Is there a Long Range Locator capable of this?

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I have dowsed successfully, reasoned through it scientifically as far as I could take it, and therefore am not one of those people who say that all dowsing is delusional. However, reading the dowsing forum, it's not hard to arrive at the conclusion that a good 95% of it is people who simply can't reason through what is happening, and they're getting pumped up by people who have a lot of fantasies about it because they couldn't reason through it either and still can't. Undoubtedly there's some outright fakery too, but the big picture is just people who can't tell the difference between success and failure, therfore they make up a lot of alabis to explain why what looks like failure is actually success. It's quite like listening to gambler talk, the vast majority of gamblers being losers but don't even know it.

LRL's are a whole different world, because the apparatus has bogus electronics attached, and the stuff is represented as being of a scientifically engineered nature, not dowsing. Either that, or no actual performance claims are made, but the whole thing is presented in such a fashion that the gullibilly weaves claims in his own mind out of the raw material of words and pictures provided by the manufacturer for the purpose of inducing those delusions. Either way, what LRL's have in common is fraud on the part of the manufacturers. It is because the common factor in LRL's is outright fraud, that on LRL forums the proponents post all kinds of malarkey such that usually you can't even tell what their story is supposed to be, for the simple reason that any story that is identifiable from their narrative can be used against them.

Case in point: Hung and Mineoro. Hung ain't about to post a bunch of information on Mineoro, because that becomes evidence against him. So it was left to me to post the info.
Thank You again for all the informational excuses...
In Human Behavior?..
[edit] Back in the olden days of the previous (discontinued and evidently not archived) Tnet LRL & dowsing forum, I used to say something like "understand dowsing and understand the whole thing", including LRL'ing in the word "dowsing" and referring to the sociology and psychology of how delusions are created and controlled and the world is thereby governed. 95% of Dowsers and LRL users are delusional?...I have saw no one who claims to govern the world with these devices...Art

~Charlie P~
Geotech - Technology for Treasure Hunting

The above website has a standing reward since 2001 for someone to successfully demonstrate a Long Range Detector
That is correct...Carl’s and Randi’s bogus tests has been discussed here many times...Several times there has been challenges but our terms have all been dismissed.
They haven't paid out to a successful demonstration yet. ;-)
That should tell you something about the tests....Randi’s test has been around for almost twenty years and “no-one” has been allowed to take it ...Art


Just because Carl's test would prove that your LRLs don't work, is no reason to say they are bogus. You've been stating that for years now, but have never shown any real reason for your claim.

It's a simple test, which shows whether your LRL works or not---what's bogus about that (other than your LRLs)?


Just because Carl's test would prove that your LRLs don't work, is no reason to say they are bogus. You've been stating that for years now, but have never shown any real reason for your claim.
The skeptics keep saying that but has been discussed many times.

It's a simple test, which shows whether your LRL works or not---what's bogus about that (other than your LRLs)?
All one has to do is go to Carl’s web site and read it.

An evil group is comprised of the insane, who, out of fear, imagine that they must conspire to destroy those who are honest and able. A good group is made up of honest people, who could each survive on their own, yet work together openly for betterment for themselves and others.
Gee...which group are you in?...Art

You get these skeptics who refuse to learn how to use an LRL making accusations of fraud without any proof other than their holy, pompous opinion. As long as they maintain their negativity they will never understand. Sure, I hope someday they will figure it out. I am slowly becomming convinced that they really believe LRL's don't work.

This is very hard for me, because another part of me thinks they are just being deliberatly deceptive--on the defense because they don't want to lose any metal detector profits. All the same, it is not justice to claim false things against others and that is what they are doing. Whether it's for money, pride, or power it is wrong to step on people but that is what they are doing. That is some kind of mental/emotional illness.

aarthrj3811, signal_line, I asked both of you a question (see post 390) and neither one of you bothered to answer it. I have an open mind but you two not bothering to answer me leaves me no choice but to lean towards the "skeptics" side of the story.

