Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp
Gold Member
A simple idea but ----
pumps. It was then decided to freeze the shafts, so as to sink through the remaining thickness of Magnesian Limestone, and 92^ feet of Yellow Sands, in a frozen state, rather than erect additional pumping plant. In April, 1903, preparatory to freezing, 28 bore-holes were sunk around each shaft, to a depth of 484 feet and 21 feet into the Coal-measures. The bore-holes were completed in April, 1904 ; and freezing was then commenced, and continued until February 16th, 1906. During this period both shafts were sunk through the frozen limestone and sand into the Coal-measures, and the whole of the water-bearing strata was lined with cast- iron tubbing. The shafts are, at present, being sunk through Coal-measures. The Castlereagh shaft, at a depth of 810 feet, is passing through the " filtering post," containing a feeder of water amounting to about 100 gallons a minute, and this water is being drawn by the winding-engine. The Theresa shaft is sunk to a depth of 780 feet, into the filtering post, where a feeder of water amounting to 100 gallons a minute has been encountered; and this water is being drawn with the sinking engine, until arrange- ments are made to deal with it. The total length of cast-iron tubbing in the Castlereagh shaft is 450 feet, and below this there is 108 feet of brickwork. The total length of tubbing in the Theresa shaft is 438 feet, and below this is 204 feet of brickwork. There are two sinking-engines, each with cylinders 24 inches in diameter, and 4 feet stroke ; and drums 8 feet in diameter and
Don Jose de La Mancha
pumps. It was then decided to freeze the shafts, so as to sink through the remaining thickness of Magnesian Limestone, and 92^ feet of Yellow Sands, in a frozen state, rather than erect additional pumping plant. In April, 1903, preparatory to freezing, 28 bore-holes were sunk around each shaft, to a depth of 484 feet and 21 feet into the Coal-measures. The bore-holes were completed in April, 1904 ; and freezing was then commenced, and continued until February 16th, 1906. During this period both shafts were sunk through the frozen limestone and sand into the Coal-measures, and the whole of the water-bearing strata was lined with cast- iron tubbing. The shafts are, at present, being sunk through Coal-measures. The Castlereagh shaft, at a depth of 810 feet, is passing through the " filtering post," containing a feeder of water amounting to about 100 gallons a minute, and this water is being drawn by the winding-engine. The Theresa shaft is sunk to a depth of 780 feet, into the filtering post, where a feeder of water amounting to 100 gallons a minute has been encountered; and this water is being drawn with the sinking engine, until arrange- ments are made to deal with it. The total length of cast-iron tubbing in the Castlereagh shaft is 450 feet, and below this there is 108 feet of brickwork. The total length of tubbing in the Theresa shaft is 438 feet, and below this is 204 feet of brickwork. There are two sinking-engines, each with cylinders 24 inches in diameter, and 4 feet stroke ; and drums 8 feet in diameter and
Don Jose de La Mancha