Kind of reminds me of some other treasures I am involved with. For instance, I believe I know the location of a pile of silver from pirates. I have people asking me what pirate buried it. I don't know, may never know, all I care about right now is digging it up. The archaeologists involved can try to figure out where it came from. Thats part of their job. As far as the treasure known as the Beale treasure, I think I may know where it is buried. Who buried it, does not matter to me. I will dig it up, you'all can figure where it came from.
In case you are interested, the same gentleman showed me both of these locations and more. I am not actively seeking the "Beale" treasure, but it is on my to do list. I have to find the first treasure then the others will be easier. Do any of you ever do any digging? I mean in the dirt, not just in books.