There's just way too much in the story that we now know for certain today that isn't true, some of it not even being possible that has been conclusively proven. What remains there is no provenance for despite what some might claim or continue to try pushing. I will say one thing about the narration, it sure has given birth to many wild and creative treasure tales in its wake.
...and that brings us to all the claimed "solves" over the years, all different from each other, with each code solver stating their accuracy of the solution.
If the Beale perilous adventure treasure story is a work of fiction as the total lack of outside of the job pamphlet dime novel indicates, then the ciphers are also a work of fiction which leads to the claims of accurate solution of the C1 & C3 ciphers as fiction.

... If that story held any measure of truth then there would be something within that story that could be traced back to that truth and there just isn't, never has been.
ECS is correct by his continued pointing this out because if we toss aside that original and only source material then sure, folks can find all sorts of "possible connections" in any manner they want, which is why many folks have, and want, to toss that only source material aside.
So in reality the only possible connections that matter are the ones that make connection to that source material...
...and that lack of outside of the original source collaboration, cast serious doubts that the two remaining unsolved ciphers actually contain a legitimate message.

...and that lack of outside of the original source collaboration, cast serious doubts that the two remaining unsolved ciphers actually contain a legitimate message.

And the continued desire to extract messages is caused by classifying the papers contents as not either fact or fiction when given the choice ,but of classifying them as " other" instead.
Leaving them wide open for any conceived explanation without supporting evidence (for or against) from the papers themselves....

Examples being all the different "Beales" that have been presented as THE "Thomas J Beale", all the "cipher solution" that are totally different from each other, or reasons why "the letter" was not delivered because it was destroyed in a flood.
Without supporting evidence (for or against) due to the fictional nature of the Beale Papers, it is easy to creating additional speculative information and claim it as "fact".

While research and discussions from various TN members on these Beale threads, the obvious conclusion is that the Beale story, as written in the Ward 1885 copyrighted BEALE PAPERS, never occurred.

Did this Beale Party perilous adventure story originated, as related in the job print pamphlet, with Robert Morriss at his widowed niece Saunders home revealing the tale with letters, ciphers, and iron box to this "unknown author" who wanted to remain unnamed?
If this is the origin, what became of the iron box, letters and ciphers?

Did this "unknown author" create the story and ciphers giving the complete finished manuscript to James Beverly Ward to copyright and publish as related in the Beale Papers story?
Ward was never shown the iron box, letters, and ciphers, but accepted the word of the "unknown author" that the manuscript contain a "true" account.

Did James Beverly Ward and a limited circle of family and one friend create the entire story using names and locations that would be recognizable to the 1885 Lynchburg buying public?

Without any real outside collaboration evidence that can prove anything in the Beale Papers to be true, one of the above must be the "authentic" origin of the Beale treasure story.
Which of the above option is the most likely origin of the presented narrative of the Beale Papers?

With all the possibilities, be it genealogical, historical, mining and field refining pre-1820, and all the alternative "cover stories" researched and discussed on these threads, it always comes back to James Beverly Ward and John William Sherman as the originators of the Beale treasure story.
There exists no pre-1885 record of a Thomas J Beale Expedition, his stay at the Washington Hotel with Morriss, or with the Bufords, or at the St Louis Planters Hotel (first mentioned in the HART PAPERS and later used by Claudine Fulton Ellis as the basis of her after the original story, story on the undelivered letter)...
Which leads us to the conclusions reached by so many professionals in various fields that have studied the 1885 Beale Papers- that it is a work of fiction created for the purpose of making a profit.
Then there are the "purposeful discrepancies" scattered throughout the Beale narrative text, be it the "J" added as a middle initial to the Thomas Beale character, the extra "s" added to Morris (Ward's daughter, Anne Morris Ward Smith 's middle name came from Harriet Ward's uncle Robert Morris) and the dates of Morris and the Washington Hotel and those listed as guests he entertained are anachronisms.
Keep in mind that the Beale Papers dime novel was written and published to be sold in the 1885 Lynchburg market and surrounding areas, and these "discrepancies" would have been noticed as a "wink" that the tale was a work of fiction.
Except for John William Sherman's "grab a shovel and dig" book review in the LYNCHBURG VIRGINIAN, there is No contemporary mention of the Beale Papers, AND in Rowland D Buford's ( son of Pascal Buford of "Buford's") "SKETCHES OF BEDFORD COUNTY", there is NO mention of Beale, his stay at Buford's, the treasure, or the 1885 Beale Papers.

