Items to keep a look out for

paint cans....thats a subject I have never considered as a hobby...what a wacky world I live in...I guess no one will ever know about my secret poopatrooper collection.(little plastic parachute dudes) This is one of my most obsessive hunts to find,simply for nostalgia..There really is a niche for everyone!.

Thanks for this tip. I have passed by some of this stuff recently and didn't even think about it. I wonder if it's because they are foreign cruise ships, that makes them desirable or maybe post war conversions? I have some domestic stuff that isn't worth much at all. Part of the reason I quit looking at this type of ephemera. I also noticed that the same 2 bidders were bidding on all 4, actually 3 bidders but one wasn't as aggresive. Same guy won all 4 auctions.

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[What made these cans go from EPA disposal nightmares to prized collectibles. I'd love to know.

Two cents![/QUOTE]

When you wrote that, it reminded me of what one Home Depot paint dept. employee told me.... There was a new, but leaking gallon can of a very high quality "Focal Red" paint, which he marked his name and department number, and then gave me if I would take it out of the store right then with the help of several plastic bags at the checkout clerk's counter. He said that Home Depot sells their "OOPS Paint" for $5.00 a gallon because the EPA disposal regs causes them to otherwise dispose of it through a private company at a cost of $50.00 gallon!!!!

I really appreicate the fellow listing this new area of spray paint can collecting.... Here in Texas, most estate sales usually have a shelf of old cans that just sit there... Thanks for sharing!


you can ship, but it has to be ground shipping only.
On my last trip to the post office they told me they do not permit the shipping of spray cans. Normally I would not trust government employees to know anything, however this guy once made me pay extra shipping cost because my package was .002 ounces overweight. And he seems to be a real go by the book guy. He always ask me whats in the box when I ship media mail etc... I don't know about fed ex or UPS though.

On my last trip to the post office they told me they do not permit the shipping of spray cans. Normally I would not trust government employees to know anything, however this guy once made me pay extra shipping cost because my package was .002 ounces overweight. And he seems to be a real go by the book guy. He always ask me whats in the box when I ship media mail etc... I don't know about fed ex or UPS though.
I think your "by the book" stickler needs to go back to the book and re-read it. It clearly states on the USPS website what hazmats can and can't be mailed and how to package/label it properly. Here, you can read up and school him on your next visit- DMM 601 Mailability (10.0 Hazardous Materials)
It's done all the time, I think they just don't want to deal with it. You know... another lazy Gov. employee, just there to put in his time and collect a pension.

Diggum, come on man...

Im a Govt employee. I work VERY hard to earn my salary. In fact my actual day to day job is to save the Govt money (for acquisitions).
Not to mention, most Govt employees have not been on the pension system (called CSRS) since 1988 (I think, could be off by a few years). Most currently employed Govt workers who have been working for 25 years or less are on the FERS system. I pay into a TSP, which is basically a Govt 401k. I can pay up to 5% of my salary into an account, which the Govt matches. That is my retirement plan which I am both earning and paying at least 50% towards. I know people like to complain that Govt workers have access to so many benefits that are greater than what private industry offers. But, please keep in mind that most large businesses (and even some small) offer some sort of retirement plan (401k, etc) and some even offer traditional pensions and/or severence packages. Don't forget that private or public sector alike, all employees who have paid into Social Security are eligible to collect upon retirement. So the issues facing SS right now will affect both you and me alike.

I hope he comes back here to post to educate us about WHY these cans are collectible. I clicked on some links and some had grading scales based on condition and how much paint was left in the can.

Empty cans will sell for as much as the same can full if the buyer wants/needs it.
If it's a rare can/color like Krylon Hot Raspberry or Icy Grape or Pineapple Yellow it would pull $200 easy if it were empty, twice that if full in good condition.

the mistake some people make is they thing EVERY old can is worth tons of money and that's not the way it works...I see some people on eBay post old, random cans for $50-$60 just because it has a 1960's date on it and they'll curse you out when you ask why they priced that specific can so cool...

most older (1950's-late 1970's) off-brands will get you between $5 & $25, $30 full...empty maybe $5-$20...
the brands that get the most money are:
Krylon (Borden stock, before SWP took over)
Red Devil
Wet Look
Wet Paint
and any of the above-mentioned brands' paint racks, clocks, etc.
one guy on eBay paid over $1000.00 for an old Rustoleum rack & sign...

these Borden stock Krylons below will get you $80-$150 each...I need 2 more to complete the set of this color (different label designs)...

