
Full Member
Dec 9, 2007
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Golden Thread
Detector(s) used
Whites DFX, Tesoro Cibola, Garrett GTA1000, GTAX550, ACE250, Fisher 1212, Minelab X-terra, Whites DFX
No - I don't believe so. All detectors nearly operate the same way. Some are a little better in depth and discrimination abilities. I have heard such claims that one particular brand will see around the trash and still pick up the goodies without masking!

I only think you will find the magic in yourself and your detecting abilities. This will include the following:

1. Know your machine well. Until you have made many scratches and scuff marks on the coil cover, you probably haven't mastered that machine. If your machine has no target i.d. then you have to master the suttleties with the sound that is given off on a target. With an I.D. machine you have to master both. If there are any clubs in your area - the members can provide training, club hunts, and much valuable information.

2. If you are not making the finds that you want, then it is time to move to newer ground. Hence "newer" - as not much ground out there that has not been detected yet. Don't let that discourage you though - many - many great finds are being pulled out of parks today that have been detected hard. Ask for permission through co-workers, friends, family, church, and neighbors. I once found over 20 pieces of silver in a yard that had not been detected. If your local parks are not producing - then wait some time - maybe until next year. They will be refilled with some good stuff!

3. Start researching! Libraries, book stores, and even the old timers will provide you with a vast amount of information that can lead to success. I consider maps - both old and new ones invaluable. They list parks, private properties, and old industrial sites. Exercise an outgoing personality and talk about the good old days with farmers. They might just let you detect where a 1 room school house used to be.

4. Purchase accessories for your detector. When you purchase a detector - have the expectation of purchasing other coils for your unit. The most important coil is the "Sniper Coil". If you plan on detecting some "clean" areas - then purchase a 12 inch coil also. Good headphones are a must, especially if you older (my hearing is not what it used to be) too much trigger time I guess. The rain jackets for you detector is also important - it does protect from moisture and dust. Your clothing needs to be adequate and clean. Wear something nice - you never know how many people you will attract - including the ladies!

5. Finally - the most important issue. If you are married or have a girlfriend - include them in this activity. If they are not interested - then you had better give the good jewelry finds to them. My wife really does not detect very much - but thoroughly enjoys when I find something nice for her. She gives me complete support for the many hours that I spend out in the field while she is back at the cabin. If you even think that someone is interested in this activity - invite them along for a hunt. My belief is very simple - if there are more of us out in the field where others can see us - then we will remain "accepted" in their eyes.

I have listed the "Magic" that will equal success. Too many detectorist purchase a machine and use it only for a couple of hours with no success. Then they are out to purchase a new one, thinking it is the Magic bullet - only to be let down time and time again. Spend at least 50 hours on a machine - and you will be amazed with what you will learn. When your knees, legs, back and neck are hurting - then you will know that you are spending some good time with a machine.


Right on all counts. I knew a man who is now passed who had an old Garrett, and I mean early 80's old, who could walk behind any detector and pick out relics they missed. He just knew his machine. And when his MD club offered to buy him a new detector, he wouldn't hear of it. And this man amassed CW relics like no one I've ever seen.

One thing that is magic, is the wireless headphones on XP machines, once you´ve tried them, you don´t want anything else LOL

There is magic in mine....mine will zero in on rust faster than anyone elses.....from a mile away too....just keeps leading me deeper and deeper into the woods...and sure enough....big old pile of rust...never been wrong :D

Magic means cursed ..right?

Having started this thread. I have commented about talking with farmers about hunting on their property. I asked a rancher today about hunting on his property. He said yes! I then asked him how many acres he has - he replied - 6000 acres. Yes, he said 6000!

Ask and you shall receive!


True enough. They are just similar tools bound by the limits of electronics and field strengths common to all.

BUT, there will be certain units and controls that appeal and play to the bias and/or background of certain users. I have no doubt whatsoever there is a certain placebo effect that we convince ourselves that one detector is superior to another through brand loyalty or a strong desire to justify our investment or from accepting and regurgitating all the heresay floating around the Internet and at club meetings.

No doubt at all each person will have different tastes, likes, dislikes, expectations and willingness to take the time to learn how to best utilize what a detector offers. And we each live and hunt in different soil, mineral and trash conditions that will certainly favor one detector brand or even model above another.

That's why we have such fun here defending our choices.

Well said Charlie P! Kind of like the Ford and Chevy thing. Whatever someone drives - they believe it to be the best. I believe that the major players (manufacturers), all produce fine machines. Brand "A" is not for everybody.

I live in a pretty small town, only 2500 residents if kids are counted. so i know not too much new stuff is being dropped in this one field I've hunted every year for the last twelve years. The thing is that I've never hunted it twice with the same detector, it's kinda my own private proving grounds for different detectors. So far every detector I've tried has found stuff. So that begs the question is it just that the latest coin I've found there was a new drop of an old coin or was the coin simply missed in the twelve years of previous hunts. Or maybe just maybe each detector having many varyabilities has it's own strength and weaknesses. Since many MDs use differing frequencies as well as ground conditions can vary allot even in a single field space of about two acres. Different coil sizes, as well as higher humidity on some days than others. I personally think that you could have success in this field from now until doomsday as long as your searching with anything new which has enough varyability from any other detector used prior.

Gypsyheart said:
There is magic in mine....mine will zero in on rust faster than anyone elses.....from a mile away too....just keeps leading me deeper and deeper into the woods...and sure enough....big old pile of rust...never been wrong :D

Magic means cursed ..right?

They must have put some of the same magic in mine too, its great at getting me to dig old rusted nails.

Shenandoah Digger said:
Right on all counts. I knew a man who is now passed who had an old Garrett, and I mean early 80's old, who could walk behind any detector and pick out relics they missed. He just knew his machine. And when his MD club offered to buy him a new detector, he wouldn't hear of it. And this man amassed CW relics like no one I've ever seen.

I'll bet he was using a Garrett Groundhog. I had one in the 80's and it was the best machine I have ever had. Nothing has
ever come close to it. The depth and pinpointing capabilities were amazing.

Remember, the turn of a plough can turn a bad fild into a good one, and unfortunately, vice versa

The magic is being new. Ever seen a newbi with an inexpensive detector. It makes a noise and the digging begins. Perhaps a more expensive detector would have provided enough information to prevent the operator from digging. Out pops a good find. In reality the best detectors will have trouble delivering their features at the deeper depths. In shallow scenarios they will certainly give a good indication whether to dig or not. In the deeper situations even the expensive detectors give erratic indications. It takes a newbi to be keen enough to dig them.

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