J.L.P The Only One To Have Deciphered The Beale Ciphers Correctly

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It's a simple question to which there are a few answers, just none that can even begin to help anyone on an accurate path to an accurate solve of either the ciphers or the story source. A simple question that has brought three different threads to complete stops, dead in their tracks. Pretty darn telling....

Why would someone need to show you anything? Or prove to you anything? All you do is cry that it can't be done!

Why would someone need to show you anything? Or prove to you anything? All you do is cry that it can't be done!

For starters....

To support a claim (maybe).
To prove a point of contention.
To lend credibility.
To establish fact.
To demonstrate relevance of poster to original topic.
To compare basis with others who have worked cipher ,(free sourcing without injury) when no basis has been found not induced by the person manipulating the cipher.
To confirm declared ability.
To right that which is wrong.

What are your reasons for not seeking credence to anything you post, yet constantly posting about the unfounded claims of others? No factual foundation of fabricated stories ,yet here you are promoting and supporting them....As if


What are your reasons for not seeking credence to anything you post, yet constantly posting about the unfounded claims of others? No factual foundation of fabricated stories ,yet here you are promoting and supporting them....As if
M Poe has been asked that question many times over, Releventchair, and never is an answer ever provided.
The reason appears to be quite evident.

M Poe has been asked that question many times over, Releventchair, and never is an answer ever provided.
The reason appears to be quite evident.

I know, I know....
Maybe Beale forum should be adults only.

... A simple question that has brought three different threads to complete stops, dead in their tracks. Pretty darn telling....
You must have forgotten that the groundhog saw his shadow and we will have at least six more weeks of unsubstantiated claims of cipher solutions. :laughing7:

For starters....

To support a claim (maybe).
To prove a point of contention.
To lend credibility.
To establish fact.
To demonstrate relevance of poster to original topic.
To compare basis with others who have worked cipher ,(free sourcing without injury) when no basis has been found not induced by the person manipulating the cipher.
To confirm declared ability.
To right that which is wrong.

What are your reasons for not seeking credence to anything you post, yet constantly posting about the unfounded claims of others? No factual foundation of fabricated stories ,yet here you are promoting and supporting them....As if

And then Who are you? What makes you special!

You must have forgotten that the groundhog saw his shadow and we will have at least six more weeks of unsubstantiated claims of cipher solutions. :laughing7:
Told you so. :thumbsup:

And then Who are you? What makes you special!

I am me. Being able to answer makes me especial.

Still no proof of you claim that some one else's claim has any factual evidence supporting it? Care to take a swing at the c-1 and what logic applies to starting on it question? No? L.o.l...
That could be easily construed as supporting claims to the contrary.

Invisible horse may exist. Hard to sell though. Easier to dismiss as a hoax. Even if the sellers claim it exists is supported by some one else who has no proof either.
What cha got for proven claim?
There are plenty of unproven claims. Any one supporting just another claim ,yet with less to go on ........makes such a character by profile ;a shill.
No other logic applies.
So ,keep offering some one else's inviso-horse by proxy.
One's $ "cut" does not depend on it actually selling either. It's in the selling around the selling......Click money.

Thanks for the how to lessons.

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Why would someone need to show you anything? Or prove to you anything? All you do is cry that it can't be done!

This is called, "a failed attempt at trying to shift focus." You made the questionable claims, showed the questionable support of such claims, you put yourself on the spot, not me. Clearly you have no idea what you're talking about or even what you're attempting to support. You just keep reposting, pasting quotes, bumping post, and presenting content from other sources, yet never have you ever offered anything of your own design/research/efforts in regards to the Beale story or the Beale ciphers. All you've been doing is clinging to the heels of others. That's way more obvious to everyone then you realize. Like i said, keep studying and learning, in time you'll get a grip on it for yourself someday, maybe?

You must have forgotten that the groundhog saw his shadow and we will have at least six more weeks of unsubstantiated claims of cipher solutions. :laughing7:
HA! Once the wolf finds the groundhog... wolf is gonna EAT that groundhog! Heh...

I am me. Being able to answer makes me especial.

