The main thing we are going to have to worry about will be the continuing attacks by the enviro-groups. What is needed is to find some way to pull their teeth once and for all. ....
Find their achilles heel and expose it. Here is an example of what members of Galice Mining District did in southern Oregon:
KS Wild Truth - Environmentalism Exposed!
Here is (in partial) a copy of recent email correspondence going around:
Subject: Re: Ron Wyden will be hosting a Town Hall
Was up
about the 15 mile marker....
Suzanne Nicole Savoie aka “India”(DOB:
of Applegate, Oregon
Informant Status: Charged with arson at Superior
Lumber Co., in Glendale, OR. She was sentenced to more than
51 months in prison for her role in two arsons. She turned
self in to FBI agents in mid-January 2006. Savoie made
statements against Nathan Block and Joyanna Zacher in her plea
agreement and was given a sentence only 8 months less
than expected because of her cooperation with
Current Information: Released in March 2011,
living with her husband in the Applegate Valley of southern
Oregon. She attended the April 2011 screening of “If a
Tree Falls” in Ashland and was heckled and harassed during
and after the showing. She claims her “innocence” as a
reluctant federal informant, and her husband has attempted
to rejoin the activist community.
On 1/16/2015 6:16
AM, Kerby [******] wrote:
Yeah, it's true that Georgie sent OSP to the door.
Or that was the "original plan", at least, because
once OSP saw the No Trespassing signs, they stayed in their
car. They called instead.
Georgie also called "the press".
Of course the big question out of both was
"What's the deal and will you stop?"
"The deal" was, we had called KS Wild out and
we identified George as a terrorist. Keep in mind, that
it's not necessary to fly planes into buildings or to
set up an improvised device on a roadside to blow up a
humvee to be a terrorist. You don't even need to spill
blood. You just need to terrorize people and adversely
effect their way of life. I know lots of miners who really
don't mine anymore for the simple fact that they are
afraid to. They are afraid of winding up like Cliff Tracy,
with their names in the newspaper and being labeled as
"outlaws" and "land rapers". I know lots
of farmers and loggers who've been wiped out because of
George and Friend's crap. We have dams that have been
ripped out and we have cancer clusters and polluted drinking
water downstream. As far as I'm concerned, it's a
form of terrorism and the people responsible are bigger
criminals than anyone they have in Gitmo.
That being said, contrary to what the press reported
and what Georgie told them, "the poster"
wasn't over mining. It was about him claiming to have
almost single-handedly destroyed the timber industry in this
region. The next time the county asks for more tax money to
fund public safety, remember, that's George's
fault because he's got BLM so spooked that they
won't cut a stick off the O & C Lands. No jobs
because the timber sector is destroyed - that's Georgie
too. He brags about it in his own biography.
George and his wife dramatically fled to the Upper
Applegate claiming that their lives were in danger, with
endangered baby and scared puppies in tow.
OSP suggested to me that I was probably in a position
to prevent a bunch of miners from kidnapping him and killing
him. I told them that if someone was actually going to
physically attack him, he would have been dead years ago.
The fact is, George has a long history of claiming that some
group or the next is intending to kill him. Back during the
Siskiyou Crest thing he told a writer that property owners
in the Upper Applegate had threatened to kill him, were
leaving effigies of him hanging from trees and that his life
was "very much in danger". And what a brave guy he
is to continue to do his work in light of so many people
out to get him. There was also the famous incident (mostly
courtesy of Ron Wyden, in fact) where Jamie Garner was
accused of threatening George with a sniper rifle, when in
fact, what Jamie actually said was that a bunch of enviros
traipsing off down Rogue River Canyon was probably a
disaster waiting to happen with all the people they had
pissed off knowing about it. Jamie didn't know anything
about the accusations until he was contacted by an Oregonian
reporter who said that he was following up on a letter
written by Wyden about a "criminal investigation"
into Jamie "threatening KS Wild". Personally, I
always felt that Ron Wyden should have been pursued over
this. And in fact, there never was a criminal investigation
into the incident, just Ron Wyden working with George &
Co. to make the miners look bad. As far as I'm
concerned, Wyden is a criminal and he ought to be tried for
attempting to help impose Agenda 21 and a number of other
internationalist agendas in this country. He can join
George in Gitmo and they can take Peter Defazio and John
Kitzhaber with them.
