I'll show you mine'You show me yours

Got peyote???I'll admit it...I was higher than a kite when I imagined I went to that site...

Every now and again I have flashbacks...As IF it were yesterday...

And I don't think I would go through that crap again for less that $10,000,000...Heck Uncle Sam would get the lions share anyhow...Unless it is deposited in an offshore account...Hmm...I wonder???

Who knows???Maybe one day I'll try to return and see IF I can locate a cache...I just might get lucky...I don't need fame...Maybe one day I'll just go for the cash...I would be pretty stoked IF I would find over a ton of gold or platinum even...

Wouldn't it be something if the Santa Fe of the Peralta Stones were the Spanish Santa Fe mint of the Indies???

you sure you haven't been dipping into the peyote tonight?

you sure you haven't been dipping into the peyote tonight?

I plead the fifth...

Shoot...If the area depicted on the Peralta stones were a misplaced mint of the West Indies...It might explain why someone has gone to such great lengths to try to find IT...lol:laughing7::tongue3::notworthy:

Well ya'll...It has been fun hanging out and shooting the breeze...hehehe

I think I should get on out of here and get me some sleep...

Peace people...

And I have not found a mint that was misplaced by the Spanish...

But some of ya'll can continue to follow me around if you like...I am used to it already...hehehe...Am I paranoid or what???

Did Blindbowman and Roger Snow have a child together? I'm having flashbacks.....

Johnwhite it violates our rules to solicit money. Also remember we are a family friendly forum so please watch how you post.

Johnwhite it violates our rules to solicit money. Also remember we are a family friendly forum so please watch how you post.

No problem...I will not try to solicit any funds on this site anymore...I was just spreading some manure...Heck...Who would believe that I have found such a mining legend...

Some people know who I am and where I live...IF they want to deal with me I'm certain that they know how to contact me...

And I'm sorry IF I used the N word...If you'd like I can edit my post...

As IF Tayopa is just another feather in my cap...Or as IF I have found the area depicted in the Peralta Stones...

Heck...Most people around here believe I am a nut...

I had a silly thought last night about another similarity that exists with the Witch map that someone posted on Tnet with 4 hearts on it...I had a thought about the 4 bells mentioned in the tale of Tayopa...I wonder???

Then I had another idea today...IF any of you would be willing to provide me with a mailing address...I could possibly mail you what I believe to be a little cluster of Platinum plates that is one of my favorite micromount specimens from my ore from the area depicted in the Peralta stones...Under the condition that it will be returned to me once your examination of it is complete...Heck...And you don't even have to provide me with your xrf analyzer results IF you don't want to...But like I said...IF you accept my offer...You would have to return my micromount after you examine it...It is rather little...After ones sees it...They will understand why the Spanish called it little silver...lol...It weighs in at .3 Dwt...Oh, for those of you who are not familiar with the term mircomount here is a link... http://www.njminerals.org/micro.html

That is if there are any takers...

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I had a silly thought last night about another similarity that exists with the Witch map that someone posted on Tnet with 4 hearts on it...I had a thought about the 4 bells mentioned in the tale of Tayopa...I wonder???

Then I had another idea today...IF any of you would be willing to provide me with a mailing address...I could possibly mail you what I believe to be a little cluster of Platinum plates that is one of my favorite micromount specimens from my ore from the area depicted in the Peralta stones...Under the condition that it will be returned to me once your examination of it is complete...Heck...And you don't even have to provide me with your xrf analyzer results IF you don't want to...But like I said...IF you accept my offer...You would have to return my micromount after you examine it...It is rather little...After ones sees it...They will understand why the Spanish called it little silver...lol...It weighs in at .3 Dwt...Oh, for those of you who are not familiar with the term mircomount here is a link... Micromounts and micromineral collecting

That is if there are any takers...

I have access to an SEM-EDX (scanning electron microscope with energy dispersive xray). It's non-destructive, can analyze small samples and give an idea of what the elemental composition is.

I don't run it myself, but I know the 2 people who do and I can see next week whether they think they could analyze your sample and tell you what it is.

I have access to an SEM-EDX (scanning electron microscope with energy dispersive xray). It's non-destructive, can analyze small samples and give an idea of what the elemental composition is.

I don't run it myself, but I know the 2 people who do and I can see next week whether they think they could analyze your sample and tell you what it is.

