Is there a Long Range Locator capable of this?

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Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
Remember, normal electronic theories, might not be useable with them.

So, only abnormal electronic theories apply? :icon_scratch:

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
HI Rudy, you posted -->So, only abnormal electronic theories apply?
Your choice of wording is odd

Don Jose de La Mnacha

It is the antonym of normal and according to your earlier statement, "normal electronics theories might not be useable with them."
abnormal theories are the usable ones. :read2:

HI Rudy a :coffee2: :coffee2: ? shall we say modified theories and rules. for example calculate the reaction needed for a light stroking of a paint chip to identify it without actually seeing it.?

Don Jose de La Mancha

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
HI Rudy a :coffee2: :coffee2: ? shall we say modified theories and rules. for example calculate the reaction needed for a light stroking of a paint chip to identify it without actually seeing it.?

Don Jose de La Mancha

You can call it what you wish DJ. Personally, I think the label "abnormal theories" is much more descriptive. But hey, that's just me. :coffee2: :coffee2:

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
thanks Rudy, mi friend, just cream please. Needed one.

Don Jose de la Mancha

Por nada mi amigo. Mi casa es tu casa.

LandStar said:
I have seen the insides of some of these LRLs, and from an electronic standpoint...The circuits do nothing but put a resistive load on the batteries to drain them off slowly...some light up some fancy LEDS, show some fancy info on an LCD, or move a needle on a meter, but NONE of them have convinced me to spend 1000+ on one...I think it is all hogwash, and those who do buy them, deserve to lose their money....I do believe in divining rods, but for LRL work, I do not think they would be effective...I have only found things directly under where I am standing when they cross, and usually those things are pipes (gas or water or sewage)...I have never found a coin sized object with them, but would guarantee that if you had a large pile of coins buried, that they would cross over them...


The simple truth is; there is absolutely NO difference between divining rods and LRLs. You said essentially the same thing above, and I agree ALL the do-nothing circuitry in an LRL provides nothing but a load on the battery. Ergo, the do-nothing circuitry (if it is even connected, which some of them are not) adds absolutely nothing to the swinging L-rod portion of the device. Hence, the operator ends up holding an ordinary dowsing rod in their hand, but are tricked into believing it is doing something electronically, when in fact it cannot.

Far as locating stuff with a dowsing rod (or a worthless LRL), it all works very predictably. That is, if the operator has prior knowledge, or information leaks, it will always appear as though the dowsing rod was correct. Again, the simple truth is; if there is no prior knowledge or information leaks, the dowsing rod can ONLY perform on a par with ordinary guessing, which of course produces CHANCE results. (Don't forget, making educated guesses can occasionally yield a successful outcome.)

Those who tell you anything else are either blatant liars, are trying to sell you a scam device, or both.

Sooo, you are saying that turning on a unit makes no difference in the actions or reactions?? Just making sure you never had one in your hand. Seems the closer to 0 experience, the more you know about it.

HI fenix swr posted --> just by you asking them a question, and then you answering your
own question to them....allows you to judge their experience with the subject?

hmm isn' t that percisely what my friend carl did with me, and others?

Don Jose de La Mancha

Hi Don;

That's that comprehension thing again. I was explaining why I asked the question. The answer would have been --yes or no.

I can't answer for Ted. I'm starting to see the rise and fall times of the medication levels with these guys. May be some drug interactions going on.

SWR said:
Hey Ted...check this guy out! There always seems to be "medication" issues when they get caught with their hand in the cookie jar. :laughing9: :hello:

Yeah, I know. Why do you think they always dwell on the "medication" angle? (rhetorical)

Because their life-style dictates that they know more about self-medication than LRLs, dowsing or THing in general. So of course they would resort to expounding on something they are very familiar with.


SWR said:
SWR said:
RobertS said:
Yes, there is an L.R.L. that can locate actual (gold/silver) bounty, but neither the machine or the of knowledge of how to use it is for sale!

Of course they are never for sale...there is always a catch

Only the detection service can be purchased.

Ah...the catch

I wrote an 11 page article on the subject of L.R.L.'s and Dowsing, on why they very seldom work if ever. You can read my write up on my web page at Whether or not you can agree with my "supposition" or facts, it is very informative and should be read by all LRL lovers and haters or would be owners.
Sincerely, Robert

I read your 11 page article. Very humorous, and slap-full of misinformation and pseudoscience.

Welcome to TreasureNet and welcome to the jungle :hello:

eh? Evidently, Robert S. bailed out of the conversation, and removed their advertisement posts :dontknow:

Big surprise! Probably didn't realize that "some" here can smell a scam a mile away. :D

okay, I give, wazzup?

I clicked the terrafirma assayers link and everything there smells like fraud. What's worse is the Utah address, which leads to the suspicion it's connected to the infamous Chuckie. Who raises a red flag over anything that's got a Utah name on it, sorry about that you honest Utahuenses! If you want to prosecute Chuckie, dial my number! It ain't starting from zero!

Mr. Groves and I differ in some of our opinions but I can't say that he's Chuckie wearing a different hat. Nor can I call him an AR parrot inasmuch as he seems to have arrived at his own conclusions using the brains God done guv him, whether or not he would describe the process in that same fashion.

So spill it for the rest of us, Judy and Real, what's this obsession with Mr. Groves about? Until now he's pretty much flown under my radar.


Re: When Science shouts to the deaf
Reply To This Topic #35 Posted Jun 16, 2010, 04:00:20 PM Quote

This is ME. Marc Austin... the administrator and owner of this site. I am the one who warns people against fraudulent devices.

I have never said "there is not a device capable of locating gold and silver from a distance".

I have only stated the FACT... that >I< have seen people ripped off by fraudulent devices... and I recommend spending money to chat with a geophysicist BEFORE spending ONE dime on ANY LRL. Just get a second opinion before making your purchase. The wad you save just might be your own! HMM, a new header for the LRL forum!

Now - if you have a problem running your potential purchase past someone educated in things like locating things.... well say so... so we can cut to the chase.

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