Im done and a failure...

Reed, I ran 7 days a week when I could unless the water clouded up. Also if I had to go to town for provisions and sell what little gold I recovered.

Dave, our mascot loved salt water taffy, licorice and cookies also. I think he was just to lazy to forage for his own food!

We see some bucks here, too, but they don't get too close. Maybe I should try salt water taffy, licorice and cookies on them. There are 3 bucks in the picture, with a 4th just outside of it. There were does around, it was fall, but they were tolerating each other pretty well. 150correctedcropped.jpg

I broke even on gas and I wasn't a total all in gamble.

Great Job Omni, you broke even on gas and food that is way better than I did this year. I would have been happy doing that. My partner never showed up this year and can't move b oulders myself. Too bad your all the way over in Idaho, we could go highbanking here maybe change our luck. best to you..

Omni I am wondering why you have not received any feed back from the person/company that made a lot of money from your choice of matting!
I am not a professional miner but I do a lot of tinkering and have tried a lot of different methods of recovery and the old tried and true methods seem to be the best time after time.
I have noticed that the number of great idea has decreased as the price of gold has decreased!
You have been given advice from some who have walked the walk, just as you have, my advice would be to take their advice, learn from your experience and move on to the next chapter in your life enlightened.


We see some bucks here, too, but they don't get too close. Maybe I should try salt water taffy, licorice and cookies on them. There are 3 bucks in the picture, with a 4th just outside of it. There were does around, it was fall, but they were tolerating each other pretty well.View attachment 1068991

Here's a little trick if you want to attract deer. When your out camping keep peeing in the same spot. Guarantee you if don't see deer within a day or two you'll for sure see the tracks from them being there during the night. We humans are walking salt/mineral licks. 9 times out of 10 the critters crashing around your campsite in the middle of the night are deer that have been attracted by your urine. I know "eww!", but it's true.

When I left Todd jumped into my hole I was dredging in. Remember at the first of this new post I made mention of a development? Well according to Buddy They both dropped down to my hole and supposedly pulled 6 ounces from my tailing. I call bull crap on that. I tested my tailing every few days and would only find a spec here or there. I know at first I was losing gold...before I went, I moved the middle tower on my dredge 12" forward but was running the sluice the same was way to steep. I tried to get them to read a doc on the gold hog mats in order to help me dial them in but they wouldn't. They would say, if I'm not catching all the black sands then I'm losing gold. I would counter with the mats are designed to exchange material but they are to close minded to listen...


OKAY NOW any of you dredgers know that you don't go to a claim and just punch holes and hope to get lucky, ( THATS CALLED POKE AND HOPE ROY ) you need to figure out what a river is doing. any one that knows the middle fork of the Boise river knows that there is great gold there. Well me and my partner pulled 6 oz. on a new river that we did not know very much about. 2 and 1/2 oz came out of Roy's tailings 3 and 1/2 came out of a hole just up stream from the 3 holes that Roy dredged. NOT 6 oz out of his tailings. but on the 30% deal was to help Roy stay out of jail or getting shot on privet land with out permission ! so now on the river everything started out like Roy explained in his story then a few weeks into the camp Roy started to act a little funny with the way he was doing things. then i asked every one to classify to 1/2 in. and bring back to camp that did not go well with Roy then cons where getting left and not taking care of then them cons would go back to the river with Roy with out me knowing what was really in them. so then i asked for every one to write down there daily weights that did not go as well ether with Roy. so his clean ups went from day to day to every 3 days . then he had taking my truck to the valley to get supply's. he had some problems with the truck and called my wife to help him outwith the truck and pull him off the road. Well he started to bad mouth Me to my wife and father. That was not a good thing when i found out. So when the season has come to a end for Roy when his air compressor busted . he was getting his stuff loaded up at the dredge site as i passed he was dumping out a bucket that had solid black sands in it not a lot but that's ???? marks in a persons head. (so that gives a person a thought that he was high grading) and that i did not see all of the gold that he really pulled out! and about the contraband that he was sweating the boys off for going home will not be in my camp or on my claims. So that means that he will not be on my claims ever again .

there is lots more but it will work itself out in time.

I think your leaseholder was a greedy som betch

well you need to look at the circumstanices that the terms was made on the 30%.

