There seems to be some confusion as to what this coin is in the red book.? I read the entire post here and thought I might offer what I've been able to figure out on the coin.? Now, I may be wrong on this but it looks as though the coin can be found on page 123 in the newest edition of the red book (The Official RED BOOK 58th edition - A guide book of United States Coins 2005).? I believe the coin is a "
capped bust" version of the half dime by looking at the submitted photo and compairing it to the image in the book on the said page.?
Again, I may be incorrect on all this,.....and that's OK if I am.? I just thought I might as well offer an option on this terrific find you've made!?
By the way,? the coin is absolutely gorgeous!? I think I would frame that one in a very nice shadow box type frame and put it up on the wall for your company to enjoy.? The fact that you found it with your nephew makes it even more rememberable and enjoyable.? Great find,....we can all only hope to be as lucky
Of course your right, but in general most people just call this type of coin a "BUST" coin...
there were several types of "Bust" coins... they all have that "profile" of liberty
hope this helps