There was a purposeful reason for the Beale Cipher Codes and that was to get people or historians to really inspect the Declaration of Independence. If you go over the Declaration of Independence you will find a wealth of Encoded Messages. Why was the DOI dated July 4, 1776? It was not signed by all until much much later. There are hidden messages in the Date, in John Hancock's signature, well practically all over it. Keep searching you will get enlightened one day.

Sure it has, that is why James Beverly Ward copyrighted and published The Beale Papers dime novel pamphlet to "enlighten" the good people of 1885 Lynchburg by studying the DOI.
That's a good one, Franklin. :thumbsup: :laughing7:

To Hell with all of it.
I do not have to waste my time reading your endless post over and over.
I will research this on my own. I do not have to talk to you, bigscoop or anyone else. You keep throwing the same reruns. I hate reruns and I hate wasting my time. If you do not want anyone to search out and seek the truth then I am going to do it on my own without reading your post endlessly saying the same thing over and over and over...
...and now on the OAK ISLAND threads you claim to have proven the Beale Papers to be a work of fiction, while Bigscoop and I have posted that over and over as you have noted.

...and now on the OAK ISLAND threads you claim to have proven the Beale Papers to be a work of fiction, while Bigscoop and I have posted that over and over as you have noted.

What you and bigscoop has posted effects me in the less, I make up my own mind by own research.

...and a lot of that "research" was embellished with speculation which has been corrected with actual real facts.

...and a lot of that "research" was embellished with speculation which has been corrected with actual real facts.

Sorry but I have the facts. One day the world will see as I now do if the world last that long.

Which is?
The Beale Papers are a complete work of fiction
The Beale Papers is true and the treasure is real
The Beale Papers is a cover story for (_______)
You have supported all of the above at one time or another.

Singlestack Wonder will not be able to reply for awhile. It violates our rules to edit a members quote and change their words , especially to suit you. If you quote a member then intentionally change the quote of the member you will earn a timeout.

As per our rules....You may not.... Edit any member's words in a quote in any way other than to shorten the quote to isolate specific statements to reply to.

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... The whole story is a sham and the author knew it.
That is why he said he deciphered paper number two and then he found paper number one and paper number three in the decipherment- IMPOSSIBLE. Also he miss counted at 480 two times and about 73 cipher numbers above 480 still hit on the exact cipher though he should have been off by a count of ten at least seventy three times.
Nothing but a novel to make money.
...and scattered throughout the Beale Papers are purposeful discrepancies that would have been known in 1885 Lynchburg that alerted all that it was a fictional dime novel adventure treasure story, but thanks to the Harts. Innis, Ellis, and others, it has taken on a status of reality that was never intended when Ward copyrighted and published the pamphlet.

With all the possibilities, be it genealogical, historical, mining and field refining pre-1820, and all the alternative "cover stories" researched and discussed on these threads, it always comes back to James Beverly Ward and John William Sherman as the originators of the Beale treasure story.
There exists no pre-1885 record of a Thomas J Beale Expedition, his stay at the Washington Hotel with Morriss, or with the Bufords, or at the St Louis Planters Hotel (first mentioned in the HART PAPERS and later used by Claudine Fulton Ellis as the basis of her after the original story, story on the undelivered letter)...

Which leads us to the conclusions reached by so many professionals in various fields that have studied the 1885 Beale Papers- that it is a work of fiction created for the purpose of making a profit.
...and as Franklin noted, the author knew that the whole story was a "sham" and was just a novel written to be sold to make a profit. :thumbsup:

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