I'm detecting in COLD!!!
This is BS. All of us in the cold areas of the country are saying we can't wait for Spring. Why not detect all winter. People ice fish. Why the hell not detect. I am going to at least give it a shot and I'm going to drag True Metal into this experiment. I think with a metal spike and a heavy hammer, I should be able to chisel into the ground. Anyone else going to give it a shot?!!?!?!!?!?! Maybe with a few people trying different methods, we can find a good solution. My other idea was a handheld blow torch to warm the ground a bit before digging.
This is BS. All of us in the cold areas of the country are saying we can't wait for Spring. Why not detect all winter. People ice fish. Why the hell not detect. I am going to at least give it a shot and I'm going to drag True Metal into this experiment. I think with a metal spike and a heavy hammer, I should be able to chisel into the ground. Anyone else going to give it a shot?!!?!?!!?!?! Maybe with a few people trying different methods, we can find a good solution. My other idea was a handheld blow torch to warm the ground a bit before digging.
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