Im stumbled !!


Jr. Member
Nov 1, 2015
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hello, Everyone

My wife and I was I Staten Island, NY Beach looking for rocks/fossils. Then I came across this when I saw the tip in the sand after a storm. I had this for weeks now and never thought of checking it out as we just thought it was a rock shaped as a ***** lol. Today I thought to my self let me just see whats inside and when I hit it with a hammer I saw the point of it.

So far it remind me of a long nail but an old one due to the look of the iron or what ever metal it is. It was like it was cocoon around the metal object in the center. SO I kept jiggle in it until it came out. It looks what ever was around this long metal item was preserved in it because there is no rust!

As you can see it looks like a long nail. It is about 5" and looks like it was made due to the texture a long time ago.

Anyone knows anything of this item i have found. Some research in google says it is a crucifix nail, but too preserved for my agreement.

The shell that it was in was poring out like oil/dark mud. I had to scrape in the sides to get it out.

Thank you, found1.jpgfound2.jpgfound3.jpgfound4.jpgfound5.jpgfound6.jpgfound7.jpg

Encrusted spike from an old ship? I've found things on the Florida beaches heavily encrusted. Tony

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HI and thanks.

The outer shell where it was in, definitely smells like charcole/ some type of volcanic smell. lol I dont know. I have other finds but nothing like this. I will post other near finds in a bit.

Thank you

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Nice big spike probably from an old ship. The cocoon and the smell and the black tar like stuff....all normal for something encrusted like that. When removing old iron from an electrolysis treatment, you get the same black inklike staining on your hands as you do wire brushing. Very cool spike, I would soak in distilled water treatments to leach out the salts and after enough time drying, coat it.

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These are some other pictures.

As what I see it is like clay/Mud and the third layer is crystallized.

Villagenut, Yes I was thinking the same thing. I know its old because all the stones that was attached to it. Anyway I tried searching in google and I saw couple of similar items from railroad nails, crucifix nails and boat nails. But all old boat nails I ran into from the sea were all very rusty.

Any input will help. Im getting the rest of my finds ready. Just like Id mention my wife and I are very new to this but, I can say that I always loved treasure hunting, well what kid didn't lol after Goonies and all lol!I used to make so many wholes in the military base fields that my pops was called by MP's to have me stop looking for treasure lol



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Other stuff I found on the beach. In addition, I have some stuff I found under a big tree, well the tree roots about 1 feet under ground. I will post Images because I really have some crystals I found down their that looks very nice.

Thank you,

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Other stuff found in the backyard

Ok these are some rocks I found in the backyard under a big tree trunk. I was there for like 3 hours chopping away to get this out. It was bigger but everything is so crystallized, pebbled, easy to break and it has inside chips that look like gold. I'm not sure it is pyrite but it does not stick to a magnet and it is very goldish. I have saved all the golden ships aside so when I get a gold tester I can check it out.

SO as you can see from the images I extracted those stones from the outer layer and inside. Its very chalky/ powder/ crystallized rock. Blue/Grey in color.

The stones are cubed clear light blue, yellow and clear. I dont know what his can be or why it is under the big tree root.

Thank you everyone!


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the crust you found around it is how this object "rusted"...the environment that it was in made it deteriorate this way leaving a pitted and uneven spike in the middle. When new, this spike looked like any other forged iron spike. Not at all uncommon on the seashore, but a neat find all the same.

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Thank you for all the responses.

How would we go by finding out what types of stones/Rocks? Iv searched like crazy in google, I downloaded like every GEO App I can find. Im thinking I need to get testers or something.

We have so many other finds, but enough! Time to see what we have instead of bringing home rocks. My backyard is full of different types of beautiful rocks we collected from different sites. My wife doesn't like the idea since she loves going out there searching, but until I know what we have no more trips lol well im sure she will get it her way "Very persuasive woman lol"we already had a beach crab that creep in our bags and was all over the house. We found out when we was ready to go to bed and I heard running crinkling noises like klack, klack, klack on the hard wood floors lol That night I didn't sleep well!I first I thought it was a huge spider lol but nope it was a beach crab that look like a evil spider up to no good lol

Anyway, If anyone has any recommendations on any places that I can get items looked at and have a solid diagnosis on the finds, please recommend gadgets, organizations or just a good site. We have done a lot of research and learn everyday by reading articles and videos in youtube.

Thank you,

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iT may be best for you to start new threads for different artifacts with a title that is fitting for the objects in question. yOu will get more lookers and responses. feel free to keep em coming :thumbsup:

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Thanks for the advise. I thought about that after I post everything but it was too late. Thanks

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IMO... what you have found is a ships spike/nail...
The "head" has taken the blunt of the corrosion... and is "gone".
I have seen these many times and this seems to be somewhat common...
and my opinion is because when pounded into wood the head is smashed and cracked...
Hence allowing the salt to enter and eat it from the inside so to speak.

Age... anywhere from 1600's on.

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Thank you for the info AARC. Im on your opinion. I took a closer look into the host and it was about 80% rocks and 20% some brown old moldy woody smelling mud/substance.

Thank you

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Okay, maybe I'm just naive, after all I'm in the central states and don't know much about encrusted ocean artifacts, but that doesn't look an iron spike to me, looks more like hammered silver or something. Feel free to tell me why I'm full of baloney, but I don't recall ever seeing old shipwreck iron in an encrustation coming out so clean.

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i can't tell you the "why" but i can tell you it is normal and common. Probably has something to do with surf and sand interaction and debris accumulation. As a kid I would break these open all the time and find similar stuff inside. If this item had been left to continue to deteriorate, the spike would eventually become a black crumbly mass.

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