indian cave?


Apr 25, 2005
about a year ago near middle bosque river off a county road i stop at a old bridge that went over the river, i got out and to 1 side was a high cliff, so i climbed up it and on top i found lot's and lot's of flint large and small. so i looked around a bit and end up finding 5 prefect arrowheads and several parts of others,anyway as i was climbing back down i notice a cave opening which seem to be only about 2-3 feet wide, i peeked in and was able to see,not clearly but there was enough light see that it was fairly large inside about the size of a large room ,well on the floor near the wall i saw 2 dirt mounts and on the wall i seen what looked like indian paintings but they were very faint,was hard to make them out and i had no flashlight so i was not about to step inside.anyway i drove back by that way a few months ago but where there was an old fence near the road before there was now a new fence put in its place which was built much better and was able to keep me out,like to had another look inside but i thought that new fence was put there for a reason :(

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Oh man!!!!! Too bad you didn't take pictures!!! Sounds like an awesome discovery!

Have you done anymore research? Is it possible to contact the land owner and get permission to explore????

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