Im getting VERY tired of this rainy season!


Gold Member
Apr 9, 2012
South of the Mason-Dixon Line
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Detector(s) used
Garrett AT-MAX
Garrett AT-PRO,
Garrett Groundhog,

Jack Hammer!
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I'm getting VERY tired of this rainy season!

I wanted to get out today and find something old!
So, I went to a place that is a clad farm on some very old ground.

I figured to just try for deeper, fainter signals and see if I could get
something old from there.

I actually have to check when I dig a target at this place to see if by
digging it I got closer to something old, deeper down. It's worked before!

Anyway, here I am doing my best to concentrate and it starts raining!
Now, I don't know why it surprised me after the last couple of weeks
but it did. made me ANGRY! I mean! I was working sooo hard!

Then this rain comes out of nowhere! I was P.O.-ed!! At first I was just gonna quit
as I hadn't figured on fighting the elements. But, then, I said NO! I'm gonna STAY!
AND....I'm turning this into a REAL clad hunt! The heck with finesse !! :)
I figured the ATP is waterproof, I had a hoody, and I wasn't about to melt. ;)

I started popping 'em right and left, went to all the spots that I knew get refilled quickly.
The tot-lot, the hills surrounding the ball fields the tennis courts, paths, parking lot, etc!!!

2016 (330).jpg

I also stayed for TWICE as long as I usually do! I tell ya, I was P.O.-ed! :)

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This was the only relic. Some sort of handle I think. But, it's heavy!
I think it's lead!

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2016 (333).jpg
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I really think Blingie is losing it! LOL

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I first thought this was a guitar pick.
But, it's too thick.

2016 (336).jpg

It gave me a bit of a shock and giggle when I turned
it over. LOL

I guess I was just in a bad mood to start with today.
The rain just set me off. Think I got even with it? ;)

Thanks for peeking!

Upvote 17
It's so dry and the ground is so hard here, I was thrilled that it FINALLY rained today haha! Hopefully your rain will stop and you'll have easy digging.

I'm amazed by all the quarters you dig, just crazy!

yea I know how ya feel :( been checking out the park, but with the weather not much is getting done :(
They are piling Wood in the South Woods instead of burning or putting in dumpsters for the mulching plant :(
everything is Growing in the north woods, & they have a load of fresh Lumber ? laying there :(
they have removed some stumps from the piece along he road. But with the rain my guess they are getting little done.
their supposed spring cleaning is looking like it won't happen.
I'm a non rainy day away from going back on my promise to not detect it before they are done.
especially if I see them start Building in there.
the 30th is Memorial Day.
by then the park will be Booked every weekend, so spring cleanup Can't go on then.
& they are calling for Frost here this weekend.

anyway Enough Grumbling :laughing7: nice Hunk of change & Finds as Usual.

Been trying to figure out the Marc Ecko Thingy. Being metal it confuses me.
Only thing I can find on Marc Ecko is recent. he is only in his Mid 40's
So his products and the word Vintage doesn't come into play, Yet it's metal.
which is not normal for these days.
I don't think it's a heel plate. Tag from a Belt Maybe ? Watch Back ? :dontknow:

the lead Turd shaped thingy Looks like some of my larger Sinker Finds
on the one end. so I'm thinking Melted fishing gear

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Fantastic finds & congrats! Clad will add up any way thanks for sharing the pictures with all of us and wish you many more great finds.

Texas ED

Wow,with all the coins you have digging there ,you had better take along a wheelbarrow next time to haul it all away.You certainly have a knack on sniffing out quarters. By the end of this year ,you will certainly have your new car paid for.

Looks like your determination really paid off! Congrats! Don't know where you are, but where I live in VA we've had rain practically every day for the last two weeks and I am totally sick of it! Told my wife this morning that rain or shine, I'm going detecting this weekend. Like you, I have the AT Pro and it could stand a good bath anyway!

Way to go WHADIFIND!!!

You showed that rain a thing or two for trying to rain on your parade! You made it pay!

$10 in quarters alone is quite a haul, and a lot of digging! That must have been a lot of anger fueled digging!:mad::eek:
It's really great your field of clad renews its self so often!
I keep telling people at my field they need to increase their kids allowances.:D
I do know how it feels to have weather ( among other things) do in a hunt. I take along the m6's rain coat (2 plastic bags), and I don't care if I get wet, like you, I don't melt in the last not yet. Lighting, well that's another story.

I think Blingie is going for color this time around.
Fishy sure does love his cars...or parts.
That triangular skill piece seems to have two sewing needles crossed under it instead of swords...or I need a bigger screen.

On a positive note, you have cleaned out a lot of pesky clad and rain helps to enhance deeper targets, so who knows what awesome old goodies you will pull out on your next visit!

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I'm a non rainy day away from going back on my promise to not detect it before they are done.
especially if I see them start Building in there.
the 30th is Memorial Day.
by then the park will be Booked every weekend, so spring cleanup Can't go on then.
& they are calling for Frost here this weekend.

