I have a few of these ghastly zinckers. I've learned the hard way. I took a bunch of clad to the coin counting machine at the bank and knew I had approx $120 in clad. When it was all done counting it only came out to around $20. I called the teller over and said this is absolutely wrong. She opened up the machine and one of the zincolns had jammed it up and all my semi dirty clad was all over the floor uncounted under the machine. It all got pushed off by the jammed penny. I was totally embarrassed with all that dug clad all over the place. The two people behind me were pissed I'm sure since I messed up the machine and they would have to call someone to come in and fix it. I picked up all my clad went home, took out the bad pennies and headed off to their other branch down the road. Counted up to around $118. So since then if there's even a hint of decay they go in this pile. Eventually I'm going to put em in a jar and bury them in the backyard for a future TH'er to find.
HH, Mike in NJ