✅ SOLVED Is this a nest?


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Jan 16, 2012
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Like someone said you should see activity with wasps coming and going. Could it be something else?

I had a huge bees nest near my camper. They were buzzing around everywhere but I never got bit. I was kinda upset when the maintrenance man poisoned them so I understand respect for living things. But the wasps are kinda scary flying around your face. The bees I felt more comfortable.

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well if you knock it down before they're done with it they may just start rebuilding it. I just let them hatch and then take the nest down. They don't necessarily come back to the same spot, but they might. We have a problem with wolf spiders here, and anything that kills those evil things is ok with me.

Big Cy.... We've been getting rain for the past week and have at least a week to go, I was just on mosquito patrol earlier. Half the yard is flooded though so I'm expecting a big crop of them soon. Those dragonflys had better get to work!

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Chiming in late. Yes any small holes plugged cleaning them out confirms egg or larva,with victim that adult paralized then put in hole before capping off.yumm. like to live and let live but plugged stuff can get annoying.

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well if you knock it down before they're done with it they may just start rebuilding it. I just let them hatch and then take the nest down. They don't necessarily come back to the same spot, but they might. We have a problem with wolf spiders here, and anything that kills those evil things is ok with me.

Big Cy.... We've been getting rain for the past week and have at least a week to go, I was just on mosquito patrol earlier. Half the yard is flooded though so I'm expecting a big crop of them soon. Those dragonflys had better get to work!

Yes good point. It seems you need to remove every trace of the nest and maybe spray poison or they will keep coming back to rebuild it. Thanks for the insight on mud dauber wasps I really didnt know they dont usually bite. I may look at them different now. At least maybe I wont have to run when I see one. What about the wasps that make those hanging clump nests. Do they bite?

Wolf spiders are good... right? Speaking of spiders, I cant believe TN saves all this stuff and posts it on Google. http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/everything-else/44317-what-bit-me-spida-need-help.html

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I see no need to worry about killing a few bugs here really. If you feel like your killing harmless creatures think of me for perspective. I kill them all with total disregard. I sleep well at night and it pays the bills. They are an eyesore (your wasps). Any of those contact poisons at home depot will do the job but the can of wasp spray will give pretty instant satisfaction. That's what I'd use, pressurized spray. That way you can burn a tiny hole in the ozone at the same time lol. Just kidding but the can will kill quick and keep them from flying at you when you spray it whereas if you go with one of those products like ortho home defense the results aren't near as quick and you might get stung spraying them.

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Yeah, I just don't go out of my way to mess with them if they're not bugging me (pun intended) Paper wasps though I get rid of right away, they are nasty mean tempered things and I've been stung WAY too many times.

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Yah I don't much go out of my way either. I certainly keep environmental concerns in mind but I realize these bugs have been around and squashing a few here and there that overstep their boundaries is of no concern. They've got their purpose (pollinators etc) but I could do just fine without a single wasp, hornet, ant, mosquito, pretty much of it bites or stings I'll hit that sucker with some super raid real fast

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I despise Palmetto bugs. One ate my cellphone once. They eat almost anything. They can also fly. How would you like to find one of those legs in your cereal. I cant stand to look at the pic I just posted...

palmetto bug.webp

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I despise Palmetto bugs. One ate my cellphone once. They eat almost anything. They can also fly. How would you like to find one of those legs in your cereal. I cant stand to look at the pic I just posted...

View attachment 653036
Oh yeah, I can't stand those things, you can't have an open window here without one buzzing in. they do make good bb gun targets though, and the cats seem to like pounding them flat and leaving them for me, Also they make a really interesting sound when they get sucked through the metal bladed window fan in the kitchen......

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I despise Palmetto bugs. One ate my cellphone once. They eat almost anything. They can also fly. How would you like to find one of those legs in your cereal. I cant stand to look at the pic I just posted...

View attachment 653036

It's the first time I ever heard about them, we had a huge problem with stink bugs here, but not with the Palmetto bugs.

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Oh you've heard of them. Just seems some cultures or areas of the states like to give them a better name so they don't sound so badWent to school in charleston and that's what everyone there referred to them as.

The palmetto bug is really the American Cockroach. Filthy pests but usually not the culprit in serious roach infestations. The German roaches are worse.

Here's some good In the field bug "finds" if you will. Forget the stinging ones, if you own a home the little tiny ones are the real threat.


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I purchased a camper later found it full of scorpians and I had to use it for work. I was told a bug bomb wouldnt kill them. It seems they are also attracted to water and I was eventually able to kill them all around the toilet bowl. At least I hope I got them all.

How do I keep termites out of my camper or mobile home?

Can you explain the last pictures?

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The last ones look like termite trails around the outlet, which would mean that part of the wall is trashed. I absolutely HATE termites!

"How do I keep termites out of my camper or mobile home?" : You need to make sure there's no exposed untreated wood naywhere that they can get to, the only ones you'll really have to worry about are the new queens that come swarming out every spring. Hanging a bug zapper nearby should do the trick for most of them, and spraying should get the rest.

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The last two photos are termite tunnels in a gfci outlet 5 foot above the ground in a kitchen. They did a good bit of damage. Termites are subterranean for the most part but they come up for wood. Being that most houses are dead trees they love the flavor.

So, when they come up from the ground they do so by building mud tubes and structures. They brought all that mud in one mouthful at a time and built it all up in the wall to the point where it bowed the cover plate away from the wall. They ate the cabinets and a good portion of the wall studs. Then about 20,000 of them swarmed and were all over this kitchen. Amazing what these little guys can do. At best they are grain of rice sized but I'm blown away by it all the time.

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Best advice to keep them out is no earth to wood contact. Keep at least six inches of clearance. Set it on blocks etc whatever. Bug zapper is a waste of time. Something like 90 percent of swarming termites die before they could reproduce or do any damage and without the work force of a well established colony they wouldn't pose a threat anyhow.

Chemical in the ground or bait systems are good ways to treat but probably not necessary depending on your setup.

I'd worry more about your home and having a termite warranty if you live in an area more prone to it. It's the cheapest best insurance you can buy in that regard.

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