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30 percent is out of the norm, no matter the circumstances. JMHO

I don't guess anyone held a gun to his head and forced him to accept the deal. It is what it is.

Lessons learned on each side I guess…
Let's let the drama die, we're miners not soap opera stars…
Now if it would just get above 32 ass kissing degrees out here I could get my shovel wet :)


Let me say, I have no dog in this fight, and it is your claim, I have no reason to question you or the other parties private agreement. I should have kept my mouth shut, just never heard of a percentage that high. Good luck and good hunting

Only time I ever paid over 15% was for poundage,then no big deal as then plenty oro puro to go around. A well written agreement signed and witnessed is also mandatory on all my ops on others lands-John


    22.5 KB · Views: 63
When I left Todd jumped into my hole I was dredging in. Remember at the first of this new post I made mention of a development? Well according to Buddy They both dropped down to my hole and supposedly pulled 6 ounces from my tailing. I call bull crap on that. I tested my tailing every few days and would only find a spec here or there. I know at first I was losing gold...before I went, I moved the middle tower on my dredge 12" forward but was running the sluice the same was way to steep. I tried to get them to read a doc on the gold hog mats in order to help me dial them in but they wouldn't. They would say, if I'm not catching all the black sands then I'm losing gold. I would counter with the mats are designed to exchange material but they are to close minded to listen...


OKAY NOW any of you dredgers know that you don't go to a claim and just punch holes and hope to get lucky, ( THATS CALLED POKE AND HOPE ROY ) you need to figure out what a river is doing. any one that knows the middle fork of the Boise river knows that there is great gold there. Well me and my partner pulled 6 oz. on a new river that we did not know very much about. 2 and 1/2 oz came out of Roy's tailings 3 and 1/2 came out of a hole just up stream from the 3 holes that Roy dredged. NOT 6 oz out of his tailings. but on the 30% deal was to help Roy stay out of jail or getting shot on privet land with out permission ! so now on the river everything started out like Roy explained in his story then a few weeks into the camp Roy started to act a little funny with the way he was doing things. then i asked every one to classify to 1/2 in. and bring back to camp that did not go well with Roy then cons where getting left and not taking care of then them cons would go back to the river with Roy with out me knowing what was really in them. so then i asked for every one to write down there daily weights that did not go as well ether with Roy. so his clean ups went from day to day to every 3 days . then he had taking my truck to the valley to get supply's. he had some problems with the truck and called my wife to help him outwith the truck and pull him off the road. Well he started to bad mouth Me to my wife and father. That was not a good thing when i found out. So when the season has come to a end for Roy when his air compressor busted . he was getting his stuff loaded up at the dredge site as i passed he was dumping out a bucket that had solid black sands in it not a lot but that's ???? marks in a persons head. (so that gives a person a thought that he was high grading) and that i did not see all of the gold that he really pulled out! and about the contraband that he was sweating the boys off for going home will not be in my camp or on my claims. So that means that he will not be on my claims ever again .

there is lots more but it will work itself out in time.

I wasn't even goling to respond to this but the more I thought about it, the more I feel I need to.

You say I was acting funny, well thats your doing Buddy.
First you tell me, I'm not your Boss, we are partners, but then after a week or so of dredging you tell me that I have to clean up how you want. You tell me I HAVE to run through your highbanker then finish how you want me to. I have a system on my clean ups ie: I classify at the river...#18,#20 and #30 mesh. I then bring back those cons to camp and run through my cleanup sluice. It works for me as it's fast and I have a almost perfect recovery rate. Running gold hog mats, I would do 2 or 3 clean outs a day and have around 1 gallon of cons. Doing the cleanups like YOU wanted Buddy cost me a extra hour. That day you came back to camp while I was doing my cleanup and you grabbed my cons and started messing with them was wrong. Even though it's your claim, you dont just grab someones cons and start messing with them. I left camp pissed off and whent to chill out. You finally came to were I was and we talked about it and you was OK with me proccessing my cons every 3 days, but now your bring into question my HONESTY and INTEGERTY? Really? Should I post your dirty laundry for the world to read? I have never treated you or anyone for that matter with the utmost honesty.

