Iowa leads?

Yes, I have seen several recently. I'll go find them and post them soon. under treasure leads section.

HI ERIC ; here are a few DEFUNCT PARKS. you'll need to do some more research to find their location, all I could find is : Electric Park in Waterloo ; Exposition Park, location unknown ; Fort Dodge Park in Ft. Dodge ; Riverside or Riverview Park, Des Moines, Polk Co. ; and a Riverside Park in Sioux City.

GOTTA' nother one for you : There is a legend in CLINTON IOWA, that a Dying Milionaire, walked to the River Bank and burried a pot of GOLD COINS, beside the MISSIPPI RIVER. and that before he died, he rubbed it in to his relatives "I buried my lot of riches down by the park, you won't spend that part of my money" . it is believed to be buried in RIVER FRONT PARK in Clinton

Here is one NOT TO PASS ON :? Des Moins, July 26, 1933, from the Minneapolis Journal ; OUTLAW NEAR DEATH IN IOWA ; Older Barrow Brother Admits Killing Policeman - Mother Hurries to Bedside ; Their leader near death and his wife in custody three members of the "Bloody Barrow"? Gang of Texas Outlaws were still saught today. <> in a Perry, Iowa Hospital, Marvin Barrow, 31 years old, is dying doctors said, as an infection from a head wound slowly saps his strength. the authorities said he admitted killing Alva Humphrey, an Alma Arkensas Officer recently <> meanwhile his wife Blanch, was being taken to Platte City,Mo., where the gang shot itself out of a trap last week, wounding two officers. <> at liberty are Clyde Barrow, a Woman Companion, known as Bonnie Parker, of Dallas Texas and Hubert Bleigh. <> Marvin Barrow was wounded in the Platte City Gunfight at DEXTER , IOWA, Monday when a posse of twenty men Surrounded the five in THE WOODS AT DEXFIELD PARK, Mrs. Marvin Barrow was taken Prisoner. <> the other three escaped and were reported seen near Sutherland, IOWA. Mrs. Henry B. Barrow, Marvin's Mother, is hurrying to his bedside accompanied by Mrs. J.T. Parker, Bonnie's Mother. <><><> IF I WERE NEAR THERE I'd get myself to "DEXFIELD PARK" at "DEXTER, IOWA" . not only is EVERY BULLETT FIRED that day a TRUE PIECE OF HISTORY, so would any Buttons, coins, or anything else lost by either side of that Gun Battle. and IF it isn't on a historical register. HIT IT & HIT IT GOOD !!!!!!!!! I wish I lived near there. Good Luck ! all I want is an E-Mail & a Pic if you find anything? ;D

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