Is my mine the LDM?

" Hey wait a minute! Didn't the Dutchman himself say something like "No miner/prospector will ever find my gold mine." (because it's located in a place they would never look.)? Or something similar, seems I read that clue somewhere. "


Seems like the sorta thing an experienced prospector might say, don't it ?
An opinion shared by many geologists and prospectors, even today, when discussing the Superstitions.
He and his partners, along with many others had previously found gold in other areas of Arizona....the Bradshaws prospecting, but the stories I have read and consider credible by scenario have Waltz discovering the mine, not by prospecting, but by accidental circumstances. Same goes for the original Goldfield claim as I recall, and even the manner in which the re-opened "pit mine" was located. Now, I'm not saying traditional prospecting methods will not lead someone to gold within the range, and probably has led to some minor amounts for a few persistent and lucky individuals. But when it comes to elimination of clues, this is one that should be "saved".


The person who found the Pit Mine, and showed it to those who worked it, did not find the mine by accident. Knowing the true story, I'm sure he did not stumble onto the mine. That's my own personal opinion, and I doubt it will change in my lifetime. Others, I'm sure, may think otherwise.

Take care,


Au that happens many time in a was, battle. Why they put a lock up on the old Springfield bolt action. The Garand had no problem that way, you had to eject the entire clip.

Don Jose,

One lucky day I was in the armory in Camp Tien Shaw. Hanging on the wall, was a Garand. I immediately asked if I could trade in my carbine for the Garand. The gunny said certainly I could. Was I aware how heavy it was. I had carried Uncle Chuck's Garand into the Supes a number of times. It fit me well.

I carried it for the year I was in country. Jumped in the back of a deuce and a half one day, and it was loaded with Marines. The grizzled sergeant I was sitting across from eyes nearly popped out of his head. He said, "Where did you get that Garand Marine, I wore the same fatigues they did, and I told him it was issued to me. He said, "I will give you this full automatic M-15, a new K-bar and fifty bucks for it. :nono: My answer was a quick no, and I didn't tell him I was not a Marine. They might've just taken it and kicked me out the back of the truck. I would have fought hard to keep it. Patton gave it the respect it so richly deserved....."The greatest battle implement ever devised."

I have owned two Garand's since I came home. This is a Iwo Jima Commemorative Garand from Springfield Armory:

Take care,


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Don Jose,

One lucky day I was in the armory in Camp Tien Shaw. Hanging on the wall, was a Garand. I immediately asked if I could trade in my carbine for the Garand. The gunny said certainly I could. Was I aware how heavy it was. I had carried Uncle Chuck's Garand into the Supes a number of times. It fit me well.

I carried it for the year I was in country. Jumped in the back of a deuce and a half one day, and it was loaded with Marines. The grizzled sergeant I was sitting across from eyes nearly popped out of his head. He said, "Where did you get that Garand Marine, I wore the same fatigues they did, and I told him it was issued to me. He said, "I will give you this full automatic M-15, a new K-bar and fifty bucks for it. :nono: My answer was a quick no, and I didn't tell him I was not a Marine. They might've just taken it and kicked me out the back of the truck. I would have fought hard to keep it. Patton gave it the respect it so richly deserved....."The greatest battle implement ever devised."

I have owned two Garand's since I came home. This is a Iwo Jima Commemorative Garand from Springfield Armory:

Take care,

Up close and out to 1000 yards. 8 semi if up close.

Tupperware ??

Yes 1800's tupperware, made from the chewed leaves of young yucca plants mixed with just a smidgen of high grade tequila, formed like playdough into the desired shape and left to sit overnight inside the left boot of a dry range Arizona cowpoke. ;)

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I have no interest in the LDM outside of seeing some one beat the odds and find the unfindable.
I love watching the exchanges here of info and theory.

Gotta wonder what would happen on the trading market if anyone showed up with a few dump trucks loaded to max weight of bars of gold and asked if they could handle six more loads, in a few days.

