It may be time to consider other social media outlets, getting bad folks

Deep. The OP isn't referring to his employment. He, in the most generic term, is a customer.

Okay XtreasureX.

Stop right there. I think you are confused.

How much does 49er12 or anybody else pay to use Facebook, Twitter, Parlor, or any other open internet forum, or social platform?

Nothing right? Well, with the exception of "Bonus Members" here on Treasure Net, the correct answer is nothing.

That's because people who use these things are NOT the customer. :icon_scratch:

They are the product. :skullflag:

That’s exactly correct, that’s the robots all of a sudden acting like asses, h.h. Come on man that’s language used by detectorist for years.

49er12, yep.

In the case of Treasure Net, what you post and what other members like me post is the product that TreasureNet's owner(s) are selling.

If you want the offensive discrimination to stop you gotta go after the customers.

Do you know what I am talking about, 49er12?

And for the record, I like TreasureNet's customers. :thumbsup:

I have litte to no love for SpaceBook, MyFace, and Twitters customers.....

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Now 49er12, don't do anything rash. :nono:

But please tell me whether or not you know what I meant when I say that if you want the offending discrimination to stop, you gotta go after the customer.

I certainly am NOT referring to hurting anybody physically. I would never condone such.

Okay XtreasureX.

Stop right there. I think you are confused.

How much does 49er12 or anybody else pay to use Facebook, Twitter, Parlor, or any other open internet forum, or social platform?

Nothing right? Well, with the exception of "Bonus Members" here on Treasure Net, the correct answer is nothing.

That's because people who use these things are NOT the customer. :icon_scratch:

They are the product. :skullflag:

OMG, mark the date, i actually agree with Duckshot. He's dead on, you are the product.

And regardless, be they employees, employers, customers, or users, ones political leanings or speech do not fall under discrimination protection under the law when it comes to business in most cases.

One is free to spout off politics, sports, hate or what ever floats your boat on social media until their heads turn blue, and in return, both your employer is free to fire you for it and the social media site free to delete you.

Sometimes i find people actually don't like freedom/liberty as much as their virtue signaling would indicate when it's another business or person exercising it against them.

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I live in the commonwealth of VA. Which means I have no rights. all business can bar you for any reason. God help us all

I live in the commonwealth of VA. Which means I have no rights. all business can bar you for any reason. God help us all

Though it may feel that way at times, that is categorically false.

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Like I have stated elsewhere numerous times GoDeep, I only use facebook to rat out communists.

....and also those who have no principles. :skullflag:

Speaking of which, do you understand what I mean when I say go after the customers GoDeep?

Just checking. I could just spell it out for everyone. But this is the kind of thing where it might be better if someone else finds it for us. Pretend Duckshot is your detector, I will get you to the gold.

And I will sing a pleasing tone when you find it too! :thumbsup:

Never heard so much hog wash in my life. Grown men belly aching over not be allowed to be as###*s. These are the proud patriots we are asked to believe care about America?

Think about social media as being like the public swimming pool. You are the guys cannon-balling on the kids, starting fights and leaving floaters. Afterwards you whine about getting the boot. Pathetic.

For the record, I am a veteran in my fifties, who lives in the country and believes in god.

So like, when you see a commercial on a billboard or when watching your television who pays for that?

You might think the product manufacture pays for that commercial or billboard...

...but if so you are wrong. The customer pays for it.

But in the case of public social media sites, you are not the customer, you are just the product.???

Hmmm, however can a product control a customer? :icon_scratch:

I could pinpoint it for you all. But like they say, "Finders Keepers!" I want someone else to find it so they will keep it. I'll still help you look.

You all already know I've lost it! :tongue3:

Keep looking. We are looking for a way to bite back at social media's nonsensical discrimination that 49er12 and others have been experiencing. Don't worry, I know what I'm doing.

Think about social media as being like the public swimming pool.
As GoDeep and I have already stated, it is a private swimming pool and not a public one.

For the record, I am a veteran in my fifties, who lives in the country and believes in god.

Thank you for your service and God Bless! :usflag:

That is exactly why I do not have any Social Media accounts (except on T-net). My wife and daughter tease me and say that Treasurenet is my Facebook ! Other than this site, I have no use for Social media platforms. My Mother in law (Army) and Father in law (Marines) were both WW11 Veterans who would be disgusted with what is going on in this Country.

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Okay, I was trying to make this fun by leaving keys and clues, but now my impatience has grabbed hold of me so to speak.