Well, think about it, you've already proved that they aren't going to be able to do Spring cleanup now. Sooooo....
they ARE finished, for this year. ;)

anyway Enough Grumbling :laughing7: nice Hunk of change & Finds as Usual.

Been trying to figure out the Marc Ecko Thingy. Being metal it confuses me.
Only thing I can find on Marc Ecko is recent. he is only in his Mid 40's
So his products and the word Vintage doesn't come into play, Yet it's metal.
which is not normal for these days.
I don't think it's a heel plate. Tag from a Belt Maybe ? Watch Back ? :dontknow:

the lead Turd shaped thingy Looks like some of my larger Sinker Finds
on the one end. so I'm thinking Melted fishing gear

The Marc Ecko thingy is probably a tag off of one of his high end fashions. Do a cross google with Marc Ecko & skull & crossbones.

The strange piece? My first impression was one of those old window latches. The white looking stuff kinda looks like that putty they used. But....the thing is sooo heavy for it's size! It may, very well, be some sort of melted end of a large piece of formed lead. :dontknow:


Way to go WHADIFIND!!!

You showed that rain a thing or two for trying to rain on your parade! You made it pay!

$10 in quarters alone is quite a haul, and a lot of digging! That must have been a lot of anger fueled digging!:mad::eek:
It's really great your field of clad renews its self so often!
I keep telling people at my field they need to increase their kids allowances.:D

Kind of doubt that *I* showed that rain ANYthing! LOL
Yeah, I was pretty frustrated. Just pent up I suspect.

It's not really my "field of clad" that replenishes. It's more like my "FieldS of clad" that renew themselves. LOL
I have several places.

I dunno about their allowances but I sure do wish that more of these elementary school students would keep their engagement
rings in the same pocket as their quarters! ;)
Can you imagine?! If all those quarters were dollar coins??? LOL

I do know how it feels to have weather ( among other things) do in a hunt. I take along the m6's rain coat (2 plastic bags), and I don't care if I get wet, like you, I don't melt in the last not yet. Lighting, well that's another story.

I think Blingie is going for color this time around.
Fishy sure does love his cars...or parts.
That triangular skill piece seems to have two sewing needles crossed under it instead of swords...or I need a bigger screen.

On a positive note, you have cleaned out a lot of pesky clad and rain helps to enhance deeper targets, so who knows what awesome old goodies you will pull out on your next visit!

Funny, but, as I sit here eating lunch, (purchased with clad), I just don't see them as being "pesky". ;)

About the crossed needle thingy? See my reply to Jeff, above. :)


man you sure do pull the money when your mad. Congrats on gettin gout and hanging tough through the rain. I will be detecting this weekend (rain or shine).

"If it ain't raining, it ain't training" was one of our motto's in the Army.


When your after older deeper goodies, they can be a tad pesky...unless you collect a lot of them and they buy you lunch. :D

The rain is killing me here too. Ca't even get my garden in. I use to hunt in the rain all the time, but had some bad experiences with my old machine. Always had it covered good with plastic rain coats/ bags and stuff. It never actually got wet, but I think the moister got to it after so many rain hunts. Eventually it got to the point where it wouldn't even turn on until it dried out, and hasn't been the same since. Not even going to take a chance with my new machine even though I am itching too.. Looks like you got allot of digging in there anyway. Like the scull and cross bones thing.

You did very well, friend - for sticking it out, and not letting the rain ruin your hunt!
(it is that season, after all!)

man you sure do pull the money when your mad. Congrats on gettin gout and hanging tough through the rain. I will be detecting this weekend (rain or shine).

Thanks! But you're making it sound even tougher! "gettin gout" !?!? LOLOL I hope not! LOL

It's not really that being mad made much difference but I did just give up on the finesse targets
and just turn this into a skim hunt. Higher targets, it makes it easier to find more because one isn't
losing time with all the garbage. ;)

The rain is killing me here too. Ca't even get my garden in. I use to hunt in the rain all the time, but had some bad experiences with my old machine. Always had it covered good with plastic rain coats/ bags and stuff. It never actually got wet, but I think the moister got to it after so many rain hunts. Eventually it got to the point where it wouldn't even turn on until it dried out, and hasn't been the same since. Not even going to take a chance with my new machine even though I am itching too.. Looks like you got allot of digging in there anyway. Like the scull and cross bones thing.


About the plasticized machine? One thing I've found is that when electronic components are wrapped in plastic they don't get wet from the outside. But, they do tend to get wet from the inside. Condensation forms because of the heat differential and viola! Shorted component. (I know, I destroyed a cel phone this way.)

That looks like "A FULL TANK HUNT" lol
My tank is only five gallons, so all that clad would give me a couple hundred miles.
Congrats on sticking it out with the AT PRO.

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