I just paid $20 for a can or clear Rustoleum Woodsaver I needed to complete the wasn't worth more than $4-$5 but I needed it and didn't wanna pass it up.(pic below)

To answer the question "why these cans are collectible" I would say-for me personally-I have been using spray paint for years...I'm an artist and grew up writing graffiti and I just love spraypaint....but some people just collect them for the sake of collecting, some buy & sell on eBay strictly to make money because there is a market for it...some people collect color charts & fan-decks from paint companies....hell, I've seen match-book collections and garment buttons for sale before...
to each his own I guess...

I recently came across this 1951 paper label Rustoleum bucket (quart) in great condition with the original Rustoleum logo....I paid $5 and got offers up to $400 so far for it...

I keep talking myself in and out of selling it...but I've never seen this logo before and I'm positive I can get more for it...just gotta wait & see.
again, if anyone happens to come across anything please feel free to let me know if you're selling...

oh and shipping cans is weird...USPS will allow them only to be shipped Parcel Post but I know people who ship them Flat Rate Priority and they always arrive.
I ship them FedEx Ground's illegal to ship aerosols on airplanes due to the pressurized cans...wouldn't want a $300 can of paint to explode before you get it anyway....

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Borden-Stock.... Thanks for coming back to answer my questions. I'm always trying to learn what makes a collector collect what they collect. :) Spray paint can collection, like many other forms of collecting, is something completely new and foreign to me and I appreciate you helping me understand it.

For a collector on items such as this, it really helps that you educate us resellers on what to look for. I know for a fact I've thrown away old spray paint cans while working at auctions. Many auctioneers will toss that stuff before it even makes it to the sale. The more people know about collecting these kinds of items, the less likely some rare and unique items ends up in the trash due to lack of knowledge.

Not to go too far off on a tangent but...... It's been my experience that there are good & bad government employees. As far as the retirement system goess there's a huge difference between a 401k & a FERS TSP. Here's a qoute from the website with the relevant sentence underlined:

The TSP part of FERS is an account that your agency automatically sets up for you. Each pay period your agency deposits into your account amount equal to 1% of the basic pay you earn for the pay period. You can also make your own contributions to your TSP account and your agency will also make a matching contribution. These contributions are tax-deferred. The Thrift Savings Plan is administered by the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board.

Not to go too far off on a tangent but...... It's been my experience that there are good & bad government employees. As far as the retirement system goess there's a huge difference between a 401k & a FERS TSP. Here's a qoute from the website with the relevant sentence underlined:

They pay the first 1%. They match the next 3% and half a percent on the next 2%. Basically they match 5% if you contribute 5%. You can contribute up to 10% of your salary, but only 5% will be matched.

The TSP is not the only part of the retirement either. You get 1% of your highest 3 year average for each year of service. I've worked for the gov't for 27 years, but only the last 13 years are creditable. At 62 I will have my social security and 25% of my high 3 year average salary. The FERS system is no where near as generous as what the old CSRS system was.

There are many variables to the FERS retirement system and would take forever for me to try and explain it here. Easier to go to the site and read about it if you're really that interested.

I am waiting on a medical retirement from FERS right now. I will get 60% of my high 3 average the first year and 40% after that. After age 62 it will revert to regular retirement and I will get credit for the years on medical retirement. They will keep 100% of my SSD payments the first year, and 60% after that. Very complicated, but I assure you I will not be living high on the hog.

I do consider myself fortunate that I will at least be able to cover my living expenses and not lose my house. My wife passed away last year and never worked, so I get zero benefits for her.

And trdhrdr007, I hardly see 1% as HUGE difference. It's a freaking quarter if you made $25 an hour.

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Borden-Stock.... Thanks for coming back to answer my questions. I'm always trying to learn what makes a collector collect what they collect. :) Spray paint can collection, like many other forms of collecting, is something completely new and foreign to me and I appreciate you helping me understand it.

For a collector on items such as this, it really helps that you educate us resellers on what to look for. I know for a fact I've thrown away old spray paint cans while working at auctions. Many auctioneers will toss that stuff before it even makes it to the sale. The more people know about collecting these kinds of items, the less likely some rare and unique items ends up in the trash due to lack of knowledge.

I can't count the times I've went into an antique shop and asked the collectors/sellers there if they had any old paint and-after looking at me like i was crazy for a few seconds-tell me they "just threw away a couple boxes of old paint"...if only I were a day or two earlier...
I always knew estate sales was a good place to find cans...I think I'm going to start going to them...

