both the front and the back and sides.
2. State the actual size of the item. Also, if possible, put something with it in the photo for scale: a common U.S. coin, a ruler, etc.
3. If there are any inscriptions which cannot be easily read in the photos, type them in full in your post.
4. If there are maker's marks, numbers, symbols, or other marks on the back which are not easily seen in the photo, post a close-up or a drawing of them.
5. Indicate the composition of the item. For example: "thin brass, filled with lead on the back."
6. Knowing where you found the item or how you got it can also be helpful in identifying the find.
• Once your item has been identified, don't forget to mark it "Solved."
• Finally, if someone identifies your item or provides other helpful information, take time to post your appreciation.