Also what was playing into me acting "funny" acording to you was that you and Todd was in a 50/50 deal. Todd was dredging his ass off while you was doing god knows what. He was doing his part in your partnership while you wasn't. How many days did you dredge compared to him? If you were partners with him also then why could he not do anything without your ok? He was in a non-productive hole for how many weeks only to get close to the bottom to only uncover bus sized boulders that we could not move? He wanted to move weeks before you finally let him. How is that not a boss/employee relationship.

The bucket that I was dumping out was the crap thap that came out of the Jig accross the river that I grabbed the steel balls from. It had nothing in but rusted balls and dirt/black sand. You remember we tried to clean them up in order to use them to crush the cons to release what ever gold they held.

I also find it funny that when I called you a month ago, you told me that you guys pulled 6 oz out of my tailing. Your exact words when I called to find out how the hole I was dredging paid off for Todd, " We didn't need to finish your hole, your tailings yeilded 6oz."
Buddy I am not some uneducated bloke off the street when it comes to dredging. I know you dont just punch holes. Theres a reason Todd moved to my hole, that because it was paying better then the half dozen holes you two punched, combined. The reason I did not finish was well, my compressor. But you know what? IMO you are the one that broke my rod. Remember when I was taking the pully off and you came over to help. I said just lightly tap on the punch, yet you smacked it hard. I felt the ping of the rod breaking while I was holding to body. I didn't say anyhthing because you were my friend and friendship is more important then stuff but I guess it may not be so with you.

One final thing, I NEVER did bad mouth you to your wife like your saying. This was right after I left camp pissed becauise you came and grabbed my cons.
Remember we had that talk that night about how you wanted me to clean up, you said it was so it was to be fair to Todd who would have 6 gallons a day verses my 1 gallon. It was not because you didnt trust me. The only thing I said to your wife was how ironic it was that you told me when I got there that you wasn't my boss but a partner, YET Todd or I could not do anything with out your permission. I said you would not let me clean up how it worked the best for me and that you would not let Todd move.

Guys, like I said in the begining of this post, I wasn't going to even respond to this but my Honesty and Integerty was being called into question and that alone is one thing a guy has that he can be proud of.

Buddy, I'm sorry that it has came to this over a f'n forum. I finally found a job and just started working again and if it's such a big deal to you then I will send you the 70% of the money from my gold sales when I was there.
I want this issue resolved between us as I'm going to try to come back to Idaho the first part of December to clean out both my storage units and to get the 9mm, shot gun, gazebo top, tubs, face mask w/requlator any anthing else that I left there for you guys to use. I just dont want any problems, the guns are important to me as they were my dads.

Yes it is oak but i had a feeling that he might do what he did . was going to lower the % but he started acting funny on the claim. but thats okay it want happen again.

Really? Have I ever treated you with anything but honesty and respect? Everytime you helped me with a project did I not offer to pay you for your help? Did I ever take advantage of you or your dad? Did I not help you when you needed?

As for the 30% guys, I am not making any issue about that. It was what was offered and I could of walked away at any time from it. I had other places I could of went and dredged (SF Payette, Jordon Creek, Salmon River) and paid no %'s but prospecting is always a gamble and I gambled on Buddie's claim.
Such is life.

Thanks for posting that contract Hoser John. Don't let your love of gold fall between friends. You can find gold under just about any rock in gold country, friends are a different story. It takes at least 3-4 yrs to get over gold fever, some never do. I've lost friends to my mistrust and I will never repeat that mistake. To take pot shots at a persons character and integrity in a forum such as this is quite low. Sounds like your trip was doomed from the start. I would welcome your maturity on my claims any day Omni. Best to you.

Thanks for posting that contract Hoser John. Don't let your love of gold fall between friends. You can find gold under just about any rock in gold country, friends are a different story. It takes at least 3-4 yrs to get over gold fever, some never do. I've lost friends to my mistrust and I will never repeat that mistake. To take pot shots at a persons character and integrity in a forum such as this is quite low. Sounds like your trip was doomed from the start. I would welcome your maturity on my claims any day Omni. Best to you.

Thanks Sticks, I'm thinking that the lack of clear "RULES or WANTS AND DESIRES" may of been the cause of the underlying issues. The funny thing for me is I don't have the "fever" It comes down to a job that I love to do that can pay well or bad. If dog poop was worth lots of money I would be picking it up.

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