I can't count the times I've went into an antique shop and asked the collectors/sellers there if they had any old paint and-after looking at me like i was crazy for a few seconds-tell me they "just threw away a couple boxes of old paint"...if only I were a day or two earlier...
I always knew estate sales was a good place to find cans...I think I'm going to start going to them...
I found a few yesterday finally, at an estate sale. I don't think they are worth much, only 1 of them is an old Borden can, but I only paid a dollar for the 3.


They pay the first 1%. They match the next 3% and half a percent on the next 2%. Basically they match 5% if you contribute 5%. You can contribute up to 10% of your salary, but only 5% will be matched.

The TSP is not the only part of the retirement either. You get 1% of your highest 3 year average for each year of service. I've worked for the gov't for 27 years, but only the last 13 years are creditable. At 62 I will have my social security and 25% of my high 3 year average salary. The FERS system is no where near as generous as what the old CSRS system was.

There are many variables to the FERS retirement system and would take forever for me to try and explain it here. Easier to go to the site and read about it if you're really that interested.

I am waiting on a medical retirement from FERS right now. I will get 60% of my high 3 average the first year and 40% after that. After age 62 it will revert to regular retirement and I will get credit for the years on medical retirement. They will keep 100% of my SSD payments the first year, and 60% after that. Very complicated, but I assure you I will not be living high on the hog.

I do consider myself fortunate that I will at least be able to cover my living expenses and not lose my house. My wife passed away last year and never worked, so I get zero benefits for her.

And trdhrdr007, I hardly see 1% as HUGE difference. It's a freaking quarter if you made $25 an hour.

The OP made the case that federal retirement is the equivalent of a 401K. My point was that they aren't the same at all. While I may not have been 100% correct as to where the HUGE difference was your post gives enough info to back up my point. I underlined the sentence that is the difference between federal retirement benefits & a 401K.

The OP made the case that federal retirement is the equivalent of a 401K. My point was that they aren't the same at all. While I may not have been 100% correct as to where the HUGE difference was your post gives enough info to back up my point. I underlined the sentence that is the difference between federal retirement benefits & a 401K.

You obviously missed the point of my post and instead chose to focus on proving me wrong based on my choice of wording that a 401k and TSP are "basically" the same.

The OP made the case that federal retirement is the equivalent of a 401K. My point was that they aren't the same at all. While I may not have been 100% correct as to where the HUGE difference was your post gives enough info to back up my point. I underlined the sentence that is the difference between federal retirement benefits & a 401K.

It does not back up your point. You are comparing entire retirement benefits to one component. The TSP account is comparable to a 401K.

Thank you all for the tips on what to look for. I've been keeping my eye out for games, little people, vintage cruise line items and vintage paint, and finally grabbed one this morning - a 1967 Rustoleum can. It's a full can with it's cap and cover, No 862 Colonial Ivory. I paid $1 for it at a flea market this morning, put it up on ebay this morning and got a quick first bid at $9.99. I'm hopeful it will get a few more bids, but any time I can make 10 times my money on something, I'm happy! Here's some pics and a link to the auction:

1967 Vintage Rust Oleum No. 862 Colonial Ivory full can, cap & cover | eBay


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Sweet find Treasure Kid! So far you made enough to go get some Dells and a grinda!:headbang:

I've done well with older Power Rangers toys, make sure they are made by Bandai. There are lots generic toys that look like Power Rangers

How do you tell if the spray cans are Borden-Stock???? all the pictures i have seen on this thread i could not see any mention. Please help to inform a noobie about the wonderful world of paint cans :)

Check the fine print on the back of the can on the bottom. Older cans of Krylon paint should say "Borden Inc" somewhere near the bottom of the can on the back, like in this picture:

I scored these two bad boys Saturday.

rustoleum (1).webprustoleum (2).webp

I bought other rust oleum stuff but not sure if they are worth anything. Also bought some old off brand stuff like Kmart. Seems some people are actually into the off brand market, but they do not command high prices. Though I only paid .25 cents to $1 a can so not much of an investment.

I have high hopes for these two. A similar can of hi gloss white was sold earlier this month. VINTAGE Spray Paint Rust-Oleum 2766 White 1 FULL CAN 1960, 1 Partial 1972 | eBay

And as for the BBQ black, I have not seen ANY cans up for sale, it might be a real winner. Come on Holy Grail of spray paint cans!

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