Im making a gold mining game, and I could use some help


Apr 29, 2013
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I'm making a gold mining game, and I could use some help

I'm creating a gold mining game for Windows, Mac, Linux, and possibly iOS and Android. The goal is to put the player in charge of a placer mining operation, similar to the ones depicted on the TV show Gold Rush Alaska. I could use some help and feedback from those who know the processes well.

Here is a list of machines and functions, to the best of my understanding. Please feel free to correct any of the following, including terminology, order, etc.

1. Drill holes to determine the depth and density of gold bearing soil.
2. With a bulldozer, clear anything above the surface, including trees and other flora.
3. With a bulldozer and a ripper attachment, remove frozen layer of soil (if any).
4. With a bulldozer, strip layers of soil until gold bearing layers are reached.
5. With a loader, load pay dirt onto hauler.
6. With a hauler, transport pay dirt to wash plant.
7. With an excavator, feed the wash plant with pay dirt.

Does this process look correct? What can be done to improve it?

In some situations, it seemed like the excavator was used to get down to the pay dirt, but in others, the bulldozer was used exclusively, so I'm sure there is something I am missing there.

In addition to correcting the processes and terminology above, please feel free to add anything that you think could make a gold mining simulator more enjoyable/realistic.

Thanks in advance.

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This is going to be awesome! I play a All kinds of PC games and will definitely buy this one. Don't forget about us women miners haha need a Lucy with a pan. She has red hair green eyes and freckles wears overalls and pink boots hahaha
Would like her to be able to travel the great rivers, streams and creeks finding her pan filled with pickers and nuggets as she peacefully mines suction dredges and Zens out panning and listening to the river and sounds of nature. Ha, can't wait, I wish you the very best of luck with this project.

Include some random, "shocking surprise" cards for things like spontaneous breakdowns, forgot sleeping bag at home, random grizzly bear visit, fell down the mountain and broke detector shaft, used new detector under the water and found out it wasn't waterproof, forgot to pay claim fees, enviro-nazis (not the good enviros) file lawsuit to stop mining, locked your keys in the truck; put gasoline in your diesel engine, two flat tires and only one spare, left detector home, big rock shatters gold pan, sluice floats down the river, gold bottle floats down the river, dredge breaks loose in a series of rapids, left suction hose at home, left spare battery for detector at home, packrat trashes your camp, safety inspection shuts you down, partner runs over your detector, wife runs you over, bear eats wife, bear drinks all your beer, bear marries you.

All the best,


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Would like to see the game include prospecting equipment from a keen sluice to a little blue from Gold Rush all the way up to big red, small prospecting trommel 2 big red trommel.front loaders from the early years to nowadays front loaders including the same with excavators to realistic places in the world. There is a game call farm simulator from giant to give you an idea.

Speaking of gold mining games, my friend and I did a "gold rush drinking game" using Johnny walker red. Take a shot everyone Todd Hoffman says "friken". We were plastered in the first 8 min of the episode LOL

Speaking of gold mining games, my friend and I did a "gold rush drinking game" using Johnny walker red. Take a shot everyone Todd Hoffman says "friken". We were plastered in the first 8 min of the episode LOL
in that game you have to know when to stop!...especially since Todd H definitely doesn't know when to just stop being fricken stupid!

Halfway through game a safety inspector shuts you down? Seriously though I guess you could include weather, fuel and equipment issues, correct clean out timing, cash flow etc. You could have the game start as a solo miner and go to small operation to jr gold company to openpit.

the wife files divorce papers on you for spending too much time at the claim away from her, and accuses you of having another girl and the other girl is the "claim" lol

in that game you have to know when to stop!...especially since Todd H definitely doesn't know when to just stop being fricken stupid!

those guys on that show act like their stoned half the time or just really stupid

How about making a game 49ers gold rush style.

I like it.
There are nearly zero gold mining games out there and I would definitely play this one.
So the format would be like SimCity, Evony or the like where you sell goods and buy property and build?
Dont forget the prospecting part to find your paystreak then filing your claim and annual maintenance.
Sell gold or equipment to get operating capital, find investors.
You could add complexity by having to take time away from mining to build road, cabins or go hunting

If I were programming the game, I would provide "hope" and then thrash them with the unexpected. For example, if they initially jump in and start digging a hole without sampling, then they keep digging and find nothing. If they sample, they eventually stumble upon an economic pay streak. Then they buy a dredge and find out they cannot use it legally. If they try, then they get busted. If not, then they move to the next level and find out they need to file paperwork which gets rejected or puts so many restrictions that they cannot operate. Get through that, then they jump to the next level but winter hits, flash floods, forest fire, road closure, spotted owl, native land rights, annual reclamation, etc. Eventually, with enough experience and time in the game, the person breaks even and the game declares "winner". ;-)


I actually looked into doing something like that but i was going to make it in 3d as a first person simulator. I do not have any experience with actually making the game i was going to use a some game developing studio. Money maybe we could rise on Kickstarter. Let me know what You think and if You are interested in cooperation ;)

Level 1: 1 man show with pick, shovel and pans looking for a strike to claim. Level 2 if you earn enough profit, buying better equipment and making more profit. Level 3: leasing or buying a better claim and making more profit to hire workers, more equipment, bigger equipment and on and on and on. production order: Pan, shovel and pick then sluice box then highbanker then small wash plant then full out everything goes. Ground moving equipment order might be bobcat, backhoe, small dozer, dump truck, larger excavator, bigger dump truck, bigger dozer.

Maybe you could have a guy panning out 5 specks on one side of the river as a guy on the other side hooks his foot and trips over a gigantic nugget while walking his dog....

Toss in a cheat code where you get your own tv show and start off with every item you want for large scale production from the get-go.

I would first make the miners have old beat up equipment. To start it would be great if the miners had a wash plant that could only handle small amounts of dirt or no wash plant at all. They could start with hand digging and panning tell they got enough money to buy a better wash plant. The same goes with the dozer, excavator and the loader. Also there is lots of wash plant attachments like a bigger feeder, water pump, hopper/trommel, and sleuth box. Plus one of the main contributers to gold mining is water. You have to have good clean water to pump to the wash plant. Which means a good filter so sticks and little rocks don't jam up the water jets on the plant. I'm not much for typing so if you want to go over things email me at I will give you my number and I can go over much more. Thanks

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