Isnt it wonderful to live in Fascistchusetts.

Warning, stop antaganizing, arguing and insults or I will.

Backbacon you on edge of attacking how we mod, don't go there....

We will NOT go quitely into the night!

Gentlemen I'm serious, do not try my patience, this is second warning, there will not be a third.

We will NOT go quitely into the night!

RJC curious why you stay ? Job, family, etc. What keeps you there ? I spent my entire life in New Hampshire other than a few childhood years in Western Mass. NH used to be better but slowly people started moving north to "get away" but they brought their attitudes with them. "Live free or Die" is now just a quirky old saying that's got nothing to do with how the state is run. Mass is worse but even that is changing. The only thing left for NH to do is change their name to Northern Massachusetts. And it's a damned shame. I have 4 direct descendants who fought in the Revolution including one of the original Minutemen from Acton. I got tired of being taxed to death while watching my state slowly turn liberal. And yeah NH has ridiculous taxes. Property tax of $5000 a year for one. So I gave up.. threw in the towel.. When I retired 2 years ago I could no longer afford to live in the home I owned for 32 years even though it was paid for. I put that place on the market and moved to the mountains of East Tennessee. Much better weather, much nicer people, some of the more realistic laws in the country, the views remind me alot of Northern NH, and my property taxes for a nicer house on an acre of land are $385 a year. I live in an unincorporated town. We have NO town government, no police, an all volunteer fire department, and the schools and the roads are run by the county so there are ZERO town taxes. I just built a 30x40 garage a few months ago. In NH or Mass it would have required an act of congress and written "permission" from every neighbor within 5 miles just to break ground after paying as much for permits as the garage cost and waiting several months. Here ? $50 bucks. Building permit was $50 and I walked in, wrote a check, and walked out with the permit. Done deal. Started construction immediately. Had one final inspection after the building was finished. The county building inspector stopped by, said it looked great (without even looking inside) and then asked me if I see many deer around here and if the neighbor who has 200 acres allows hunting on his property. It did cause my property taxes to go up though. Next year they will be $15 higher....

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many are happy with our nation but disappointed with our so called "leaders" --we have a serious lack of good , honest, quality leadership in this country -- the louts that run for office and get elected for the most part aren't really fit to hold office and run the country --they are greedy ,power hungry, self promoting , self centered jerks for the most part.

Actually NHBandit my roots are here,my ancestors roots are here.Though that isnt the complete reason why I'm not moving myself out of the lib hell hole just yet.Lack of jobs where I want to move,NH white mountains,is the main reason.Another,I hate moving lol.Houses are dirt cheap up there,I have family up there but,very little work there,unless being a cashier interests you.

I love the White mountains of NH and spent half my life up there. But.. there are other mountains in better places. This is 5 miles from here. Mountains in Greeneville.webp

I love the White mountains of NH and spent half my life up there

I know what you mean,I'm up there as much as possible myself.The reason I want to go there is my brother is getting old,he doesnt really have anybody to help him out.He has two kids but theyre grow and moved,one lives in concord the other down the street,shes pregnant right now so no help there from here.Her husband doesnt really help him out either.

Very nice looking country there NHbandit,very nice.

As an economic system, fascism is socialism with a capitalist veneer. The word derives from fasces, the Roman symbol of collectivism and power: a tied bundle of rods with a protruding ax. In its day (the 1920s and 1930s), fascism was seen as the happy medium between boom-and-bust-prone liberal capitalism, with its alleged class conflict, wasteful competition, and profit-oriented egoism, and revolutionary Marxism, with its violent and socially divisive persecution of the bourgeoisie. Fascism substituted the particularity of nationalism and racialism—“blood and soil”—for the internationalism of both classical liberalism and Marxism.

Yep,, Left side of the aisle. If you think it is a right wing trait (as it pertains to the U.S.)your education mislead you.

Adolf Hitler was a leftie?

That's an original ............... no wonder Adolf & Stalin were buddies, tiptoeing across Russia, arm-in-arm, picnicking in Stalingrad and singing Kum ba yah.

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Adolf Hitler was a leftie?

That's an original ...............

Not original at all, a simple mis-understanding on your part. I will help.. Spell out what NAZI means.

Not original at all, a simple mis-understanding on your part. I will help.. Spell out what NAZI means.

I know very well what it says, but wasn't really the agenda, just the group that Hitler took over. The Socialist (always an illusion) part pretty much went away on the Night of the Long Knives, insisted on and financed by industrialists such as Albert Voegler, Gustav Krupp, Alfried Krupp, Fritz Thyssen and Emile Kirdorf. I'm sure you've heard of that. Rohm had no illusions after that night.


Searching for Hitler
"People are bewitched by great illusions. They are hypnotized and do not see what actually takes place around them. All around, ferocity and slaughter reign supreme. They don't perceive it and believe that on the morrow the revolution will bring not only plenty, but the beatitude of paradise to all. All around morality crumbles, license, sadism, and cruelty are everywhere - the masses call it a moral regeneration."

