immigration reform

Know what I'm saying?


  • cderfv.webp
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Immigration Reform? Let's see, with no immigration reform we have our non-native born president today, we have to spend billions on welfare, free housing and food stamps for people that are too lazy to work for a living, give support to people that have more kids than rabbits do, and I wouldn't get approached in the supermarkets here in San Antonio, Mexico, I mean Texas, by non-English speaking folks that want to pay for my groceries with their Lone Star cards(food stamps) so I will give them the cash instead. Their little scam to get money. Must not have needed that card to eat to begin with. Yeah, we need immigration reform? About as much as, at the age of 65 I need an 18 year old mistress...

we need to build a fence. And send every dern illegal back to where they came from. That's what I call immigration reform.

we need to build a fence. And send every dern illegal back to where they came from. That's what I call immigration reform.

Another well thought out solution ....


I'm 64..... 18 year old mistress? Hmmmmm......

Oh, and I'm single too.....

Another well thought out solution ....

We all know how some of feel. But Stocky you have not given us a solution What do you think?
My thoughts Yes something must be done so we can get to what's really important to this country besides a guarantee on who get's next administration.
My problem is with the word reform what happens when enough of them come through gate will they reform our entire way of life?
Once it starts who will end it?
Who teaches them something simple as Garbage pick up is Tuesday not everyday and the streets are not to be paved with Micky D's bag's.

We all know how some of feel. But Stocky you have not given us a solution What do you think?
My thoughts Yes something must be done so we can get to what's really important to this country besides a guarantee on who get's next administration.
My problem is with the word reform what happens when enough of them come through gate will they reform our entire way of life?
Once it starts who will end it?
Who teaches them something simple as Garbage pick up is Tuesday not everyday and the streets are not to be paved with Micky D's bag's.

Onfire. I assume you realize that this has been goin on since the beginning of this country. Now this is fine with me since my family has been in MA since the 1600s. No one wanted the Irish, the Italians, the Germans, all catholics, the Chinese, etc, etc. and look how terrible things turned out. It wasn't too long along that one could see signs in windows saying "Irish need not apply". You prob remember the klan was as much anti papist as anti black at one point.

And yes at those points in time we has racial slurs for everyone of those nationalities and everyone of those nationalities was going to destroy America with their impure blood, the were lazy, living off the system. And god forbid when the Irish Catholics started to get "their" politicians elected in cities like Boston, New York and Chicago. Racism and ignorance is nothing new.

I think we need reform also, and I'm sure Stocky will chime in!

We need to stop issuing them drivers privledges, so they can get to the Drs. where they have no insurance! We need to withhold FICA, and SS/medicare , which isn't done!
And no matter how important they are to the labor force of certain industries, they need to be here under legal means. The influx to the Vt. community in the past year has been so great that out progressive legislature past a law giving them drivers privledges and resident rights, and don't allow they stopping and detention by law enforcement, simply because they fill a niche, that our welfare participants refuse to because they receive more sitting at home.

And before I'm confronted with the old argument of the down trodden and needy, those aren't the part of the community I'm referring to! I have nor fight with immigrants who desire the life we have here, but come to our country legally, and participate the same as we are required to.

If I was the US government I would work with private industry to develop and expand the economies of Mexico and Central America. I would use out influence to make sure those countries are putting policies in place that will help to develop their lower and middle classes. Etc. point being you are never going to stop people at our boarder or over the boarder. As many if you say you will never stop criminal activity. The best approach I think is to create economic reasons for people to stay in there own countries. People with good jobs don't leave their families and countries and come to the US for the hell of it. There you go.

The government estimates that immigration "reform," is going to cost $5-Trillion. Would it REALLY cost more to start rounding up and deporting illegal border crossers? If we did cut ALL social benefits (Food Stamps, Section-8 Housing, Medicaid) and started rounding them up, don't you think MANY would "self-deport?"

Picker, In one instance you decry your tax dollars being spent to support anyone or anything, now you want Govt. programs, that are funded with those same tax dollars to work with industrys and countrys. Which is it, do I ,on my ivory tower decide who lives or dies, or do I allow my monies to be spent, (wasted), on industry's who will take this new government handout, and still employ migrants because they work cheaper? Which is it?

Your right is was not well thought out.But it just needed to be thought on for about 1 min more.They will try to climb or dig under so we need to let people shoot the ones that try to come back.Cant figuare out how to put a boonty on them.Since they dont carry pappers.

Picker, In one instance you decry your tax dollars being spent to support anyone or anything, now you want Govt. programs, that are funded with those same tax dollars to work with industrys and countrys. Which is it, do I ,on my ivory tower decide who lives or dies, or do I allow my monies to be spent, (wasted), on industry's who will take this new government handout, and still employ migrants because they work cheaper? Which is it?

I thought I was suppose to be the crazy Obama loving liberal?? You guys better make your mind up!!

I have never seen you as an Obama lover, I just got confused by what I see as two different opinions and stated solutions to questions were you have taken others to task as being aloof and not caring. You can't simply decry tax money as being wasted in one instance, and want new govt. funded programs in another. that's all I'm confused about, and it's obvious that while we do agree in many instances, we don't see eye to eye in other's. Now, that is what our rights, that you have said we pick and choose are really about!

If I was the US government I would work with private industry to develop and expand the economies of Mexico and Central America. I would use out influence to make sure those countries are putting policies in place that will help to develop their lower and middle classes. Etc. point being you are never going to stop people at our boarder or over the boarder. As many if you say you will never stop criminal activity. The best approach I think is to create economic reasons for people to stay in there own countries. People with good jobs don't leave their families and countries and come to the US for the hell of it. There you go.

Illegal border crossing is against the law.....We have laws to stop illegal border crossing, they need to be unforced and in-forced to the letter....... We have more than enough troops to secure and enforce our borders.....When caught they need to be sent back, and sent back right away....

As if we don't have enough money problems already with welfare and freeloaders abusing it now you want us to subsidies Mexico and Central America's economy......

Well, let's face the facts.

These are NOT illegal immigrants - they are future Democratic voters here to ensure the dynasty lasts for generations.

We who work are punished, forced to take drug tests. spied on by the feds. All the rest can do as they please once they rise from bed sometime after noon....

Deep, this country has integrated immigrants who have added to its strength and prosperity since the beginning of its foundation. Every generation thinks the immigrants coming to the country are lazy, parasites, going to change the character of the nation etc etc. funny enough the same accusations of swaying the voting was made when the Irish came over to this country changing the voting dynamics of Boston, New York, Chicago etc. We obviously survived. And lets not forget that the "papist" Kennedy was going to sell us out to the pope.

But not to worry the Republican Party is doing everything in its power to win over the Latino community. To my knowledge they always had the Cuban vote in Florida, etc. if I'm not mistaken.

Deep, this country has integrated immigrants who have added to its strength and prosperity since the beginning of its foundation. Every generation thinks the immigrants coming to the country are lazy, parasites, going to change the character of the nation etc etc. funny enough the same accusations of swaying the voting was made when the Irish came over to this country changing the voting dynamics of Boston, New York, Chicago etc. We obviously survived. And lets not forget that the "papist" Kennedy was going to sell us out to the pope.

But not to worry the Republican Party is doing everything in its power to win over the Latino community. To my knowledge they always had the Cuban vote in Florida, etc. if I'm not mistaken.

This is a false argument. The immigrants that came here in the 1800s-1900s never recieved medicaid, food stamps, or section 8 housing. They came here with a sponsor and papers. The new immigrants are bankrupting states, not adding to our national economy, or building our roads, buildings, etc.

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