Sounds like a repeat of the TT adventure.
Reading through this thread, it would appear that any gold would be sovereign. It also appears suspect that if this was US Navy pay, or for a loan, that there would be some record of a loss or a claim. Looking at the way the Navy swooped in on the rumors of gold on the SS Central America, why or have they not filed a claim?
Is there a copy of the Admiralty Arrest available somewhere?
Looking at the $10 million for 100 days, or $100K per day. That seems a bit light if one is proposing sat diving, a stationary support vessel, and grapple capability. What is the depth of the wrecksite?
Good questions. The US Government filed a claim in our action for the loss of their gold. After years of litigation, they have been dismissed with prejudice, we have been awarded ownership to the ship, her cargoes, passenger and crew effects, essentially everything other than the Government's food stores. The Court also barred all future claims and has issued injunctive relief against the world from any interference with our recovery. The depth is 220 - 270 FSW. The $10 million includes contractor speculation/participation and anticipates future media revenues to offset risk. Older court filings, including the US Government's claim, can be found at
RMS Republic - Legal . Newer filings and orders are available in the court file, and of course we will provide those as well to bona fide, vetted potential investors.
As for the "TT (mis)Adventure," Tommy Thompson was a great engineer, a visionary for deep water salvage but, he was not a businessman. He too considered Republic as a possible target, but could not prove her cargo; he then selected SSCA. Bob Evans, Thompson's researcher and chief scientist, is on board with us as well.
Additional research can be found in my book The Tsar's Treasure. We also have conclusively proven the $800,000 US Navy shipment - now our property, supra. Our internal whitepaper on that cargo is also available.
Ultimately, the greatest challenge to recover Republic's treasures "beyond most men's wildest dreams" will not have been finding the wreck, the decades of legal challenges from interlopers, putative savors, major banks and the US Government, or ultimately recovering her cargoes - it will have been proving her cargoes.