🏆 HONORABLE MENTION It doesnt get any better than this!

Congratulations on a great find and a wonderful story. You have made the rest of us look good and feel proud.



Now that is awesome what a great story and even better ending. :thumbsup:

It is people like you, that give metal detectorists a good name! :thumbsup:

That is a wonderful story and depicts what should be in the heart of every MD'er that finds a class ring or anything else that can be identified. I salute you for a job well done and congratulations on the find and return !!!

Great find and even better story :thumbsup:

Honorable Mention for sure,
Thank you for sharing it with us.
It is very hard to put into words what it feels like to give some thing back that was lost years ago.
It is a Big Rush to say the Least.
Congratulations on a job Well Done.

Awesome story and nice job on the ring return :leprechaun-hat:

I bet he had a story to tell folks too !!!

I've been doing this stuff on and off for over 40 years. When people ask me, whats the neatest thing you have found. For the longest time, that was hard to answer. Now adays, I answer....its the items that I can return to its owner. They just look at me funny. Until you have done it, you dont know how NEAT of a feeling that is.

My hat off to you for giving it back. Im sure some would have just melted it.



Great Job... Big Congrats!!! :icon_thumright:

GOD BLESS YOU,Priceless Story

awesome story... wish there was more people in this world like you...

Melissa, thats a great heartfelt story, I enjoyed reading it. Kudos to you, nice going.........Rich

I have to say that I'm very proud to call TENNESSEEGAL my sister. She comes from a long line of treasure hunters. Hey sis, did it feel like your head was going to pop off when he hugged you? Great job sis... keep up the great work.


Wow, what an awesome post and story! A true Ambassador to our sport indeed :award_star_gold_1:

Great story and thanks for sharing it with us. We still have great people in our communities and you are the kind of person we need to help us to remember that.

Great story about the ring for sure, congratulations on finding the owner. :thumbsup:

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