I have no interest in the LDM outside of seeing some one beat the odds and find the unfindable.
I love watching the exchanges here of info and theory.

Gotta wonder what would happen on the trading market if anyone showed up with a few dump trucks loaded to max weight of bars of gold and asked if they could handle six more loads, in a few days.

So much more here than betting on a long shot.
Jacob Waltz and his lost mine, if the story is true, would be just the tip of the historical iceberg.

Unlikely scenario if the cache of gold bars is located in the Superstition Wilderness Area.

Hal I have a premonition that you are going to find yourself moving to Arizona at some point. Something seems to be calling you back there!
:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

Hal I have a premonition that you are going to find yourself moving to Arizona at some point. Something seems to be calling you back there!
:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

I just want to understand what happened there, in the Superstitions.
Sometimes, it seems so obvious to me.

Other times, not so much.

Helping to correct the historical record, that would be an incredible accomplishment.

Hal, I'm so absolutely sure about the ability of nature to change any number of landscapes and remove landmarks in the blink of an eye, that I believe that even with a map in hand, that even the most intelligent and experienced explorer can not track an old trail.

Don't read this if you are waiting for my book to be published.


I have seen four hundred years of history vanish and I stood at the precipice of lost history, where I have stood before, looking at my next step, only to find that the next step is now eighty to one hundred feet below and unrecognizable.

Stick around Blackline, your ideas are as good as any others.
I doubt very few have been working seriously in the Superstition for the last several months, ...too hot.
Now things are cooling off, maybe someone will check out your locations for you, keep asking.

Good luck

just want to ask ;)
in the meantime i was at the geological service NRW (Nordrhein-Westfalen) and spoke to a dr. of geologie about my ore. he said that he can see silver, plumbum, iron and copper but the samples are to small for a good assay report. it would be 99 % quartz and costs 300 € - i left with more questions than answers :(
im actually planning a new trip and then i will show the gold ore. i promise.
wish you a nice weekend at the rendezvous.

Gold ore?
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Silver ore?
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first clip of many i'll show you

plz dont say me that i have to assay it. i know it but i havent done it. i am still convince that it is a peralta mine.
many trees are cut. many cactus marker.

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the sealed entrance

i've tried in the past to educate you with little success but i'll try one more time...if you cant see big hunks of gold on quartz then it is not the lost dutchman ore...matter of fact if you cant see any gold on the quartz then it is probably less than an ounce per ton...on free milling ore you need over an ounce per ton before you start seeing visible gold ..there are exceptions but generally that's the rule ..most of those scars you see on cactus are from a**holes shooting them with shotguns...if you are still in doubt send your samples to skyline assayers in tucson....they used to be 35 bucks per assay...if you are going to be a miner you are going to have to break down and pay for some testing...quit being a skinflint and pony up for the testing....nobody is going to be able to analyze your ore from a pic

If I were a skinflint, I probably would not have flown back to Arizona :)
maybe i forgot the ! there are visible gold specks. have to recover the entrance and then we will see if there is a bonanza

this is from a shotgun? on the mountainside towards the canyon?
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why are the trees cut on top of the hillock? why cant i find any claim? it could be that the vein is 90 feet wide not long. i'm no expert... so how could i find it in an unkown terrain? when no prospector found it in the past?

If I were a skinflint, I probably would not have flown back to Arizona :)
maybe i forgot the ! there are visible gold specks. have to recover the entrance and then we will see if there is a bonanza

this is from a shotgun? on the mountainside towards the canyon?
View attachment 1447392View attachment 1447393

why are the trees cut on top of the hillock? why cant i find any claim? it could be that the vein is 90 feet wide not long. i'm no expert... so how could i find it in an unkown terrain? when no prospector found it in the past?

.if you are still in the same area you were in before (s.w. of roosevelt lake) that entire area has been prospected and mined years ago...... you can search online to check for mining claims...if you dont want to do any assays at least get a mortar and pestle and a gold pan...that will tell you what you want to know

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