I'll tell you what I can do Cubfan64...I have another micromount in another pill bottle that I can put in a small padded envelop and mail out if you would prefer...This sample weighs 1.9 dwt...If you believe that your friends will do you a favor and run a test on either of the two samples...I can go buy a padded envelop and put either sample in a pill bottle and mail it out...If azdave would like to use his xrf analyzer on this larger piece he can chime in...These pieces should be large enough for testing...

As I have stated...I would like the sample returned to me once the tests are completed...I have less than 10 lbs of this ore left and as I have stated...And there is no guarantee that I will ever be able to return to the area in question...So the remaining ore is a true rarity...

I have been lied to over the years by some shady characters and I am taking a chance by giving people an inside track at the composition of my ore...And as I have stated...Both of the samples will be from one of my little holes in the wall that I believe to be Tayopa or the mining area depicted in the Peralta stones...

The only thing I will be needing is a valid address to mail each sample to...I know that there are decenters among ya'll...So in performing this act I hope that we can put this thing to rest once and for all...

How would you two like to provide me with your mailing information???

I'll tell you what I can do Cubfan64...I have another micromount in another pill bottle that I can put in a small padded envelop and mail out if you would prefer...This sample weighs 1.9 dwt...If you believe that your friends will do you a favor and run a test on either of the two samples...I can go buy a padded envelop and put either sample in a pill bottle and mail it out...If azdave would like to use his xrf analyzer on this larger piece he can chime in...These pieces should be large enough for testing...

As I have stated...I would like the sample returned to me once the tests are completed...I have less than 10 lbs of this ore left and as I have stated...And there is no guarantee that I will ever be able to return to the area in question...So the remaining ore is a true rarity...

I have been lied to over the years by some shady characters and I am taking a chance by giving people an inside track at the composition of my ore...And as I have stated...Both of the samples will be from one of my little holes in the wall that I believe to be Tayopa or the mining area depicted in the Peralta stones...

The only thing I will be needing is a valid address to mail each sample to...I know that there are decenters among ya'll...So in performing this act I hope that we can put this thing to rest once and for all...

How would you two like to provide me with your mailing information???

Let me get back to you on Tuesday after I get in to work and talk to the 2 people who would run the SEM-EDX for me. I need to make sure they have the time, that they're willing to do it and most importantly that they think they would be able to identify platinum in this way.

If they give me the go, I'll send you a PM with an address. Rest assured I have no interest in where or how you got your sample - just willing to help out if I can.

There is one thing that I feel that I should mention before anyone takes me up on my offer...The ore in question is/was not the bonanza ore being worked by the Jesuits or Spanish...The ore I will be providing is from one of the columns left in the mine as a death trap...I believe the mining process used in said mine was/is called columnar mining...Have I revealed more than I should have???

So, do not be expecting any astronomical results...But as for my little silver ores...I do believe that the platinum results of the two samples should be pretty impressive...I just hope that I don't have some lousy luck and have it turn out to be sylvanite or calaverite or some other form of gold...I personally believe it to be platinum through some of my little tests...

I guess that we'll just have to wait and see...

Here is a little food for thought... SpiriferMinerals.com - minerals specimens, mineral specimens, minerals collecting, high quality minerals, fluorite, tourmaline ...And http://www.treasuremountainmining.com/index.php?route=pavblog/blog&id=58 ...I do believe my little silver specimens may be worth a pretty penny...But what do I know...

Of course I could be wrong and the area depicted in the Peralta stones may not be a platinum deposit where Antonio de Ulloa got some of his Piedras de Inga from...

Oh well...Only time will tell...

I am not really sure IF my ore has sperrylite in it...The stuff in my ore looks more like platarsite...But I could be wrong...I have been known to make a lot of mistakes...lol...I wonder???There are a lot of things that it could be...Here is an interesting site for those of you who find platinum interesting... https://www.mindat.org/element/Platinum ...

Maybe one day I will figure this darn ore out...hehehe

Hello John, hope you can figure out what kind of ore you found, interesting.

Pictures of the platarsite you mentioned reminded me of a rock I had seen many years ago.
Long story but I'll try to cut it down.

