Buddy found this gernade I assume and wanted to k ow if it's live or not
Not if things were corroded frozen, then the thin stamped part corroded away. Think about if for a minute.The lever is gone anything that would happen has already happened
No, they are made stateside, of course under a high level of security or could be a bring back, stranger things happen every day.Is this a joke?
It kind of came to me after the I replied, just got back from a road trip, I should be sitting in the recliner. I have seen what those things can do. It has obviously been moved from where it was found by somebody and that is a scary thought in itself.I see you don’t fully understand the ridiculousness of posting a photo of a dug “grenade” looking object and asking the internet if based on a single photo, “is it safe?” No disrespect intended towards yourself.