If it was a secret to Robert Morriss and family, his wife Sarah Mitchell Morriss, who died about a year before her husband in the home and care of her niece, Harriet Emmaline Ward, wife of James Beverly Ward, then it is very possible that Ward her this Beale story(if true), before the "unknown author" from Robert Morriss.
Harriet Emmaline Otey was born and raised 4 miles from Buford's Inn.
If Beale and his vault digging buddies stayed at Buford's, one would think that this extremely popular six foot swarthy model of manly beauty would be a part of Buford and Otey family gossip and lore long before the "unknown author" heard the tale during the 2nd year of the Confederate War from Morriss.
It has been discussed and noted on these threads that the children of Pascal and Francis Buford had no knowledge of Beale's alleged stay, and , most important, the Beale Papers were published after both Buford's and Anzoletta Saunders had passed away.