It is true and correct that Treasure Net member's posts are the product Treasure Net sells to - advertizers. Go down to the bottom middles of the form index and you can see who the supporting vendors are. Last I heard T-Net charges their costumers about $1,600 a year to be allowed to advertise in the"Supporting Vendors" section of this forum. These advertising sales and sales to main page vendors such a Kellyco and other product placement advertisement which is paid for be companies that want to sell their product(metal detecting items) to members of this forum (YOU, T-net' product) So, while You are Tnet's product you are also these advertising vendors customer's

And that's essentially the purpose of T-net as a whole. T-net makes money from advertisers, and advertisers make money from forum members. All the revenues collected by vendors and Tnet comes froms YOU the members! -without your money the vendors do not have your money to spend on advertising. All these "free" social platforms operate in this same way.

If you want comtrol over the content a forum provides, simply STOP being a customer of the vendors. If you really want to push change, write a snail mail letter to each Vendor notifying them of your Boycott stating the exact reason you will look for products you want or need elsewhere. In this way, the Tnets vendors, will WANT T-Net to change the content allowed on TNet by "We the product".

I have used T-Net only for demonstration purposes and have no gripe against T-Net. So please don't use this tactic here. These tactics can be applied to pressure any other social media platform that sells advertising.

You may say, "what difference can a one man boycott make? " Well ladies and gentlemen, a small boycott is far better than doing nothing except getting angry. Just be honest, courteous, and persistent. And let me remind you that The American Civil War was won one rifle shot and one thrust of the bayonet at a time...


On one of my car forums, I was telling a guy he needed to rettard his ignition timing and the word "******" was edited to ******. It just did it here too! Snowflakes!

What I don't understand is if no one here is on social media. how would we know what advertisers to boycott? What if its stuff like Ford trucks and McDonalds? Give that up too? Just because a social media group I don't even use made a policy change or whatever. Just don't feel affected by it all.

I just got out of jail this morning. Nothing serious. They just won't let an old rebel be.

Got thrown in jail because I refused to wear a mask. I'm a free man! If I don't want to wear a mask or clothes I won't. On reflection I should have left my cloths on.

Hopefully I will never go back to jail, but sometimes the devil just has me do thing that the man says aint allowed. Dang blasted rules. We would all be better off with out them.

Well surprise surprise.....did you guys know that t-net shares all info with Facebook, Google, etc...etc.

Did you know that t-net also bans people for political rhetoric, and bans other forms of speech.

Bet you didn't read all the terms and conditions before you hit the agree button when signing up....if you did you would have thought twice before signing up. EVERYTHING YOU POST IS THE PROPERTY OF T-NET.....they can do whatever they please with your photos and posts. Which includes sharing them with the big names in social media.
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I have argued with others about it is read it and weep.

I read all this in my first day and had an idea.....since these posts are shared with all, ill develope a method to get my possible banner posts to the top of the Google feed.....all my banner posts have the same key search words for Google. My hopes were that maybe some day I'll get noticed by some of the salvage teams for my efforts involving the 1733 treasure fleet. Well no less than 2 years later I got a pm from a team of treasure hunters here in the keys and have been happily involved with them ever since. They noticed my treasure finds, joined treasure net, and immediately pm me to see if I could get involved. So for me there was a method to my madness.
Just remember that if you would like to have your fredom of speech restored here on t-net it costs 25 $ to have a charter membership....then you are allowed to speak freely on a forum that is closed to the rest of us...(thank god)...also you will be allowed to trade and sell freely....a basic right here in the USA.
I can't understand how some of us think that this site is not social is and its shared all across the airwaves.

I got a call once from a friend who said we all saw your find on facebook....I said how's that...I told my wife not to post that on Facebook. It wasn't my wife it was t-nets Facebook page that they found it. So they are all in bed together....tis the way it is so you must quit all social media to get clear of the big boys.....go ahead give it a an image search on Google and you will see t-net pop up in a redirect for many searches.

I was fully aware of this when I hit the I agree button. It has worked for me in marketing myself and making others aware that I'm ready to work in the treasure salvage industry.

Remember that if you post here you are engaging in social media. Whatever you post here is the sole property of foundry forum Inc. And is shared to all the big tech giants wether you like it, want it, or intend it to be. Remember you hit the I agree button !!

Now....thats all I have to say on a thread thats not considered is political just by the nature of the subject.
Back to the topic of TREASURE for me !!

I'll leave you guys to the subject of social media....I've got digging to do !!

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