🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Is this safe ?

Impossible to tell from single picture, like firearms always treat it like it is loaded and armed.I would turn it over to police.

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Well tell your buddy not to FAFO.
It's better to get it taken care of by the proper authorities.
I a hole on the left, could it be for the pin?
Pulled-dud or it's been already been messed with.

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Cool find but not worth the risk. I'd call the cops or sheriffs office and let them deal with it. Looks Vietnam era, but even dug civil war ordinance still explodes. Yikes

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The spring handle is gone. It could have been activated but a dud. Still could be packed with the explosives. Turn it over to the proper authorities!

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It appears to be M-67 Vietnam era or later (still in use) baseball grenade, could be a practice dummy or live, take no chances, call the bomb squad.


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Ok thanks everyone I will let him know he can't just shove it in his pack and take it home

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Yea, the handle is gone, so could be a dud.

In this case leave it right where it was found and call the police, DO NOT MOVE IT and stay away as far as possible.

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The lever is gone anything that would happen has already happened

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Pin hole in the side of the fuse appears empty of anything but dirt. No pin means no striker to ping the cap which starts the fuse. Likely a training or novelty piece. Dummy frags have a large hole in the bottom as well. Pretty easy to identify. Still, could always be somebody's jam pot re-arm from back in the day. Best to steer clear.

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Why take a chance? I was pretty sure the large bomb detonator I uncovered on the beach was a WWII left over dud and a nice souvenir, but I still called in the experts to check it out. They x-rayed it and declared it unstable.

Can't afford to lose any more fingers.

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I see you don’t fully understand the ridiculousness of posting a photo of a dug “grenade” looking object and asking the internet if based on a single photo, “is it safe?” No disrespect intended towards yourself.

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When I was kid in Okinawa 77-80, a typhoon shredded the banana bush in our back yard. I was instructed to haul it into the boonies. Found a US WWII grenade in the root hole.

Dad called Security Police and EOD. EOD determined it was too corroded/compromised to move and destroyed it in situ.

You never know what the condition, status of an explosive is. Better safe than sorry, besides I'm attached to my fingers and my ugly old mug and would like to keep them a while longer.

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I see you don’t fully understand the ridiculousness of posting a photo of a dug “grenade” looking object and asking the internet if based on a single photo, “is it safe?” No disrespect intended towards yourself.
It kind of came to me after the I replied, just got back from a road trip, I should be sitting in the recliner. I have seen what those things can do. It has obviously been moved from where it was found by somebody and that is a scary thought in itself.

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