Is this Planet X?


Sr. Member
Dec 30, 2005


  • planet x 4.jpg
    planet x 4.jpg
    9.2 KB · Views: 465
I have taken pics at all different times of the day and have used different camera's also. The only difference in the pictures are the position of this strange planet.

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probably Mercury or Venus as they're never too far from the sun:) Mercury is so small that it's usually dwarfed by the sun and our view of it is limited.
Venus is easily seen and is very obvious in it's orbit.

I hate to say this but it's not Planet X.


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Love this site for identifying items, now they are id'ng planets! Cool photos!

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What is at the top of the posted picture? Are you taking the picture through a window?


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I was standing outside and the bottom of the picture is the sun and the top of the picture is the planet X in question. I set the camera on Sepia for the above picture. The picture i just listed was done on another day with the camera set on black and white


  • planet x 3.jpg
    planet x 3.jpg
    2.7 KB · Views: 351
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I just debunked my planet x theory. I just took a video and the white spot i thought was planet x is nothing. As I moved the view finder in video mode the white spot followed me. Sorry for Freaking everybody out. ::)

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I hope that you are using a special sun filter. Never aim your camera directly at the sun. It will distroy it. Planet X is to the right of the sun right now.

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'cmon jimb, I double dog dare ya to prove there's even a planet X IN our solar system... let alone the track of it's it's current orbital position.

Will you please share the math?

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From what I have read about Planet X it may be a myth started by early Christians and is based on biblical verse. Some claim that scientists prooved its existance in 1984 but the government is keeping it secret because when it passes millions will die and they don't want to cause a panic. Supposidly it can cause the poles of the earth to shift. I think I recall it is supposed to pass by earth every 3600+ years. But I don't think there is evidence the poles have shifted within that time span? At least I have never heard or read about it. I do know some scientists claim that the poles have shifted over time, but not within that time span. I personally think it's a myth and those who espouse its actuality are akin to the ones that always dream up some conspiracy theory every time there is some significant happening on earth. Of course there is much that man does not know about the universe and if it comes zooming by in my lifetime I will be really surprised. My last words may well be, "Well, I'll be darned". M :icon_scratch: nty

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The North Magnetic Pole, once located over Canada, is now in the Arctic Ocean and is slowly moving towards Russia.

That's for you Monty:) And a big thanks for the insight but I'm sure you posted that so others would know what was being discussed.


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