I told one reporter that it was pretty clear to me that
while George is pretty good at dishing things out, he's
kind of a bit of a little ***** when people fight back. They
decided not to print that quote, nor the one where we said
that our stated goal was to reduce him and his wife to
living in a cardboard box on a street corner to give them a
taste of what they've given others.
Both OSP and the reporters asked if we would
One of the reporters asked me if I had concerns about
being sued for libel and I told him that in reality, I would
welcome it, because I could verify everything that was on
that poster and that I would be most happy to see
that every shred of the evidence wound up on the record
during court. I told him to be sure to pass that message on
to KS Wild and suggested that he ought to do a story about
what they've done and most importantly, where their
money came from. Of course, they weren't too interested
in doing stories like that. It's all about miners who
want to kill the helpless enviros. The media cycle died
quickly, but not without us getting a few tasty quotes out
there that made it clear that this was really a war campaign
and that our goal was to destroy their organization.
We put out more posters, a slightly different version
this time, placing a Burger King crown on George's head
and surrounding him with a bunch of demented looking forest
critters. The poster was titled "The Madness of King
George". Hundreds of them went up in the Applegate
where George was supposedly hiding, as well as Gold Hill,
Grave Creek, Wolf Creek and Galice. KS Wild organized
"bulletin board committees" to take them down, but
they could not keep up. We considered it pretty cheap
entertainment to watch them devote all kinds of resources
over $20 of printer paper. In place of one poster removed at
Galice Creek, we actually found a note tacked up that
suggested that the anger of "resource extractors"
should actually be directed at the agencies instead of
environmentalists, who are "your neighbors, who will
help you get back to work in a responsible way". The
note trashed BLM and USFS. It was a pretty clear deflection
tactic to try to get us to focus on fighting the agencies
instead of them. We sent a copy to BLM and USFS instead and
ramped up the printers.
OSP called a few more times asking us to stop. The
detective seemed kind of irritated during the final call
and I told him that it seemed pretty clear to me that he
was obviously being leaned on by someone to get us to shut
up. He kind of himmed and hawed. I told him that we had no
intention of stopping and in fact, that we'd be going
the extra mile because they kept calling me.
Inside of 24 hours we had launched a poster campaign
against Joseph Vaile, who is actually the director of KS
Wild and we subsequently followed it up with a tell-all
blog powered by attention getting paid newspaper
advertising. The ads were no where near as agressive as we
wanted them to be because the firm we used was kind of
concerned about some of the content. "No, we can't
print swastikas with fish tails on them", but they were
pretty open unless we got really agressive with the
graphics. They even cheered us on a little, becoming
interested in learning about what these people were up to.
Those ads went out to 30,000 people in SW Oregon every time
we published an ad and a lot of those people went to the
website address on the ad where they could get access to
more information. Our allies in neighboring states attacked
them on social media and plastered posters up and down I-5.
They got heckled when they attended public meetings. At
one DSL meeting, Forrest English even erupted into a sort of
public temper tantrum after it was suggested that he should
be personally sued for his role in the removal of Gold Ray
and the resulting contamination of the Grants Pass water
supply. DSL had to tell him to calm down or they'd throw
him out. For the rest of the meeting, he just sat there
simmering and ineffective.
And then a funny thing happened ....
KS Wild got really quiet all of the sudden for quite
awhile and there were no more calls from OSP. What's
more, they made no efforts to retaliate or to even dispute
what was being published about them. Their social media
accounts, once very active, went into lockdown mode to
prevent people from coming on and attacking them. They just
sat and took the full brunt of the abuse. While the
effectiveness of their tactics cannot be disputed, it's
pretty clear that their Earth First! handbooks offered no
real advice about what to do when the enemy starts fighting
back. Appparently, the only thing in their bag of tricks was
to call the media and call the cops, but when that had
failed, they had nothing.
You see this also with Georgie calling Gil because
"Mark was bullying" him. But when that failed,
there was nothing left in the handbook.
You see this also in Rosa Koire's videos on how to
disrupt the Delphi Technique. They can't do anything
once they lose control.
We saw it at the Bundy Ranch too, with BLM being
unwilling to stand and fight when it was clear that a
resistance had been mounted.
The fact of the matter is, while their methods are very
effective, they are reliant on there being a weak opposition
who really aren't willing to fight back. They don't
have anything in the bag of tricks when you stand your
ground and in fact, if you make it hot for them, they do not
have much courage to stand and fight.
We can win. They only get away with it because we let