Imagine finding an underwater treasure, then this happens

True, we do need to learn from history, not to repeat the same mistakes.
...we learn from history we learn nothing from history. Winston Churchill...
Apocalyse is written all over 1715 story.

1. Seven Day Voyage. Beginning close to 3rd hour of the 7th day.
2. 700 People Perished. Although I've read also over 700 people. Since then, I've seen this number inlated to over 1,000 on websites.
3. 300th Anniversary 2015 July 31st. Only days before, all this gold treasure came up on a 1715 lease. This date fell in the center of a Tetrad Blood Moon even, according to a page I read on NASA website, it was the first time in 300 years.

well I would fuel up a ship and then take a video of throwing the treasure all over the ocean in the widest area possible, making sure it was in very deep water and in many locations. Then I would say, 'you want your treasure - go find it!' It's still at sea. happy hunting!'

Rule #1 of treasure hunting:
"Treasure, what treasure?"
Rule #2 of treasure hunting:
"Gold and silver coins? Hahaha, I wish."
Rule #3 of treasure hunting:
"What's in this sack? Why, it's just some neat rocks I found, here take one."

Rule #3 of treasure hunting:
"What's in this sack? Why, it's just some neat rocks I found, here take one."
Just so you know, Rule #3 won't work if you are in the Petrified National Forest or some other National Park. In fact, at the above locations you might have better luck saying it's a dead body in the sack...

Just so you know, Rule #3 won't work if you are in the Petrified National Forest or some other National Park. In fact, at the above locations you might have better luck saying it's a dead body in the sack...
From personal experience whenever I find a treasure, be it a gold ring or a silver coin, someone will randomly appear. I could be in the middle of the woods, having seen nobody nor found anything for hours - then the moment I find something nice there will all of a sudden be a whole group of random curious tourists. "Find anything neat?" They ask. This is why I always carry around some nice rocks in my pocket to show them. "Just some neat rocks." I say while discreetly slipping the true treasure into my pocket. Once I gave some people some of the decoy rocks I always carry and they started looking for more - I inadvertently got them interested in geology and minerals.

remember this important fact the govt typically know nothing about what your doing until you ask "permission" to do it ... know if one wants to make lots of money selling artifacts with providence attached to them good luck because the the archies and govt becomes involved and you get screwed --then there is plan B just take what you found , telling no official people and market it at melt value /gold /silver and whatever you can get for the rest -- when a govt stops a man from making a legal living the he will make a illegal one cause at days end he's gotta eat and pay bills -- govt is like robinhood in reverse --rob from the poor to make themselves rich

Same here in the Rotten Apple, our Parks and Recreation Dept states that "significant finds" must be reported and possibly surrendered and they claim the items would be placed on public display with
honorable mention of the person who recovered it.

I like the decoy rocks ruse.. as a beach hunter I will keep a few fishing sinkers for any official inquiry on site.

remember this important fact the govt typically know nothing about what your doing until you ask "permission" to do it ... know if one wants to make lots of money selling artifacts with providence attached to them good luck because the the archies and govt becomes involved and you get screwed
Here's an article that you might find interesting. Apparently, some people who have taken found items from National Parks feel guilty. Sometimes that guilt comes years later and they try to return the items. Unfortunately, though the article is about "what not to do" after you've taken something. It never really says what to do. It's all about not taking it in the first place, and the conundrum faced by officials who receive the items from people who are afraid of being cursed, or even bringing about the apocalypse. Now granted, if I triggered the antichrist into action by taking a piece of petrified wood, I'd feel pretty guilty. But that said, if I find an old gold ring on the ground in a national park, I'm a keepin' it!

So, You’ve Stolen From A National Park And Now Feel Bad. Here's What Not To Do

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