Must be somewhere in the DNA, huh?

I know this may come as a shock to you, but things aren't always what people say they are.

Thanks for your offer to help.

Strife in the socialist party,, still the socialist party prevailed. You are hiding evidence Bum.
This from wiki.
"Röhm left the Reichswehr in 1923 and later became commander of the SA. During the 1920s and 1930s, the SA functioned as a private militia used by Hitler to intimidate rivals and disrupt the meetings of competing political parties, especially those of the Social Democrats and the Communists. Also known as the "brownshirts" or "stormtroopers", the SA became notorious for their street battles with the Communists.[SUP][5][/SUP] The violent confrontations between the two contributed to the destabilisation of Germany's inter-war experiment with democracy, the Weimar Republic.[SUP][6][/SUP] "

Hitler's appointment as chancellor, followed by the suppression of all political parties except the Nazis, did not end the violence of the stormtroopers. Deprived of Communist party meetings to disrupt, the stormtroopers would sometimes run riot in the streets after a night of drinking. They would attack passers-by, and then attack the police who were called to stop them.[SUP][8][/SUP] Complaints of "overbearing and loutish" behaviour by stormtroopers became common by the middle of 1933. The Foreign Office even complained of instances where brownshirts manhandled foreign diplomats.[SUP][9][/SUP] The stormtroopers' behaviour disturbed the German middle classes and other conservative elements in society, such as the army.[SUP][citation needed][/SUP]
Hitler's move would be to strengthen his position with the army by moving against its nemesis, the SA.[SUP][10][/SUP] On July 6, 1933, at a gathering of high-ranking Nazi officials, Hitler declared the success of the National Socialist, or Nazi, brown revolution. Now that the NSDAP had seized the reins of power in Germany, he said, it was time to consolidate its control. Hitler told the gathered officials, "The stream of revolution has been undammed, but it must be channelled into the secure bed of evolution."[SUP][11][/SUP]
Hitler's speech signalled his intention to rein in the SA, whose ranks had grown rapidly in the early 1930s. This would not prove to be simple, however, as the SA made up a large part of Nazism's most devoted followers. The SA traced its dramatic rise in numbers in part to the onset of the Great Depression, when many German citizens lost both their jobs and their faith in traditional institutions. While Nazism was not exclusively – or even primarily – a working class phenomenon, the SA fulfilled the yearning of many unemployed workers for class solidarity and nationalist fervour.[SUP][f][/SUP] Many stormtroopers believed in the socialist promise of National Socialism and expected the Nazi regime to take more radical economic action, such as breaking up the vast landed estates of the aristocracy. When the Nazi regime did not take such steps, those who expected an economic as well as a political revolution were disillusioned.[SUP][g][/SUP] "

Fascism( from your industrial financiers in bed with the dictator),, National socialists, democratic socialists, Communists. They all have one thing in common. They are Government down entities.. The people at the top are ruling over everyone else, the "slaves" to the government.

Big government is not what this country is founded on,, our history and our foundation split with Europe, before Marx. trying to compare the politics of Europe with the politics of the US is foolish.
Although,, the progressive Bull Moose Party did split the republican party and cause part of our problems now. Democrats were lured into the socialist mantra, Republicans have been slowly being infiltrated, Brilliantly so. But the fact remains that both parties are now on the left of our founding historically.

note that the Nazi's and Commies both worked against Poland (a Democratic Free country) in 1939 * so polar opposites can work together if its to their own gain in their view.

note that the Nazi's and Commies both worked against Poland (a Democratic Free country) in 1939 * so polar opposites can work together if its to their own gain in their view.

I agree that they were polar opposites, but that wasn't even Act 1. Just a set up.

There were no illusions nor love lost between Hitler and Stalin.

That was the WW2 meat grinder.

I agree that they were polar opposites, but that wasn't even Act 1. Just a set up.

There were no illusions nor love lost between Hitler and Stalin.

That was the WW2 meat grinder.

Their problem was that there can " be only one". The government they both wanted was total control. It never matters if they call it communism or socialism or fascism, when it gets down to it a despot needs total control. They just use the nomenclature as a tool, a lever to move the dim sheep.

There can never be more than one government; hence the term "sovereign". There can only be one body of laws and authority in any territory.

Communism is different than fascism in ideology; polar opposites actually in ideological structure.

There can never be more than one government; hence the term "sovereign". There can only be one body of laws and authority in any territory.

Communism is different than fascism in ideology; polar opposites actually in ideological structure.

Socialism is seen as step on the road to communism.

Vladimir Lenin: "Socialized Medicine is the Keystone to the Arch of the Socialist State."

Vladimir Lenin: "The goal of socialism is communism."

We will NOT go quitely into the night!

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True, but Socialism is seen as step on the road to communism.

Vladimir Lenin: "Socialized Medicine is the Keystone to the Arch of the Socialist State."

Vladimir Lenin: "The goal of socialism is communism."

We will NOT go quitely into the night!

We will NOT go quitely into the night!

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