Still no proof of you claim that some one else's claim has any factual evidence supporting it? Care to take a swing at the c-1 and what logic applies to starting on it question? No? L.o.l...
That could be easily construed as supporting claims to the contrary.

Invisible horse may exist. Hard to sell though. Easier to dismiss as a hoax. Even if the sellers claim it exists is supported by some one else who has no proof either.
What cha got for proven claim?
There are plenty of unproven claims. Any one supporting just another claim ,yet with less to go on ........makes such a character by profile ;a shill.
No other logic applies.
So ,keep offering some one else's inviso-horse by proxy.
One's $ "cut" does not depend on it actually selling either. It's in the selling around the selling......Click money.

Thanks for the how to lessons.

I can see many angry people here! This all comes down to that age old question. How can someone believe in what they can not see! But yet some have seen and in seeing comes believing! And yet there are some that have not seen the deciphered message and still believe!

To blindly accuse something as fraud is a bit overwhelming to say the least!

Why do you keep standing up for Jean Laf. Standing for something you have never seen but yet claim it is the "correct" decipherment of C1. And stop using the word "fraud" until you understand the meaning of the word. No one is accusing Jean Laf of "fraud" we are saying he has had four years to show some evidence and now he says he will have something in another "FOUR YEARS." Come on if he had anything worth looking at it would have already been revealed. What has been revealed is his searching for information that most posters on this forum already know and as long as he is searching, then he has "NOTHING WORTHWHILE"

Why do you keep standing up for Jean Laf. Standing for something you have never seen but yet claim it is the "correct" decipherment of C1. And stop using the word "fraud" until you understand the meaning of the word. No one is accusing Jean Laf of "fraud" we are saying he has had four years to show some evidence and now he says he will have something in another "FOUR YEARS." Come on if he had anything worth looking at it would have already been revealed. What has been revealed is his searching for information that most posters on this forum already know and as long as he is searching, then he has "NOTHING WORTHWHILE"

Possibly he is building his house on the Rock!

Why do you keep standing up for Jean Laf. Standing for something you have never seen but yet claim it is the "correct" decipherment of C1. And stop using the word "fraud" until you understand the meaning of the word. No one is accusing Jean Laf of "fraud" we are saying he has had four years to show some evidence and now he says he will have something in another "FOUR YEARS." Come on if he had anything worth looking at it would have already been revealed. What has been revealed is his searching for information that most posters on this forum already know and as long as he is searching, then he has "NOTHING WORTHWHILE"

I like his videos and he has put up a lot of original information that has come from his deciphered pages. Not the old stuff everyone else has! Original!

Masterpoe, please remember we have rules against being a proxy for a banned member.

"You may not.... Act as a proxy for another member."

I can see many angry people here! This all comes down to that age old question. How can someone believe in what they can not see! But yet some have seen and in seeing comes believing! And yet there are some that have not seen the deciphered message and still believe!

To blindly accuse something as fraud is a bit overwhelming to say the least!

Nothing blindly on my part. Believing in something one cannot see is blind faith. Simply because I do not believe a unproven claim does not equate to anger.
Angry solves nothing.
When in blind faith I throw a lite switch ,one of two things happens. One action results more than another , but eventually nothing will happen.
How do I know? Not because I was told some one knew how to throw a switch ,yet offered no evidence. Or from studying odds of a switch or bulb or electric current all being in working order each time a switch is thrown. What would anger do to change either result ? I may not be enthralled at any given moment ,but have enough experience to know anger is not much of a solution to anything. Things prove their effectiveness or they don't.
Non effective/ nonproductive things / people in my areas of interest get culled or labeled defective. Not praised. More so over time when they continue to fail to function. Sitting in a non functioning defective vehicle hastens progress very little.

Funny you mention fraud....Checking the definition ,you may be on to something!
You see any profit in your effort? Any deception involved?

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Possibly he is building his house on the Rock!

Exactly! "He is building" i.e., "designing & manufacturing".....see, I told you you'd start to catch on as you continued to learn more. In the end he'll have a nice little piece of completely manufactured fiction for himself. :icon_thumright:

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