Hey Mike...It is real simple..they don’t want to know anything about LRL’s..If they did they would do what Treasure Hunters do..they would research the 100’s of different makes and models and find one that would match the kind of treasure hunting that they enjoy. They would them make arrangements to have a hands on demonstration of that unit. But since most of them are not treasure hunters they would not know what they were doing. It is much simpler for them to make excuses for having no knowledge of the hobby we enjoy...Art

I'm a newb here and I have a question for Art and signal_line. The numbers that you punch into your LRL's. Do they tune it into the harmonic frequency given off by the item (gold, silver, etc.)?
Sorry I missed that post...Some LRL’s have a fixed frequency. Some have a dial that is adjusted and some are digital..It seems that every manufacture has a different theory about how his device works. We know that each element on earth has a signature that is different. I have about twenty different frequencies that work for gold..Some work better than others. I know that the signal I get while dowsing is different from the signal I get when using a LRL. Do I know if it is a harmonic frequency?...I am not smart enough to answer that...
All I know and care about is the fact that I have found and recovered Gold with 7 different LRL’s. In other words...I don’t care about all that scientific junk...As long as I enjoy my hobby of locating and recovering Treasure I will use the technology.. Art

2screwed, I thought Hung answered your question. And I usually just skim over posts and did not see you were asking me. I am no expert on how frequencies are figured. I know they are not the actual molecular frequencies. This MFD acromyn (molecular frequency discriminator) is actually a misnomer that some TV news program started.

I can tell you this much: frequencies work by exciting the target searched for. Actually the correct term is called "excitation" like the Beach Boys song "Good Vibrations" "I'm picking up good vibrations. She's giving me excitation." Your 37 miles of nervous system acts as an antenna. If you are familiar with resonance, the energy is transduced through the L-rod and your nervous system "detects" or resonates it.

I think the skeptic nerds have received so many electrical shocks they have an altered/cauterized nervous system. But let me make this clear, the emotional state of the person has the biggest effect. People want to believe they have control over their emotions, but this is not as easy as it seems. Either high or low "emotional excitation" is not good for locating, and the skeptic negativity is ten times worse than anything positive.

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Yes, it's been discussed many times, and every time you have failed to show any real reason why Carl's test isn't genuine.

And yes, anyone can read the test procedure, and there is nothing wrong with it. I do like mine better, however, because Carl's is too easy. But even though he made it very easy for you, you guys can't pass it. Either your LRLs don't work, or you don't know what you are doing. I would say it's both.

I'm in the group who would openly test and prove their claims. Since you have stated that you will never participate in a real, properly documented, Scientific test, and yet you recommend that people use LRLs, that puts you in the first one.

B.S.!!! Carl is as biased as the day is long--just like every other skeptic. As I said on another forum, the skeptic "tests" are designed to reinforce the skeptic BELIEF SYSTEM that LRL's "can't possibly work." If they knew for sure they didn't work there would be none of this skeptic rhetoric. Just phony debate--a bunch of words that have nothing to do with real locating. It somehow gives you the perverse thrill up your leg. Why don't you learn to locate then you will know. As it is, you don't have a clue.You just copy and parrot what others want you to believe. You took the skeptic bait, but you didn't realize it is poison cancer to your soul.

I'm in the group who would openly test and prove their claims. Since you have stated that you will never participate in a real, properly documented, Scientific test, and yet you recommend that people use LRLs, that puts you in the first one.
An evil group is comprised of the insane, who, out of fear, imagine that they must conspire to destroy those who are honest and able. A good group is made up of honest people, who could each survive on their own, yet work together openly for betterment for themselves and others.
Thank You EE...So I am in An evil group is comprised of the insane, who, out of fear, imagine that they must conspire to destroy those who are honest and able.
I always thought I was just a Treasure Hunting who uses a LRL and many other tools to enjoy my HOBBY...Art

Art, you ARE delusional in his eyes, but then again just who is the delusional one? Someone who can't use an LRL trying to tell everyone that they "know". There are many people out there who want to believe it can't possibly work. I'm here to say it does work. I can completely understand what people think is magic, but that is just a word to describe something we don't understand. It is just a fascinating hobby and it's as close to magic as I can imagine.

Art, you ARE delusional in his eyes, but then again just who is the delusional one? Someone who can't use an LRL trying to tell everyone that they "know". There are many people out there who want to believe it can't possibly work. I'm here to say it does work. I can completely understand what people think is magic, but that is just a word to describe something we don't understand. It is just a fascinating hobby and it's as close to magic as I can imagine.

The trouble with your unfounded assertion is that there is nothing to understand. LRLs are fictitious contrivances from the crooked minds of con artists. They take a plastic box, paint "LRL" on it, and try to make believe that it locates treasure.

Obviously, if any of them actually worked, they would have proved it to the World by now. But they cannot prove that a fraudulent device works, so they engage in argument as an attempted substitute for Scientific proof.

And they simply try to insult anyone who points out their fakery.

They have been asked to prove their claims, hundreds of times, and they never have.