As a kid I had a friend whose dad was a teacher, later a principle of an elementary school. Anyway, his dad had worked his way through college working as a garbage-man. This was back when that was a hands-on job, manually emptying each trash can into the back of a truck. During those garbage-man days his dad had accumulated a collection of 'good trash' which he'd saved.

Years later his son took me into their garage and showed me his dad's 'trash' collection. All I can remember now is a nice, brand new boxed set of knives, and a chunk of very shiny rock about the size of a large grapefruit. From time to time, we'd take out that rock and admire it. All kids love shiny rocks.
Over the years, I've often wondered what the heck kind of ore/rock that had been?
Looking at pictures of the platarsite you mentioned was close, but not identical to the rock in my memory.

For the right amount, I'll take you to the trash-can where his dad found that said shiny rock.
Just kidding! ;)
I have no idea, other than I believe his dad went to college in Texas of all places.
(Maybe the trash can was from behind 'the Tumlinson Family' house!!!)

Good luck with your search John.

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Well EarnieP...Like I have mentioned...Platinum is a complicated element...And I am not exactly positive of what I have...Platarsite is about the closest thing that I believe looks like the crystal structure of what is in my ore...Of course I could be wrong and it could turn out being something completely different...Who can say for certain???

One never knows what one may find in the trash...That rock that your friend's dad could have been anything...It too just may have contained Platarsite...There are things in life that we may never know the answers to...

And I have said that I will no longer try to solicit funds on this site...So I can not offer to take anyone to said area that the ore came from IF the price were right...Heck...Why would I want to take anyone to a possible platinum deposit???I really would not know which of my two favorite deposits might be more valuable...My little silver hole or my little Tia Juana hole???

After all there is good trash and there is garbage...

IF I am correct in my statement that my little silver ore comes from the area depicted in the Peralta stones or the Tayopa map or any of several other treasure tale maps...Who knows???There may be a historic value that could be added to any ore or specimens from said location...

I gave away a few large pieces of my ore about the size of grapefruits or even larger EarnieP...At times I even wonder what ever became of them???

I guess that some mysteries in life were never meant to be solved...

And good luck to you as well in your searches EarnieP...

The dad's rock was shiny, metallic looking, 'silvery', but was more granular than crystal structure if I remember right. Possibly very small crystalline?
But that's working from childhood memories over 55 years old so may be a tad off.

I'll bet the son still has it, or the son's grandkids.

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The dad's rock was shiny, metallic looking, 'silvery', but was more granular than crystal structure if I remember right. Possibly very small crystalline?
But that's working from childhood memories over 55 years old so may be a tad off.

I'll bet the son still has it, or the son's grandkids.

Your description reminds me a lot of my ore...It too has very small crystals, I believe by what I have read, which are due to the rapid cooling of the magma...

55 years is a long time...One's memory may be a little off with that much of a time span...

I have not been to any of my little holes in over 20 years myself...So my memory may be a little off as well...When I first went to my little hole in the wall I don't even think that I was familiar with the: Peralta stones, or Tayopa, the Perflil map, or any of the other legends that I believe may coincide with one of my little holes in the wall...

I did not even have any idea that Tayopa, according to Don Jose, is #55 on the list of locations to search for...Nor do I really have any idea of which list he was speaking about...

Maybe one day I may try to return to the area that I believe to be the area depicted in the maps of which I have mentioned...I guess that only time will tell IF I will ever return...

IF Cubfan does take me up on my offer...He could post the results here on Tnet for all to see...Maybe then we will know once and for all IF some of the claims I have been making are justified...

No matter what the results...I will always believe that I have been to the area depicted in: the Peralta stones, the Tayopa map, the Perfil map, and some others...

Who can say that I haven't???

Good luck to all of you seekers of hidden treasures...And may you all come to find the elusive treasure that you deserve...


One of the 2 people who I wanted to ask whether they could/would run SEM-EDX on your sample for me is away on vacation for a couple weeks. I wasn't aware of that until I got back to work today. I did speak to the other person and they would be able to run it as time permits between company work. He believes they should be able to see what the relative amounts of elements are in the sample you provide.

If you're willing to send me a small sample, let me know via PM and I'll give you an address to ship it to also via PM. I can't promise you when I can have the analysis done, but I can make sure it happens and I'll make sure you get both the sample and results shipped back to you to do with as you please. I won't post any of the results anywhere - it will be up to you whether you want to do that or not.

Let me know either way.

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