Is this a crazy goal


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Jan 18, 2014
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Since moving and deciding to transfer to a college here imma have alot of free time plan is to do two or three days of mining a week.

My goal is to find 5 ounces or so by next winter. Figure it would fund my hunting fun this winter and put some money in the truck fund either buyin one or deckin one out if i get one before hand.
Is that a unrealistic goal for a newbi in colorado

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Kinda what i think ill be happy with alittle bit but iv always aimmed high i find if u aim high u might not hit ur goal but ur do better

Right! You have a lot to learn but the best way to learn is to work hard! That said, you'd make better money working in a subway in Winterpark for the summer most likely ;)

Oh, and you're going to have to find decent ground closer to home...Gravel Mountain comes to mind.

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Oh, good luck... 5 oz of gold? You know some place we should know about? Lol:happysmiley:

May lady luck guide you! :4leafclover:

Ya i agree kevin. But id have alot more fun gold mining and comin up broke lmao. I dont need it to pay off. In fact if i get out 2-3 days a week all summer and get one gram all year. Itll be fun and ill drop alot of weight doin it.
Iv got a few spots im gonna hit when it warms up. Last fall i was cruising through the nat forest i found a vally that has a stream running through it. The stream runs down a mountain side and the mountain shows alot of bedrock on it.

Ik its gonna be one wild fun experience no matter what. I plan to do alot of hiking and scouting for hunting locations im gonna carry a small shovel and pan with me to check out any locations or streams ill find.

How much gold have you found so far? How much time have you spent searching? Any goal that isn't based on experience is typically called dreaming.

I havrnt got out yet so its dreaming lmao. Im planning to met up with kevin thursday got some lessons and experience from him

Ya i agree kevin. But id have alot more fun gold mining and comin up broke lmao. I dont need it to pay off. In fact if i get out 2-3 days a week all summer and get one gram all year. Itll be fun and ill drop alot of weight doin it. Iv got a few spots im gonna hit when it warms up. Last fall i was cruising through the nat forest i found a vally that has a stream running through it. The stream runs down a mountain side and the mountain shows alot of bedrock on it. Ik its gonna be one wild fun experience no matter what. I plan to do alot of hiking and scouting for hunting locations im gonna carry a small shovel and pan with me to check out any locations or streams ill find.
One gram, oh heck you can do that for sure...I've collected over 1 1/2 grams in the last month despite short days and snow! We'll get you started on Thursday for sure. From there it's step by step to any goal you wanna set :-)

Kevin will show you how its done! by the way, how do you plan to mine this Colorado gold? you know someone with a claim??
there is decent claimable land up near Tim. I plan to point him at it this summer Russ :) it will still take a lot to hit 5 oz but I can give him a bit of a jump start :-D

Me and kevin have discussed a few spot and i plan to mine alot of public lands. If things work out next fall or the fellowing spring im gonna look at getting a claim iv seen a few not to far from me
Kevin will show you how its done! by the way, how do you plan to mine this Colorado gold? you know someone with a claim??

I really appreciate your help kevin. You can bet ur gold take for the year. I get a claim you will be welcome anytime you wish
there is decent claimable land up near Tim. I plan to point him at it this summer Russ :) it will still take a lot to hit 5 oz but I can give him a bit of a jump start :-D

It's doable. I hit 1/4oz my first year with a shovel/sluice then upgraded to a 2.5 dredge. Last year I got about 5oz with a 4" dredge. My first several times out with this dredge was hit and miss. I lost lots of gold while I figured out my homie sluice box. I was just dredging on the weekends at first till I lost my job. Up to that point of losing my job I had maybe recovered 1.5 to 2oz. After I lost my job I was going up dredging from 3 to 4 days at a time. In my last 2 months full time dredging I got the rest of my gold. I made more in those 2 months then I did working. My best being 21grams in 3 days.

It all depends on several things.
Work ethic
How much material you move
Maybe the biggest...How good your ground is.
You could bust your ass 14 hours and only get a gram is your ground sucks. Or you could bust your ass and pull a ounce.
Something that is not brought up often but should be is sampling.

Sample sample sample. Locate the pay streaks first. Make sure you have a cash reserve as it could take hours, days, weeks or longer.

Get out there a few times & keep track of what your doing. With enough time, effort & material you can hit your goal.....
But, that said, get out there, sample & spend several days to months running material. You will learn SO much, I know I did....

After about 6 - 8 Mos I found an area I could eventually consistently get .2- .9 grams in a day (sometimes more, sometimes less).. (I've heard "legends" of 1.5 gram per day there)

With my schedule, I am hoping to avg 2 Gram's per month, that'd be 3-4 trips ?... Keep that up all year & I'll have 24 grams by end of 2014, combined w/ my 3-4 grams from 2013 & I got my Goal of 1 Oz by end of year... Seemed doable, and a little optimistic.

BUT, if I could increase the material I run & process by 25% I could potentially recover another 6 grams, if I could run 50% more this year I'd be looking at 1 1/2 oz's !!!

After some time you will be able to figure out just what it'll take to hit that 5 Oz goal.....(lot's of work !)

omnicron said:
It's doable. I hit 1/4oz my first year with a shovel/sluice then upgraded to a 2.5 dredge. Last year I got about 5oz with a 4" dredge. My first several times out with this dredge was hit and miss. I lost lots of gold while I figured out my homie sluice box. I was just dredging on the weekends at first till I lost my job. Up to that point of losing my job I had maybe recovered 1.5 to 2oz. After I lost my job I was going up dredging from 3 to 4 days at a time. In my last 2 months full time dredging I got the rest of my gold. I made more in those 2 months then I did working. My best being 21grams in 3 days.

It all depends on several things.
Work ethic
How much material you move
Maybe the biggest...How good your ground is.
You could bust your ass 14 hours and only get a gram is your ground sucks. Or you could bust your ass and pull a ounce.
Something that is not brought up often but should be is sampling.

Sample sample sample. Locate the pay streaks first. Make sure you have a cash reserve as it could take hours, days, weeks or longer.

Nail... Head.. The Biggest problem even experienced prospectors experience is finding good ground. Once people get a dredge its like the light goes off. It all starts with a pan! Every time. If it isnt then you are a just wasting money. Spring is comming!! Sample soon. Without doing homework how can you expect to pass the test.

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