If their "devices" really worked, it would be much simpler and easier for them to just prove it, than to continue to just argue about it. Arguing is all they can do, because they are unable to make their fictional equipment actually work.

LRLs don't transmit anything, and they have no receivers, so their explanations about "excitation" is worth no more than the song they are currently attempting to substitute for "proof"!

The trouble with your unfounded assertion is that there is nothing to understand. LRLs are fictitious contrivances from the crooked minds of con artists. They take a plastic box, paint "LRL" on it, and try to make believe that it locates treasure.
Is that the reason that no LRL manufacture has ever been convicted by a jury?

Obviously, if any of them actually worked, they would have proved it to the World by now. But they cannot prove that a fraudulent device works, so they engage in argument as an attempted substitute for Scientific proof.
Gee EE..We keep telling you that we prove it to ourselves every time we go Treasure Hunting.

And they simply try to insult anyone who points out their fakery.
Just because we tell you that your opinions are wrong is not an insult

They have been asked to prove their claims, hundreds of times, and they never have.
That is just your opinion because we have proved it.

If their "devices" really worked, it
would be much simpler and easier for them to just prove it, than to continue to just argue about it. Arguing is all they can do, because they are unable to make their fictional equipment actually work.
I will insult you again by saying you are wrong.

LRLs don't transmit anything, and they have no receivers, so their explanations about "excitation" is worth no more than the song they are currently attempting to substitute for "proof"! are wrong..Art

EE_Thr - Whenever I see his/her post I just skip them. Total waste of time. Give it up EE_Thr - we got your number and it is -infinity.

In Arizona they are trying to pass a law to prohibit people like the skeptics from harassing people on the internet. Someday this will be the law of the land. Even without the law, it is morally and ethically wrong. It's bad Karma to them and those near them. And that includes anyone who reads that poison. They take it home and infect others.

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C'mon folks, prove you're righteous, buy an LRL, and not just any old LRL, buy the Mike kind. Ducktape the swingy thingy to your forehead so everyone can see that you're not one of those despicable debunker guys. And remember to keep the bearings oiled, if the thing seizes up people will suspect you've just become a convert to atheism.

Now I don't recall Hung saying that Mineoros are belief-in-God detectors like Mike says the Revelation Rod is. So if your dogma is a bit wishy-washy, maybe you'll be better off with a Mineoro. But wait-- if you found out you could save thousand$ by buying a good ol' certified righteous made-in-USA Mike Unit, maybe that would be enough to convince you to inject your dogma with some stiffener and then go for the discount!


C'mon folks, prove you're righteous, buy an LRL, and not just any old LRL, buy the Mike kind. Ducktape the swingy thingy to your forehead so everyone can see that you're not one of those despicable debunker guys. And remember to keep the bearings oiled, if the thing seizes up people will suspect you've just become a convert to atheism.
Now I don't recall Hung saying that Mineoros are belief-in-God detectors like Mike says the Revelation Rod is. So if your dogma is a bit wishy-washy, maybe you'll be better off with a Mineoro. But wait-- if you found out you could save thousand$ by buying a good ol' certified righteous made-in-USA Mike Unit, maybe that would be enough to convince you to inject your dogma with some stiffener and then go for the discount!
As LRL's go, your RangerTell wasn't very expensive. As long as you're sufficiently satisfied with it that ads for more expensive LRL's don't tempt you, I suppose the fact you don't realize what LRL manufacturers think of their customers doesn't really matter

Revelation Rod... Mineoro and Ranger Tell...Gee woof..Would it not be better if you went and had a hands on demonstration of the devices before you decided to sell their products?...Art

Why would a demo be necessary, Art? The purveyors of LRL's have already made it obvious they're just pulling a con game. So, it's the right stuff for people who want to be defrauded.

If it makes you feel any better, I've offered Mike a plugged nickel for a demo of doing-nothing (which is what he said it does in demos), as long as the demo doesn't last more than 5 minutes. So far nobody's bid me up, but at least Carl matched my offer.

One of these days I may buy a commercial dowsing rod. Most likely over the Internet. No fraud, no need for a demo. The reason this "demo" talk keeps cropping up around LRL's is that LRL's are fraudulent. When manufacturers have products that actually do detect targets at a distance, they gladly establish that fact (no whining that "skeptics" have ruined their game) and they do NOT represent the product as being an LRL. Because, the label "LRL" is universally accepted as identifying fraudulent products.

Can you imagine a manufacturer of a non-fraudulent locating device identifying the apparatus as being in the LRL or MFD category, and camping in the LRL forum to engage in discussion about the thing? The very idea is laughable!


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